How to treat a woman with respect

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To MAKE Women Respect You Without Being "NICE" | Supplication Effect
Video: How To MAKE Women Respect You Without Being "NICE" | Supplication Effect


Unfortunately, women don't always get the respect they really deserve. Some men refuse to respect women, and some just don't know how to do it. Read this article to learn how to treat women with respect.Just remember that you need to show respect for all the fair sex, and not for one or two.


  1. 1 Make eye contact. When talking to a woman, look into her eyes. When talking with familiar people, we often forget about this little thing, but in vain.
  2. 2 Don't interrupt her. Let her finish her thought, and only then speak yourself, even if you guess what she wants to tell you. If a woman says something, then this most likely means that it is important to her. If you listen to her, then by this you will recognize that what the woman is talking about is important for you as well. If you do not listen attentively to the words of the woman, then you may simply miss something important.
  3. 3 Make strong arguments. If you are talking about a specific topic, make a strong case for all the issues raised. Even if you know that a woman does not own the issue, you do not need to scold her and make fun of her for it.
  4. 4 Give constructive compliments. If a woman has done something that is good for the cause, be sure to tell her about it. It is not necessary to do this publicly (only if it is not only her merit, but the merit of the whole team). Compliment her work verbally or via email.
  5. 5 Ask her opinion on any important issue. There is nothing nicer than when someone in a higher position than you asks for your opinion, when he listens to you and thanks you for your contribution. (This applies not only to women, but also to men). Even at home, a woman should know that her opinion is important to you, that you take it into account.
  6. 6 Take the time to make a flattering review. If you used her advice / opinion, and he helped you a lot, be sure to tell her about it later. Praise motivates you to new achievements and even more fruitful work.
  7. 7 Don't neglect her presence. If you communicate with other men in the presence of a woman, then you do not need to behave as if she is not there, i.e. watch your words. It is very important! If a woman enters a room, introduce her to your interlocutors and, if appropriate, tell her the topic of the conversation. You can also ask her opinion.
  8. 8 Understand that women have very different needs than men, so accept and respect those needs. Be it family life or some other relationship, remember that you and the woman who is next to you may need completely different things at the same moment. Therefore, consider this when planning something. It is even advisable to ask what the woman wants.
  9. 9 Say please and thank you to her. Good manners are a sign of respectful attitude towards a woman. In the presence of a woman, be even more careful about your words and actions.


  • Treat a woman as an equal, be sure to emphasize her importance.
  • If a woman has too many responsibilities, offer her your help. She will appreciate you even more, and will understand that you are not selfish, but a very caring person.


  • Be consistent. Treat your woman with the same respect every day, not just occasionally.