How to write a performance review

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Writing Performance Reviews • Lesson 1
Video: Writing Performance Reviews • Lesson 1


Doing a performance analysis is as important as writing your university final exams. Your career growth depends largely on how well you can formulate and present an assessment of your performance. Remember the basic rule: in the corporate world what is not said about simply does not exist! So you must present your work, accomplishments and performance in the best possible way. In this article, you will find some very helpful tips that, if you follow them when writing your performance review, will certainly help you stand out from the crowd and lead you to rapid career growth!


Method 1 of 1: Writing a Performance Review

  1. 1 Don't miss anything. Many times we see a tendency to understate our own work and achievements. Although we work hard on the project, we end up saying, "It's nothing, nothing special." It is a big mistake to say such things! You should always flaunt and praise all the good work you've done and make sure you take full advantage of the benefits! So, the first step in writing a performance review is to list all of your accomplishments, thank you letters, projects you have participated in, and have done more than was expected of you.Don't miss anything in the whole year.
  2. 2 Highlight the people associated with these issues. Many times you have helped your colleagues to finish their tasks or projects, etc. Many times you have helped someone with their personal affairs. Many times you have done something that helped your team become even stronger. Underline it all. This will create a great reputation for you!
  3. 3 Emphasize "extra" work activities that you have been involved in during the year. Many of us take part in some kind of corporate social activity at work. Some of us also run clubs etc. at work. This should all be part of your performance review. So make sure you remember to write about it and highlight your contributions.
  4. 4 Don't be too humble in your assessment of your work. If you yourself do not think that you are a great performer, then believe me, no one else will ever think so. So make sure you rate yourself high, and if there is any doubt between two ratings (say 2 or 3), always go for the higher rating (2 in this case).
  5. 5 Justify what you write. Make sure you provide proof of what you wrote. If you say that your work has received high praise from many clients during the year, make sure you include a thank-you letter from clients.
  6. 6 Back up your data with numbers where possible. There is an old saying: numbers don't lie! You should always prove your rating, which you present in your performance review, with numbers. If you say you were instrumental in driving the company's sales, then make sure you include numbers on the number of new customers you have attracted and how much the company's revenue has increased. Keep in mind that the numbers speak for themselves and no one can deny them!


  • It is advisable to write down your key achievements, etc. throughout the year so you don't miss out on anything important.
  • Make a plan and devote enough time to write your report.


  • If it becomes known that you are falsifying the facts, it can completely ruin your career.
  • Don't fake anything.