How to increase blog traffic

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Increase Blog Traffic with 13 Proven Tactics | The Journey
Video: How to Increase Blog Traffic with 13 Proven Tactics | The Journey


Attendance is one of the main indicators of blog success; the more people visit your blog, the more they learn about your work or your views. If you want your blog to become famous in the internet community, take a look at the methods below. You will learn how to create quality content and start gaining new readers every day.


Method 1 of 2: Part 1: Content Optimization

  1. 1 Choose an original and understandable title. The title of your blog is what readers see first; in addition, it is also one of the factors by which the search engine determines the topic of your blog. The title of your blog should give the reader a clear idea of ​​what they are going to read. It should be simple, not long, and not similar to the names of other sites and blogs.
    • Consider this when choosing a domain name. Incomprehensible words turn people off and make it harder for people to remember a blog.
  2. 2 Design carefully. The first thing your blog visitors will pay attention to is how it looks. While the old adage says you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, that rule doesn't apply to a blog. If you want people to stay on your blog, you need to get them interested in a great design first; if they like it, they will start reading the content of the blog.
    • Create a graphic site header that matches the theme of your content. A high-quality and well-thought-out graphic title will give visitors an idea of ​​your blog and will be able to grab their attention.
    • Maintain the color scheme in three tones. An excessive amount of colors strains the eyes and distracts the user from the content. Choose one or two neutral colors and one or two brighter ones.
    • Create a small logo for your blog if possible. Using branding will make your blog more memorable and help others recognize it on the internet by its logo.
  3. 3 Organize your content. If you have great design and content, you need to make sure you have a good organization as well. If readers can't find what they are looking for easily, they are unlikely to visit the blog again and recommend it to their friends. Create a navigation bar at the top of the page or in a column with links to popular articles. In addition, use the tagging system, specifying keywords or phrases in the articles that will help the reader to find the desired material more easily.
    • If you are experienced with coding, add a search bar to your blog. With its help, it will be more convenient for your readers to search for information in the blog without looking at pages and links that they are not interested in.
    • Create general categories / links for your navigation bar, with subcategories for each general link. This will make the blog search process easier.
  4. 4 Focus on your target audience. Perhaps you want everyone to read your blog, but usually the main audience is the target audience. Check out popular blogs that are similar to yours, or those you look up to, and think about the audience they are aimed at.By prioritizing quality, targeted content instead of being expansive and vague, you will find that you will soon gain loyal readers who regularly share your posts.
    • If you are creating a beauty / fashion blog, make sure the blog's look and content matches that.
    • If your topic is more extensive, write several articles, each detailing a particular part of the general topic.
  5. 5 Add interesting pictures. People are visuals, and they find it much more interesting to read an article if it contains pictures. If you're a photographer or graphic designer, use your creativity to create pictures and photos that work great for every single post. If you are unable to do this, look for pictures on the Internet (with the permission of the authors / resources, or with links to them), and combine them with your text.
    • If you add your own images, add a small watermark with the name of your blog or a link to it. This way, if your images go online, people will see that you are their author and can visit your blog.
    • Write a short note on your blog that people can use your images as long as they want as long as they link to your article / blog.
  6. 6 Improve your writing skills. People are already attracted to the look and feel of your blog, but now you need to provide them with quality content to stay. In general, blogs should be written in an easy manner and simple language (except for scientific or other specialized blogs). Optimize your blog for search engines (SEO) by using popular search terms in your text. This will make your blog appear higher in search results and increase the chances that more people will visit it.
    • Always check the grammar and spelling of your text.
    • Don't write long paragraphs without separating them. It is difficult for people to read solid text, so divide it into sections, phrases, and short paragraphs.
    • Make your writing recognizable; readers give preference to those whose articles are creative and recognizable.
  7. 7 Know when to stop. When you're full of inspiration, or have something to say, you can create notes, pictures, and articles that are difficult to read. Try to keep each entry relatively short, breaking up broad topics into several short articles. On top of that, avoid using large banner ads, overly flashy images, and lots of links all over the page.
    • Keep in mind that the longer your page takes to load, the lower it will appear in the search results. Thus, it is in your best interest to keep your notes short.
    • The old adage “less is more” applies very much to blogging.
  8. 8 Choose content with a long-term perspective. This can be difficult depending on the style of your blog, but if you focus on 'non-trend' articles, you will have a lot more readers in the future. If you are writing about current trends, insert it into an article that can remain popular for a long time. Thus, you practically guarantee yourself future readers, especially if at the very beginning the article gains a lot of views. If you write only about the things that are popular at the moment, then you will have a certain audience, but in a few months its number may decline dramatically.
    • Articles 'Popular Today' are also needed, but in moderation. However, if you want to have a constant stable attendance, try to keep their number to a minimum.
    • The emphasis on content with a long-term perspective is more relevant for blogs that monitor current trends in areas such as fashion, beauty, technology, and pop culture.
  9. 9 Link to yourself. If you have a lot of published articles already, feel free to link to them in your new posts! Readers will dive deeper into your blog and are more likely to find something interesting for themselves if you provide many links to other posts. Insert them discreetly into your text, turning words or phrases into hyperlinks that do not distract the reader from reading the information.
  10. 10 Post regularly. If you have great content but add it once a month, chances are even the most dedicated readers will get tired of waiting for your updates. Define a schedule for your posts, for example add a new post at least once a week. Remember - the more you post, the more chances you will have new readers.
    • Don't go to extremes by posting even when you don't have quality content. It's okay when a certain amount of time passes between recordings, if you spend it on creating something worthwhile.

Method 2 of 2: Part 2: Attracting Readers

  1. 1 Use social media to promote your blog. The most effective way to promote your blog outside of your family and friends is by using social media. Since it is problematic to keep track of a large number of accounts, you can select several and focus on them; over time, you will see a good increase in your audience. Some of the more popular social media sites are:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
    • Instagram
    • Reddit
    • LinkedIn
    • Google+
    • Tumblr
  2. 2 Participate in blogging communities. If you enjoy reading other blogs with similar topics, you may have noticed that people can leave comments on popular posts with a link to their blog. Simple comments are useful for promoting your name too, but if you can post a link to a blog, chances are a few people will definitely pay attention to it. Since these people are interested in this topic, later they can become your regular readers.
    • Add helpful and meaningful comments to other blogs. Boring and abstract comments with a link to your blog will only alienate people.
    • Comment frequently and on different blogs. Over time, the authors of these blogs will notice your activity, and may contact you for cooperation.
  3. 3 Try guest blogging. If you can connect with one of the bloggers in your community, ask them about the option to add a guest post. They will leave a link to your site on their blog, thereby attracting a completely new audience that might not know about you. After that, they may ask you to do the same, only on your blog. Therefore, before asking someone about guest blogging, create a separate section for other bloggers or write questions that you will ask them. If you already have a guest booking plan for them, they will be more inclined to accept your offer.
    • If you are good friends with another blogger, just ask him to create your blog entry. He can agree without hesitation, and give you free access to create a record.
    • The simplest are guest posts in interview format, but if you know exactly what you want, you can ask another blogger to create completely new content for you.
  4. 4 Set up your alert system. You've probably come across this - find an interesting blog, forget to save the link, and never visit it again. Don't let this happen to your readers! On your blog, you can create an e-mail newsletter system to notify readers of new entries. How to do it? Join the program; this site will allow other users to follow you and receive regular notifications of new entries.
    • Instead of doing an e-mail newsletter for each new entry, it is better to do it once a month to those users who comment or subscribe.Thus, you will not annoy your readers with dozens of unwanted emails.
  5. 5 Share links. Many blogs create a separate column for ads and links to other bloggers with similar topics. Allocate space on your site to post links to other bloggers so they can post your link on their site. Look for free or cheap ad space on other blogs. As a result, both sides will get more readers, so it's a win-win option.
    • If you haven't had ads on your blog before, set up a free first month promotion to attract other bloggers.
    • The more popular a blog is, the more expensive it is to advertise on it. Start promoting with small blogs, gradually strive for more famous ones.
    • You can pay right away to advertise your blog on a popular site, but this is very expensive and not the best option for budding bloggers.
  6. 6 Write about other bloggers and tell them about it. Sometimes, when you read other blogs, you may notice references to posts by other authors or bloggers they read. When this happens, these authors often repost the entry in which they were mentioned. If a blogger really inspires you, link to him on your blog and send that person an email or comment. He will be pleased that you have noticed him, and it is quite possible that he will become your new reader.
    • List your favorite blogs and link to them. This increases the chances that writers will appreciate the courtesy and get you mentioned in their blogs.
    • If you are uncomfortable with publicly declaring blogs that you like, you can contact the authors and tell them directly. They will appreciate your message and can subscribe to the blog.
  7. 7 Post at the right time. If your target audience is men in their 50s, posting at midnight may not be the best solution. Likewise, it would be unwise to publish the entry “How to Decorate a Christmas Tree?” The day after New Years. Be mindful of your target audience and content, choose your post date and time wisely.
    • Posts that date back to a specific date should be published a few weeks earlier. This will give readers enough time to find your entry before that date.
    • If you post regularly, try to post at the same time every day. Thus, readers will know when to wait for new updates, and will go to your blog without notifications.


  • Advertise in the right places. Try to promote your blog in places on the internet where people might be interested in your topic. If you're writing an article that your friend might like, tell him about it. You can even adapt your signature for different forums. If your blog is about gardening and your forum post is about roses, insert in your signature a link to the relevant blog category, all rose related articles, or a link to your best article on roses.
  • Choose a topic that interests you. Stable traffic comes over time, so you should choose a topic that will be interesting for you to write about, even without getting a lot of reviews. You will definitely gain followers if you choose a popular trending topic, but if you don't understand it, you will lose your audience and soon realize that you are not interested in writing about it.
  • While not all bloggers do this, buying a domain name can make your blog easier to find on the internet and give it a more professional look. “” is easier to remember than “”, so a shorter URL can increase your traffic.
  • Remember the competition. Knowing what other blogs with similar topics are offering will help you find your own uniqueness.


  • Respect other sites. People don't like it when someone uses their site solely to advertise theirs.If you are browsing other people's blogs, leave useful comments on interesting articles. If you post on the forum, read the rules and participate in discussions. Do not post just to leave your link.
  • Don't spam. Tell people about your blog, but don't constantly bore them with invitations. If you are asked to stop advertising on any site or in personal correspondence, stop it.
  • If you blog about your personal life, be careful what information you share. Your blog should not contain information that will help the reader find you in real life. If you are going to discuss family and friends on your blog, use fake names to avoid confusing anyone.
  • Never steal content. Only your work should be on your blog. If you use something else, such as pictures or quotes, ask the author for permission, and give a link to the source. Stealing content is the fastest way to discredit yourself and lose readers.