How to increase muscle mass in your arms

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get “Bigger Arms” in 22 Days! (GUARANTEED)
Video: Get “Bigger Arms” in 22 Days! (GUARANTEED)


While many people strive to lose excess weight, some work hard to gain weight, especially in certain areas of the body. It is not enough just to gain weight only in certain parts of the body. You will need good discipline and special training to target specific areas of your body.If you belong to a group of people who are looking to gain muscle mass in their arms, then you need to follow a specific exercise technique, as well as adhere to the correct diet to increase your weight and muscle mass.


  1. 1 Check with your GP before embarking on a weight gain program.
  2. 2 Eat more calories with each meal. Eat foods that are high in calories but healthy, such as dried fruits, nuts, olives, and avocados.
  3. 3 Eat more and more often, for example 5 or 6 times a day instead of 2 or 3 times.
  4. 4 If you are cooking, add calorie-rich ingredients. For example, drink whole milk, eat oatmeal, add more cheese to an omelette, and toss nuts and croutons in a salad. Add more high-calorie ingredients to pancakes or pancakes.
  5. 5 Increase the load of the squats you are doing (if you are not doing them, add them to your set of exercises) to one and a half times your body weight and do 1 repetition or more, if possible.
  6. 6 Increase your deadlift weight by 2 times your body weight with at least one repetition.
  7. 7 Let your arms rest (they contain small muscles) instead of pumping biceps and triceps for now. Muscles grow during rest.
  8. 8 Track your progress and record your new weight, and measure the thickness of your arms with a measuring tape every 2 weeks.
  9. 9 For now, try to get stronger without paying too much attention to weight gain. Your arms will gain strength and weight as other parts of your body are brought into play.

Method 1 of 1: Advanced method

  1. 1 Tone your arms and build arm muscle with strength training in the form of biceps curls, triceps and shoulder exercises.
  2. 2 Use heavy weights. If you manage to do 6 or more reps with this weight, then it is too easy for you.
  3. 3 Try to train your triceps more than your biceps. Triceps outnumber biceps.
  4. 4 Alternate sets of biceps and triceps exercises to increase all sides of your arms.


  • Strength training will be different for beginners and professionals. Beginners should start with standard muscle building exercises all over the place without focusing on any specific muscle group, otherwise you will have an unbalanced figure. Try to adjust your diet to gain weight to train all the large muscles, such as the legs, before moving on to the smaller muscles, such as the biceps.
  • If you don't have weights or dumbbells at home, try using your own body weight or lifting water bottles, containers of cleaning products, and empty jars.

What do you need

  • Training area without obstacles
  • Weighing equipment
  • Journal for records of results
  • Measuring tape