Be nice to your brother

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Be Kind to Your Family  | Learn Kindness | Songs for Kids
Video: Be Kind to Your Family | Learn Kindness | Songs for Kids


Sometimes it's easier to make things difficult for your brother or to take him for granted. And yet, for many people who have a brother, it can be important to become aware of his good qualities, to recognize all the wonderful things he does (including for you), and to give him a moral boost that shows that you are real. cares about him and that you are grateful that he is your brother.

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Method 1 of 5: Say something kind

  1. Compliment him. Sometimes a kind word is enough to get through a difficult moment or day. Here are some simple suggestions to try:
    • "You have great ideas! You're always so creative. "
    • "I'm such lucky to have you as a brother."
    • "I really love your smile."
  2. Show your love. Four simple words: "I love to see you." These can mean so many and so many different things to so many different people. Telling your brother that you love him is an impressive display of emotion.
  3. Try to avoid the negative. Try not to whine, gossip, or be nasty. Brothers are the same as everyone else and don't need much to be a nuisance when they feel like someone is lecturing them, sweating on them, or constantly harassing them. Think for a moment how annoying it can be when someone acts like that to you and do everything you can to stay positive.
  4. Give him praise. You should always praise your brother. If he's done something really great, let him know (this is also a good way to make sure he's doing it again).
    • For example, if he puts the extra effort into studying for a particular subject, tell him that he has really impressive study habits and that he will undoubtedly do very well in class.
    • Even when someone fails, praise can be used to stimulate resilience. For example, say "Well done. You almost did it last time. "
    • Don't forget to give credit for the effort and not the results. If you give praise for the end result or success, he can associate it with success and forget the effort he had to put in to achieve that goal.

Method 2 of 5: Do a good deed

  1. Avoid banal and meaningless discussions. There will always be discussions between siblings from time to time. This can happen at any age. But instead of promoting a hostile mood, in that case, do your best to know which battles are worth fighting and which ones to avoid. Try to find a compromise or see things from his point of view when you're really down by what's going on between the two of you. Maybe you will make sure that he also takes your point of view into account!
  2. Be kind and respectful. Do this even if it feels abnormal or if you think it is not appreciated. At best, this will allow you to avoid possible discussions, or situations where someone is in charge.
  3. Clean your brother's room. This can be a difficult task, especially if it is sloppy, but you will certainly please him. Try to put the things he likes in the front and the things he barely touches in the back of the cupboard.
    • Organize his movies or music alphabetically. Do this so that he knows perfectly where to find his favorites.
    • Fold and organize his clothes. Every now and then a wardrobe loses all organization. Tidy up his closet and make sure that all similar items of clothing are together.
    • Dust and vacuum. Really cleaning can get your hands dirty at times, but this can be a good idea if your brother really doesn't like other people touching his stuff.
  4. Do some extra chores assigned to your brother. Doing your brother's chores will give him some extra time to do what he wants. By being selfless you show how much you love your brother. He will certainly appreciate this. There is even a chance that your parents will notice and reward you.

Method 3 of 5: Give a gift

  1. Give him space. Just giving someone time may not seem like much, but it may be just what they need. Try to give your brother the space he needs to keep his life in order and expect him to do the same for you. While it's nice to spend some time together, don't want to be with him all the time or insist that he's your best friend.
  2. Buy him one of his favorite things. Unexpected gifts are a great way to make someone happy. It shouldn't be big, but it should be enough to show you're thinking about him.
    • Try to bring his favorite snack with you on your way home. No one can resist their favorite treat.
    • Are you in line at the supermarket? Buy some candies that he likes. There's a reason those candies are there, because most people make impulsive purchases based on what they like.
    • A simple card with a heartwarming text is a great way to express your feelings. Try to find a card with music to give you a laugh.
  3. Give him something of yourself. Most people with siblings long for something they have. If you have an item you no longer use, such as a piece of clothing, jewelry, or a favorite electronic device, giving it to your brother is a great way to show that you care.
  4. Make him something. It doesn't have to be extravagant or time-consuming, but here are some ideas for making something easier on your own that shows you spent time on it.
    • A homemade plate for the butter-cheese-eggs game is simple and can provide a lot of fun moments. A four-line board and a pen are all it takes to make this.
    • Sew or knit something simple. If you are very handy with a needle and thread, a knitting project can make a nice gift to give to your brother.
    • Consider buying a clock in a paper plate. Handy, functional, fun and perfect for hanging up by your brother in his room or office. Especially useful if you have a brother who is always late.

Method 4 of 5: Spend time with your brother

  1. Be there for him during difficult times. Life doesn't always go according to plan and there will be times when he will need you. Be there for him and support him when he experiences problems in his job, relationship, with his health or anything else. Because of this, he will probably also be there for you more often when you need it.
  2. Travel together. You can learn a lot from each other when you are out of your daily environment and do something that requires you to support each other. Try to plan some outdoor activities so you can have a good time together.
    • Camping is a fun way to get away from it all. Pitch a tent, light a fire and get the marshmallows out. A night under the stars can strengthen your bond considerably.
    • Exercise in the hills together. Go mountain biking or put on your running shoes and follow the trails.
    • Fishing is a great way to enjoy a quiet moment together. Sitting near serene waters can provide a moment where you two can have a great conversation ... and maybe even catch some fish.
    • If you don't live together, take some time to meet at a local cafe or at one of your homes to catch up with a cup of coffee or a meal. And if you do live together, you can make plans for the "journey of a lifetime" so that you can catch up at a distant destination abroad.
  3. Find some entertainment together. Find a way to burst out laughing; a moment when you can simply be yourself in the company of your brother.
    • Jokes and stories can be an ideal way to reconnect with each other. A comedy club can make you laugh until it hurts. Maybe you would like to try performing stand-up comedy yourself?
    • Choose a movie to watch together. Go to a nice cinema, an alternative cinema or rent a movie. Whatever it is, a movie you both enjoy can strengthen your bond.
    • Go to a concert together. Put on the right clothes, sing all the songs and dance until your heart is satisfied. Going to a concert would even be good for your health.
  4. Be there for your brother at special times in his life. Sometimes he can be in a situation where he needs your support and help in public. Be there for him as someone who has faith in him and believes him.

Method 5 of 5: Show your love

  1. Give your brother a big one Hug. Simply give him a hug and tell him you love him and that you are proud of him. You don't need an excuse for this; every moment is suitable for this.
  2. Try to be concerned with the things your brother does. This means that you should not pay attention to what you find annoying, troublesome or unfair. Try to put the competitive spirit aside and not always beat him. Simply list the things he likes to do and make it clear that you appreciate these things.
  3. Take care of him when he is sick. Bring him chicken soup with noodles, take his temperature or put a cold washcloth on his forehead. Be his doctor for a day.
  4. Give your brother a kiss. In many cultures, it is normal to give kisses for a variety of reasons. Sometimes a kiss on the cheek is enough and others choose to kiss on the lips or on the forehead. Regardless of where it is being kissed, a kiss is a simple sign that you are willing to express your emotions.
  5. Give him a hand massage. The hands, wrists and forearms absorb a lot of tension and a hand massage is not so intimate that it becomes strange. This is especially helpful if your brother is busy every day.
  6. Play with your brother. It doesn't matter what game you play together, but a physical game allows for physical interaction that he will probably appreciate. Sweating together is a great way to strengthen your bond.