How to run faster

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


To increase your running speed, you need to focus on your task, exercise a lot, discipline yourself and tune in to the goal. Determine your baseline speed, set a goal for yourself, and start working on it.


Method 1 of 5: How to Prepare for Exercise

  1. 1 Determine your current speed. (Do stretching exercises first.) Before starting speed work, it is important to determine how fast you are currently running so that you can measure your progress. Use the stopwatch to measure how fast you are running a kilometer. When you have this information (whatever the time), start working on your goal.
    • To determine the speed, it will be useful to run in the stadium. The stadium's track is 400 meters long, so to get a kilometer you will need to run two and a half laps.
    • If there is no stadium near you, measure a kilometer on a flat road where there is no transport, and note the time during which you run this distance.
    • Try also counting your steps per minute. You can count the minute and count how many times during this time your feet touch the ground. Whatever that number is, you will need to double it as you train.
  2. 2 Find a suitable place. Look out for a stadium or any other place with a flat surface where you will have the opportunity to run at least 400 meters. It is best to run around the stadium, since all stadiums have a standard size (track length - 400 meters), which allows you to clearly measure your performance. The stadiums are also flat and there are no cars.
    • Many schools have free access to the stadium. This is handy if you cannot find another location.
    • If you don't have the ability to run in a stadium or other level surface, you can work on your speed on a treadmill in the gym or on a flat road with minimal traffic.
    • Try not to run on curved or uneven surfaces, as the shape of the track will affect how you run. For example, on a curved road, you have to slow down.
  3. 3 Consider a training schedule. Getting up to speed takes a lot of exercise and discipline, so it's important to have a workout schedule that will challenge you but still be doable. Scheduled classes are the best way to motivate.

    How to make a schedule
    Run 4-5 times a week. To run faster you need to improve your endurance. To do this, you will need to run more and more kilometers every week. Decide which days are more convenient for you to study, and rest every couple of days.
    Alternate the degree of load and distance. Alternate long runs with short runs. Run at a slower pace at least once a week. By varying the speed and distance, it will be easier for you to protect the body from overload and injury.
    Try to get the best out of every workout. Track your performance with a fitness bracelet or regular timer. Compare this week's performance to last week's performance to see if you're continuing to pick up speed or hitting a plateau.
    Know what works for your body. It is perfectly normal to take a day off or take some rest from time to time. Do not ignore pain in any part of the body and see your doctor in time if necessary. If the body is healthy, it will be easier for you to achieve your goal faster.

  4. 4 Set a goal for yourself. If you want to learn how to run faster, you have to set a specific goal for yourself. The goal will increase your motivation and make you work harder to achieve it. Whatever your goal, it should be challenging but achievable.
    • You can set a goal to run a certain distance in a certain time. For example, you might decide to run a kilometer in 6 minutes.
    • You can set a goal to increase the number of steps per minute, or the cadence. The fastest runners in the world have an average cadence of 180 strides per minute.
    • To determine what your ideal cadence should be, run for 60 seconds and count the number of times your right foot touches the ground per minute. Multiply that number by two and you get the desired frequency.
  5. 5 Choose the right clothes and shoes. Wearing the right clothes and shoes won't increase your speed on their own, but they will make your run more enjoyable. The selection of running shoes is huge. Many models simulate the feel and movement of barefoot running.
    • Lightweight, breathable clothing will also help keep you cool and comfortable, both physically and mentally.
    • You might also want to buy a high-tech watch that allows you to accurately measure time, distance, speed, calories burned, and heart rate.
  6. 6 Invite a friend to join you. A friend's involvement will help you motivate yourself. Your friend can run with you or be your personal trainer. Whatever their role, the other person's company will keep you from training. In addition, you will have the opportunity to compete.
  7. 7 Come up with a mantra. If you find it difficult to force yourself to do something or to motivate during training, come up with a mantra that you can repeat to yourself while running. The phrase can be simple and even ridiculous. It is important to keep it short and to keep you motivated.
    • Any phrase will do, for example, "you can run faster", "you run too slow."

Method 2 of 5: How to get up to speed

  1. 1 Don't do the same thing every workout. To improve your speed and endurance, you will need to set challenging goals and vary the workload. If you do the same set of exercises for several months in a row, the body will get used to the load, and you will reach a plateau. In this case, you need to change your workouts and try something new.

    Combination of different types of load
    Work out on a stationary bike. Go to class on a stationary bike, or simply warm up on a stationary bike to increase your stride. It will also be good for your cardiovascular system and help you run faster.
    Jump rope. Add 30 minutes of jumping rope to your workouts to improve coordination and speed of your feet.Jumping will also help the body adapt to absorbing shock, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury.
    Take up yoga. Gentle movements and stretching can help you improve flexibility, which will speed up muscle recovery after exercise. This is useful if you are exercising a lot to increase your running speed.
    Run on a treadmill to increase your speed. The tape of the treadmill will force you to run at a constant speed, which will give you more steps. Choose a speed that is slightly higher than the speed at which you are comfortable running so that you always have a difficult task ahead of you.

  2. 2 Work on your technique. With the right technique, the body works as efficiently as possible. You will be able to gradually increase your speed and avoid injury. When running, the body should be relaxed - you should not feel tension and tightness.

    How to install equipment
    Keep your head down and look forward. If you look straight ahead, your neck and back will form a straight line. Plus, looking forward rather than at your feet can help you run faster.
    Bend your arms at a 90 degree angle. Do not clench your hands into fists or raise your shoulders. Your arms should be relaxed and move calmly, pushing you forward. If you feel tension in your upper torso, shake your hands.
    Land on the base of your foot and push off with your toes. Land gently on the midfoot and roll quickly onto your toes to push off. Try to make light air jumps and put your foot exactly under your torso each time.
    Bend your knees slightly. Land on bent legs so that the leg absorbs the impact. You don't need to lift your knees higher to increase your speed. Try to take short, quick steps and raise your knees as high as you feel comfortable.

  3. 3 Try fartlek. "Fartlek" is translated from Swedish as "speed game". This is a training method that is becoming increasingly popular with runners looking to pick up speed. Fartlek training involves the arbitrary change in running speed within the framework of a race. If you want to try fartlek, run slowly for a few minutes, then run at top speed for a minute, and then return to your original pace.
    • Fartlek allows you to vary the ratio of running at a moderate pace and sprint depending on how you feel. However, if you want to get the most out of such training, you should train on this system for at least 40-60 minutes at a time.
    • Many runners who use this method do not keep track of the exact time. Usually they decide to just run at maximum speed to the nearest mark - a post, a hydrant, a tank. The duration of the sprint is limited only by the capabilities of your body.
    • Warm up well before exercising. Run for at least 10-15 minutes at your usual pace before switching to fartlek mode. It is important that the muscles are soft enough to withstand several accelerations. Also cool down, otherwise the muscles will hurt a lot the next day.
  4. 4 Run under rough terrain. Running on hilly terrain allows you to gradually build up your speed, so you should include this type of training in your program. It may be difficult for you to run uphill at first, but over time you will get used to it. This will make it easier for you to run on a level surface, and you will be able to develop greater speed.
    • Running on hilly terrain is beneficial for the body, since during such training you can achieve an intense load and at the same time avoid injury to joints due to constant blows on a flat surface.
    • To increase the intensity of your workout, try sprinting downhill. You will need to run up a fairly steep incline for 30-60 seconds at the fastest speed possible.
  5. 5 Learn to breathe properly. Correct breathing will increase your speed and improve your endurance. This is because deep breathing increases the flow of oxygen into the bloodstream, which gives the muscles more energy. Try to breathe in and out through both your nose and mouth, and breathe through your belly rather than your chest.
    • Belly breathing means deep breathing, in which (if you are doing everything correctly) the belly should inflate when you inhale and deflate when you exhale. If you breathe through your chest, as most inexperienced runners do, your breathing becomes less deep (this limits the flow of oxygen to your blood) and your shoulders tighten (you waste valuable energy).
    • As you run, try to match your breaths in and out with your steps. This will strengthen the diaphragm. First, breathe in every two steps (left and right), then breathe out every two steps. When your diaphragm is stronger and your breathing is deeper, try breathing in and out once in four steps.
  6. 6 Look straight ahead. A simple action such as looking ahead while running can increase your speed. Some runners look under their feet or around them as they run. This is fine for people who run for fun or enjoy the views, but it is important for runners who train to speed up to look 20-30 meters in front of them and straight ahead.
    • This tip will be especially useful for runners who intend to compete as this is how they get used to looking at the finish line.
  7. 7 Lose weight. Being physically fit doesn't mean you are at your ideal weight, especially if you eat large meals to compensate for your exercise. It is important to understand that the more weight you carry, the more effort you need to make to run. Losing excess weight, be it one or five pounds, will help you run faster for longer.
    • Of course, extreme diets are not suitable for people who exercise intensively. However, you can also achieve a feeling of fullness with the help of wholesome and balanced food. Changing Your Eating Habits Can Help You Lose Weight and will give you extra energy to run faster.
    • To lose weight without harming your health, try to eat more lean protein foods (chicken, turkey, fatty fish) and combine them with small servings of carbohydrates (brown rice, multigrain bread, whole grain pasta). Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables with each meal to help you feel fuller without overeating. For a snack, eat a banana, low-fat yogurt, and a handful of raisins or almonds.
  8. 8 Listen to music. While some joggers believe that listening to music while exercising is unacceptable, research has found that people who listen to music while exercising perform better, especially when they listen to music at a fast pace.
    • Try to pick up the songs at a tempo that matches the speed you want to develop. When you listen to this music, your body will try to adjust itself to the tempo, and you will not even notice it.
  9. 9 Take notes. Track your workout results to track your progress and get something useful from each new workout. With the recordings, you will see how different conditions affect your speed and time to cover the distance. Plus, reviewing previous entries will motivate you when you need it.

    How to capture data
    Write down:
    Its time
    Your average speed
    Any painful sensations
    Advice: Make changes to your workouts if you see from your notes that your routes and sequence of actions are repeated.

Method 3 of 5: How to Eat to Run Faster

  1. 1 Monitor your health. To run faster is not enough just to exercise more.The changes should affect your entire body: it is important to eat right, drink enough fluids, monitor the health of the body and mind. Eating right is extremely important for runners, as strenuous workouts can drain the body. It is important to compensate for the calories burned while running with healthy foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients, which will keep you in good shape and perform as much as possible.
    • Eat enough animal foods: chicken, lean beef, eggs, dairy products (milk, yogurt). These foods are high in protein, which is an important source of energy for runners, as well as iron and zinc, which promote red blood cell production and protect the immune system. Calcium in dairy products strengthens bones.
    • Eat whole grain cereals with extra protein for breakfast. A breakfast like this will set you up for a productive day and help you feel fuller longer. Healthy carbohydrates will give you energy. Eat a whole grain bar for a quick refill before, during, and after your workout. Small amounts of whole grain rice and pasta (rather than their nutrient-free white counterparts) are good for lunch and dinner. Combine these foods with lean meats and vegetables. Such dishes will be healthy, tasty and satisfying, and this is exactly the combination you need.
    • Aim to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, nutrients, and healthy carbohydrates. They help you feel full all day long and are low in calories. Do not peel fruits and vegetables, as the skin is the healthiest part of the food. Try to eat fruits and vegetables of different colors, as the color is determined by the composition of the product, in particular, the antioxidant pigments. For example, lycopene gives tomatoes red, and beta-carotene gives orange sweet potatoes.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of water. It is very important for runners to drink water while running, and before and after workouts, as dehydration can limit the flow of oxygen to your muscles, causing you to run slower. However, contrary to popular belief, not everyone needs to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Excess fluid can be dangerous under extreme conditions. To understand how much water you should drink, calculate this amount using a special formula:
    • Men... Multiply your body weight (in kilograms) by 10 milliliters to find out how many milliliters of water you need per day. Runners should drink more to compensate for water loss in sweat.
    • Women... Multiply your body weight (in kilograms) by 9 milliliters. Runners should drink more to compensate for water loss in sweat.
    • If you're running around with a bottle, don't drink water all the time. Scientists recommend drinking only when you feel thirsty.
  3. 3 Do not eat sweets and fatty foods. Fast food and sweets provide energy quickly due to their high sugar and fat content, but this effect quickly wears off and the person feels lethargic and slow. Try to get sugars and fat from more natural sources to feel more energized without facing negative consequences.
    • If you really want something sweet, eat a banana. Bananas are rich in natural sugars, but after a banana, the feeling of satiety and energy lasts longer compared to a bar of chocolate.
    • If you're feeling greasy, eat a tablespoon of peanut butter (just like that or on whole grain toast).
  4. 4 Drink coffee. According to general knowledge, you shouldn't drink coffee before running because coffee is a diuretic that increases the risk of dehydration. However, scientists have found that a cup of coffee (or another caffeinated drink) before a run can help a runner run faster. This is great news for coffee lovers, but moderation is important at all times.
  5. 5 Get plenty of rest. It is important not only to eat right, drink water and conduct effective training, but also to rest so that the body has the opportunity to recover and be ready for stress again. If you push yourself too hard, you will be exhausted and may be injured, making it impossible for you to exercise for a while.
    • To prevent this from happening, do not run 1-2 days a week. On rest days, you can do low-intensity exercise (walking, yoga).
    • It is also important to sleep well at night. Studies have found that athletes who sleep well at the same time every day respond faster and reach the finish line faster.

Method 4 of 5: How to do stretching exercises

  1. 1 Do stretching exercises before running. Stretching improves flexibility and running performance and reduces the risk of injury from running. Do the exercises not for static stretching (stretch and linger), but for dynamic (stretching in motion). Dynamic stretching has been shown to be more beneficial for runners and other athletes as it stretches muscles more dynamically and functionally.
  2. 2 Follow leg lifts. Raise your leg to the side as high as you can, and then lower it and bring it in front of the other leg to the other side as far as possible. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each leg.
  3. 3 Marshall. Stand up straight, tense your knees and take a step forward, lifting your leg as high as possible, up to a right angle, and pulling the toe towards you. If this seems too easy for you, try jumping some more. Do 10 reps for each leg.
  4. 4 Bend your knee and touch your buttocks. Stand up straight, start walking forward, throwing your leg back and trying to touch your buttocks with your feet. If it's too easy for you, go for an easy run. Do 10 reps for each leg.
  5. 5 Do lunges. Take a big step forward and lower yourself to the ground. Make sure that the knee does not extend beyond the border of the foot. Move forward this way. Keep your back straight and tense your abdomen so that the exercise is as effective as possible. Do 10 reps for each leg.
  6. 6 Stretch while standing on your hands. Stand straight, then bend over, place your hands on the floor in front of you so that your body forms a right angle. Place your right foot behind your left ankle. Without bending your knees, stretch the heel of your left foot toward the floor and release. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
  7. 7 Pull the back of your thigh. Bend your knee as if playing a sox. Grab the inside of your left foot with your right hand without bending forward. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
  8. 8 Make a plank. The plank increases endurance and strengthens your abdominal and back muscles. To make a plank, lie on your stomach and place your hands so that your palms are on the floor at head level. Raise your toes off the ground and rest your elbows on the floor. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Tighten your core muscles so that your glutes do not bulge up and sag down. Hold for a minute, then relax. Do it 15 times.
    • Add leg movement. To make the plank more beneficial, use your legs. During the plank, lift one leg off the ground so that it is almost parallel to the floor, wave it to the side without changing height, return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

Method 5 of 5: How to work with a partner

  1. 1 Talk to a friend or relative about running together. Company and even minimal competition will help you stay motivated. In addition, this way you can test each other's abilities.
  2. 2 Ask your partner to motivate you. For example, ask your partner not to accept your excuses if you say you are bored or tired. Do the same for your partner. Agree to do whatever you can to motivate each other.
  3. 3 Study according to the system described above. Try to do this every day.
  4. 4 Find another way to motivate yourself with the help of a partner. If no one wants to run with you, invite the person to ride a bike while you run. So both you and your partner will be able to exercise, but at the same time your partner will not get too tired.


  • To make it easier to run faster, focus your gaze on an object that is far from you and run towards it.
  • At the end of the race, when you are tired, try to move in space using hand movements. The faster you swing your arms, the easier it will be for your legs to run.
  • Warm up before running.
  • Do not cross your arms, as crossing will impair aerodynamics.
  • Keep your head down and look forward.
  • If you have a long run ahead, do not run at maximum speed from the beginning. Save energy and distribute it throughout the race.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • During your workouts, try sprinting with and without a heavy backpack on your back.
  • If you decide to run regularly, try skateboarding or skiing first to strengthen your leg muscles.
  • Try running with a friend who runs faster than you. Do this 2-4 times a week and then check to see if your speed has increased.
  • Don't look back at other runners. Focus on yourself and look ahead to what is in front of you so as not to fall.


  • Don't push your body to the limit in the early days. Remember that every person has their own abilities, and no race can be more important than life.
  • Do not drink too much water at a time during the race, otherwise you will get pain in the side. Drink in small sips. Don't drink a bottle of water right away - this will negatively affect your speed.
  • As with any workout routine, if you have a health problem, ask your doctor what you can and cannot do before moving on to exercising.

What do you need

  • T-shirts / sweaters. If you're serious about jogging, it's best to wear tight-fitting clothing.
  • Something to keep your hair out of your face: hair tie, sports headband, haircut
  • Large amount of water
  • Timer
  • Running shoes
  • Special sweatpants or leggings (in some pants, frequent friction of the legs will cause wounds)