How to increase your NAD level

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
KEYS TO SLOWER AGING - How to Increase NAD Levels Naturally
Video: KEYS TO SLOWER AGING - How to Increase NAD Levels Naturally


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD, is a molecule that helps improve metabolism, energy release, and cell formation and repair. NAD levels decrease with age; if you keep it high, you can slow down the aging process. Nutritious foods, especially foods high in B vitamins, help the body produce, store, and use NAD. In addition, nicotinamide riboside supplementation has been found to be an effective way to increase NAD levels. You should also exercise regularly, reduce your alcohol consumption, and wear sunscreen before going outside.


Method 1 of 3: Eat NAD-Increasing Foods

  1. 1 Eat more raw foods that contain vitamin B. B vitamins are found in many foods and increase NAD levels.It should be noted that these vitamins are very sensitive and are easily destroyed during cooking or some kind of processing. While the food that needs to be cooked is still an acceptable source of vitamin B, you should enrich your diet with raw foods such as nuts, avocados, and sunflower seeds.
    • On the other hand, foods that need to be cooked, such as chicken or fish, are better off baked or steamed to retain more nutrients.
    • The cooking method affects a particular vitamin in different ways. Time, the degree of heating, and the food itself also affect the amount of lost nutrients.
  2. 2 Replace white flour, bread, and rice with whole grain counterparts. Because the processing process can destroy the B vitamins, whole grains are more nutritious. Instead of white bread, opt for whole grain or multiple grain breads, and eat brown rice instead of white rice.
  3. 3 Eat fortified breakfast cereals. It's good to have sugar-free cereal for breakfast. In addition, they are one of the richest sources of vitamin B3. Add milk to your cereal to make your breakfast even healthier. Among other nutrients, cow's milk also contains vitamin B3, which the body synthesizes into NAD.
  4. 4 Drink 2-3 cups (480-720 ml) of milk fortified with vitamin D daily. Vitamin D improves the body's ability to store and use NAD. The B vitamins found in milk increase NAD levels. Increase the level of NAD and the effectiveness of its further use by the body to improve metabolism and slow down the aging process.
  5. 5 Eat the healthy proteins found in chicken, fish, nuts, mushrooms, and eggs. Healthy proteins are a good source of B vitamins. Although red meat also contains B vitamins, one or more servings of red meat per day can increase your risk of heart disease, especially if the meat has been pre-processed.
    • For lunch or dinner, add 85 grams of chicken breast or baked salmon to a nutritious side dish. Alternatively, eat 1–2 eggs or 2 tablespoons (20 g) of unsalted peanuts.
  6. 6 Garnish with lentils or moon beans. Lentils can be used in a variety of dishes and are very easy to prepare. Make lentil soup, warm or cold lentil salad, mix it with brown rice, or add it to a variety of other dishes. Like lentils, moon beans (lima beans) are also very quick and easy to cook, and are an excellent source of nutrients that increase NAD levels.
  7. 7 Eat healthy unsaturated fat in moderation. A diet high in fat and sugar can lower NAD levels and interfere with the metabolic process that involves the NAD molecule. The body requires a moderate amount of healthy fats, so include a small amount of plant-derived unsaturated fats in your diet. Slice a few slices of avocado for a sandwich or salad, or eat 2 tablespoons (30 g) of peanut butter.

Method 2 of 3: Increase OVER with Supplements

  1. 1 Check with your doctor before taking any nutritional supplements. The body converts vitamin B3 to NAD, so nutritional supplements designed to increase NAD tend to contain B vitamins. However, excessive amounts of B vitamins can damage the liver and cause other unpleasant side effects. What's more, dietary supplements can interact with some medications, so talk with your doctor about your diet and medications before starting a new supplement.
    • Ask your doctor if you should consider whether you are getting enough nutrients.Ask him if the supplement will have a negative effect on any medicine and if you should make any changes to your diet.
    • Negative drug interactions can lead to dangerous side effects or ineffectiveness of the medication you are taking.
  2. 2 Take 100–250 mg of nicotinamide riboside (NR) daily. HP is a type of vitamin B3 that has won scientific community approval as an effective means of increasing NAD levels. Nicotinamide riboside supplements can be purchased online, at your pharmacy, or at a health store. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 100–250 mg of nicotinamide riboside with a glass of water.
    • Although the recommended dosage is 100–250 mg, the exact amount should be checked with your doctor.
  3. 3 Try pterostilbene or resveratrol supplements. Some nicotinamide riboside supplements also contain pterostilbene or resveratrol, which may improve the body's ability to use NAD. They can also be purchased in separate supplements.
    • Be sure to check with your doctor for the exact dosage and ask if you can take this supplement.
  4. 4 Start taking vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D is not only a key element in a number of bodily functions, it can also increase NAD levels. Although it can be obtained from milk, vitamin-rich breakfast cereals, and direct sunlight, ask your doctor if you should take a vitamin D supplement.Although the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for an adult is 800 IU, this number may vary depending on age, nutritional status. and sun exposure.
    • Keep in mind that B vitamins, vitamin D, and other nutrients are best obtained from healthy foods rather than supplements.

Method 3 of 3: Make lifestyle changes to increase NAD levels

  1. 1 Play sports for at least half an hour a day. In addition to its many benefits, regular exercise also stimulates the production of NAD, improves metabolism and the body's ability to recover NAD. Most adults should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Aerobic exercise is especially good for your overall well-being, so make sure to make time each day for a brisk walk, run, swim, or bike.
    • If you are not used to exercise, consult your doctor before starting exercise. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have had heart, bone, joint or other health problems.
  2. 2 Reduce your alcohol consumption. NAD is involved in metabolism and cell formation, and alcohol complicates these processes. Men are advised to drink no more than 2-3 servings of alcohol per day, while for women this figure is no more than 1-2 servings. If you are drinking more than the recommended amount, try to reduce your alcohol intake.
  3. 3 Apply sunscreen every time you go outside. Ultraviolet rays damage skin cells, which forces the body to use the accumulated NAD to repair these damage. To keep sun damage to a minimum, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to your skin daily, especially if you are going to be in direct sunlight for more than 15-30 minutes.