Keep a diary for a year and make this interesting

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write & Hide A Diary
Video: How to Write & Hide A Diary


A journal is a way to keep track of your memories, but it has other benefits too - diaries are good for your creativity and mental health, and can even help you become a better writer! To make journal writing and being creative a part of your everyday life, make it a habit!

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Method 1 of 3: Get into the habit of writing daily

  1. Keep your agenda handy. One of the hardest parts of keeping a journal every day is making it a daily habit. A simple trick to get into this habit is to keep your diary in an easily accessible and visible place.
    • Many people like to keep their diaries with them wherever they go; in a jacket pocket, purse or backpack. This way you can write in your journal anytime you have an idea.
    • Others prefer to keep their diary in an accessible place at home, such as next to the bed. Keeping your journal where you can see it will ensure that you don't forget to write every day.
  2. Set a time when you want to write. Many people find it helpful to write around the same time every day. It is common just before going to sleep or in the morning immediately after waking up. Both options give you the opportunity to reflect on the previous day.
    • Writing around a set time helps you develop a daily writing routine. This makes it difficult for you to forget, and your brain gets used to writing at a certain point. Eventually, you may start to notice that the words start to flow a little easier when it's writing time.
    • Of course you can write in your diary at any time! A scheduled writing time does not mean that you cannot write at a different time, for example if you suddenly have inspiration. You can also just write several times a day if you prefer.
  3. Don't worry about other people's opinions... Your diary is private and not in front of anyone else's eyes. When writing in your journal you don't have to worry about spelling and grammar or what other people think about what you write.
    • Adhering to rules too rigidly can distract or slow you down. This can hinder your creativity.
    • Personal writing, just for yourself, can help you get to know yourself better, reduce stress, help resolve disputes with others, and process complex emotions. This can have a positive effect on both your mental and physical health.
    • If there is something in your journal that you want to share with others, you can always check it if you are concerned about spelling and grammar.
  4. Create a "template" for the writing. Some days the writing will be easy and natural. Other days it can be more difficult to get started. On those days it can be useful to start with a few set questions to answer (a kind of writing template). Here are a few suggestions:
    • What did I do yesterday / today?
    • What lessons have I learned?
    • What am I feeling now?
    • What am I grateful for?
    • What did I read yesterday / today?
    • What are my plans for today / tomorrow?
    • What is the most important thing I want to achieve today / tomorrow / this week? Why?
  5. Use bullets for short clips. Some days you don't have much time to write, or you just don't feel like it. In such cases, a brief mention of just a few lists of events or thoughts you had that day will suffice.
    • For example, your notes could be something like:
      • Had lunch with Sarah at Casa d'Italia.
      • Concerns about new project - will we get funding?
      • Started reading Crime and Punishment; interesting so far, but a bit difficult to follow.
    • Sometimes these lists provide enough content for a longer piece to write at a later time. Even if not, it's better to take notes than skip writing for a day.
  6. Don't give up if you miss a day. If, for whatever reason, you are unable to write in your journal, don't be discouraged. Your journal is yours, and there is no rule that says you should write absolutely every day.
    • That said, try never to miss more than two days in a row. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting rid of your daily writing habit.

Method 2 of 3: Keep it interesting

  1. Give your calendar a specific goal. Sometimes you will find yourself in a phase of life where you feel that not much interesting is happening. This makes it more difficult to write something interesting every day. You can deal with this by dedicating your journal to a specific goal and writing about it every day. For example, you can try the following:
    • A project diary in which you record your progress with an ongoing project, whether personal or professional.
    • A gratitude diary, in which you write down every day what you are grateful for.
    • A nature diary, in which you write about plants, animals, the weather or other natural things that you see around you every day.
    • A dream diary, in which you write about your dreams every morning after waking up (if you have forgotten your dreams, just write down that you cannot remember them).
  2. Be detailed. Going deeper into the events of the day will make your diary more interesting. It will also make your journal more useful if you want to reminisce later in your life.
    • Even something really interesting can seem boring when described without detail. For example, you could write, "Tonight I went to a concert of my favorite band." That's not particularly telling.
    • On the other hand, describing the crowd's lavish applause, that amazing solo from the guitarist, and the moment the singer leaned over to kiss someone in the front row on the cheek will bring this memory to life. That makes it more interesting to write down and reread later.
  3. Write about the thoughts and feelings, not just events. Likewise, your writing will become more interesting if you provide your personal reflection on events that happened to you, not just the events themselves, or just your emotional reactions.
    • After the previous example, you could describe the expectation of when your favorite band walked onstage, how the sound of the bass made your whole body vibrate, how excited and happy you were when they played your favorite song, and so on.
    • In this way it also becomes possible to use your diary to process your feelings in difficult times.
  4. Be honest. Remember, you only write for yourself. Fill your calendar with honest reflections to make the experience more useful to you. It will probably make it more interesting as well.
    • Suppressing your feelings in your journal will make the experience of writing less satisfying. Since you are writing for yourself only, you should be free to feel your thoughts and feelings in a deep and substantial way, without fear of judgment.
  5. Use your journal for creative writing. Most people think of a diary as a personal story and that is indeed what a diary is often aimed at. Don't be afraid to use your diary for more creative writing as well, especially if you don't feel like you have much to say about your own life.
    • Some people use their diaries for writing short stories or other fiction.
    • You can write down poems you've read or lyrics that inspire you, or better yet, use it as a place to write your own poems or songs.
    • This material could be an initial draft of something that you will develop more fully later on, or it could just be a personal statement that will remain in your journal.
  6. Add images to it. Another way to keep your journal interesting is to use it for things other than writing. Brighten up the whole thing with some images!
    • This can be anything from fully designed scrapbook pages to a few simple drawings or doodles in the margin.
    • You can use your diary as an opportunity to keep small souvenirs from the events you describe. For example, after seeing your favorite band, you can paste the ticket on the page where you wrote about the concert.

Method 3 of 3: Choose inspiring materials

  1. Choose a journal that you find attractive. Some people feel that it doesn't matter what you use as a diary. For some this may be true. For others, however, a diary they feel comfortable with will make it easier to write.
    • Check the store to see what different diary choices they have, and hold a selection in hand to see which one feels best.
    • Choose something that you find attractive, but not so beautiful that you are afraid to write in it or that it will get messy. Journal writing has nothing to do with neatness and order. The best diaries are often messy and jumbled.
    • Consider the size of your journal. Many people like to be able to take their diary with them. You can take this into account by buying a smaller sized diary. On the other hand, you may be planning to add artistic, scrapbook-style embellishments to your journal, and you may need a slightly larger one.
  2. Experiment with different writing pens. Some people also find it easier to write with a certain type of pen. If you like a cheap disposable pen, don't worry about it, but if you prefer a nicer pen, pay a little extra for something you enjoy writing.
    • Again, check out a stationery store and try out different pens. See what feels best. The idea is to make sure you do it want start writing so that it can become a daily habit.
  3. Consider keeping your journal online. Not everyone who keeps a diary does so on paper. While many people find that they are more creative and focused on writing in a physical journal, others are satisfied with keeping an online journal.
    • An online diary prevents the risk of loss. On the other hand, there is always the risk that it can be hacked or the server crashes. Consider the pros and cons and decide what suits you best.
    • If you opt for an online journal, there are plenty of options available, such as Livejournal, Penzu or Some of these websites allow you to make some of what you write public, while keeping other material private.


  • You can make your calendar more attractive by personalizing it. Glue some photos of yourself, your favorite actor / actress, your pets, friends, or whatever you want to the cover (or inside).
  • If you don't know what you want to write about, you can write down the lyrics of the best song you listened to that day, or write about something you noticed. You can even vent on something that really annoyed you that day. Just try to write something down.
  • Try to add some history about places you've been. You can do some extra research on the places you have visited and record it in your journal. If you're really out of ideas, write about the history of any household object.
  • You can add drawings, doodles and even comics to your journal to make it more interesting.


  • Make sure to keep your diary in a safe place. You don't want anyone to sneak into it, but you don't want to lose it either. Keep your journal in a place you'll remember easily, but hidden from prying eyes.