How to survive in a cadet school

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to survive a Military school
Video: How to survive a Military school


The military school is very different from other types of educational institutions. You leave friends, family, home and enter a new life. Your parents may have sent you there because of behavior problems or some other reason. Either way, you are now in a military academy and plan to make the best of this time.


  1. 1 Keep in mind that you will be living in dorms, so it may be best to leave some valuables at home to avoid being stolen.
  2. 2 There are rules here, so obey orders and don't complain. If you do not do as ordered, you may be in trouble. This is not a summer camp. You are here to learn and become a leader. Show respect even if you don't really feel it. Your teachers are professionals in their field, their job is to prepare you and educate you in military discipline. Trust me, they know how to do it.
  3. 3 Meet the commanders. Show by your behavior that you are ready to learn, then they will not bother you.
  4. 4 Get to know your roommates as soon as possible if you don't like them - find new ones as soon as possible. If you have been given a specific room without asking your preference, there is nothing you can do about it.
  5. 5 Focus on your future. This will motivate you to do whatever it takes to succeed. You are here for a reason, never forget it.
  6. 6 Go with the flow. Wear a uniform is an indicator of equality and camaraderie. Don't complain about difficulties and obey orders. The march will keep you feeling like you are part of something larger and will also help you work together.
  7. 7 Keep your room clean and be prepared for sudden checks. Remember that every room is checked and every resident is responsible for keeping their room clean and tidy.
  8. 8 Wait for the war games! You will be incredibly lucky if they are held. There are rewards for them, so don't miss them! If your military academy does not have any activities like war games, suggest this idea to your superiors.
  9. 9 Prepare yourself for the fact that a review committee may come to your home someday. Maybe your parents just can't handle you anymore. Don't hate your parents. They love you and they know what's best for you. Behave with dignity, and you may be able to get out of there. In any case, it can lead to changes in your personality for the better.
  10. 10 Do one of the following to leave this establishment with dignity:
    • Good behavior
    • Successes (works great along with good behavior)
    • Release
    • Admission to another college

  11. 11 In the future, avoid actions that caused you to go to military school (unless it was your own choice). For example, beware of drugs, bad friends, absenteeism. Sometimes the punishments are really very unpleasant.
  12. 12 Be aware that some people hate this place for personal reasons. Avoid people like that. They will only drag you down.
  13. 13 Take responsibility, take it as an easy way to get promoted. You may have benefits or special treatment.
  14. 14 Find out more about the direction of the military school where you study. If it's a naval school or a tactical school, learn about the traditions of the Marines and think about how you can build a relationship with them. Find out how their training went, especially if you feel like joining the military. Basically, it is the marines that are most popular. Marine designers usually make the greatest impression.
  15. 15 Build yourself a good reputation. If you are a good guy and people around you know this, they will help you if you get into trouble. This does not mean that you can abuse the attention and trust of people, because in the end you can lose their sympathy. Set yourself new goals: graduating from college, buying a car, finding a new job, making new friends, a new lifestyle, and so on. The list is endless, it all depends on your goals and desires.


  • Making a good first impression is very important. You don't want to be considered cattle. Therefore, you need to build a good reputation. Try to stay away from people who will pull you down.
  • Do not abuse your neighbor's good nature and do nothing bad to him !!!
  • Try to control yourself and do not get depressed by the sudden change in lifestyle. Find the strength to adapt to the situation.
  • Are you confused by the shared shower? You should be able to deal with your embarrassment, because in almost all military academies souls will be like this.


  • Get rid of fear. Report if someone hurts or offends you. If you build a good reputation for yourself, the truth will be on your side. If by treating you, the commander violates your rights, report this to your superiors. This shouldn't stop you from succeeding.
  • Feel free to wash yourself. Of course, it's not too pleasant to wash in the shower with a crowd of other guys, but not to use a toilet brush to keep your body clean!
  • Try to secretly find out about all the checkpoints. Remember that you do this at your own peril and risk.