How to get a good job

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Things No One Tells You About Getting A Good Job
Video: 6 Things No One Tells You About Getting A Good Job


The job search process itself is very laborious, and choosing the right company is even more difficult. Self-study of potential employers will help determine how the company meets your expectations. At this stage, you can safely make a list of companies in which you would like to work, and regularly view the list of their vacancies.


Method 1 of 2: Researching Potential Employers

  1. 1 Decide on a list of companies you want to study. There are so many different companies out there that finding the desired job can be a tedious undertaking. Most people usually apply for all the vacancies that appear in a row. But if you want to find a place of work worthy of you (and not just just somewhere), then you need to narrow the search circle. Search for ratings or listings of the most companies to employ. Perhaps, such a rating has already been compiled in your city.
    • You can also find out about companies that are well known and heard by people in your area. Make a list of the best companies in your city that have a profile that matches your knowledge and skills, and search the Internet for information about them.
  2. 2 Check out the websites of the selected companies. If you take the time to do this, you can get some important information. Start with the "About Us" page. With its help, you can get acquainted with a brief history of the company, its mission, philosophy and concept. This way, you can get a general idea of ​​whether a given company is right for you. Do you share her philosophy? Does the company look trustworthy? Did you get the impression that the firm's management cares about their subordinates? Also, it will not be superfluous to look at:
    • pages "Career" or "Work in the company". It should contain information about working conditions, refresher courses, trainings and various bonuses for employees. Please note that this section of the site is carefully designed to create a positive image among potential employees and induce them to work in this company. Be that as it may, from here you can glean the information of interest.
    • the page "Vacancies". Browse the list of available jobs. If the list turns out to be very large, this can mean one of two things: either the company has recently expanded, or it has too much staff turnover. You need to look for more information to pinpoint the exact cause. Also pay attention to how long the job posting has been hanging. If for several weeks or even months, then perhaps the company has been trying for so long to find a qualified employee due to disagreements with candidates in terms of remuneration or career growth.
  3. 3 Explore the company's social media accounts, if available. Check out the information in them and see who else is following her news. Evaluate the information offered for review from the position of the applicant. Is it consistent with the information posted on the site? Is the account maintained professionally? Do you trust the information presented? Do you think its employees, who have been added to this account, are people with whom you can fruitfully cooperate?
  4. 4 Search the internet for company information. Use the name of the company as a keyword for your search. Be prepared to analyze a large amount of information: reviews, articles, books, newspapers and other publications related to the company under study. Research all possible sources to get as much information as possible and understand how her employees are feeling.
  5. 5 Evaluate your search results. Collect together all the information you receive about each potential employer. Weigh carefully the pros and cons of working for each company. Ask yourself if you are ready to fight for a job in this firm and if you will be satisfied enough to work in it for at least a year. If yes, then this company can be safely added to the list of your possible jobs in the near future.

Method 2 of 2: Finding a Job in Selected Companies

  1. 1 Create a final list. Based on your previous research, make a final list of the companies you would like to work for. Don't worry if some of them don't have vacancies at the moment. Just add everyone who suits you best to your list. You can periodically refer to this list to check if a vacancy has appeared.
  2. 2 Search for vacancies for each specific company separately. Periodically check for each company for the appearance of vacancies both on their website and on specialized job search resources. If you are actively looking for a job, do your search every few days.
    • When searching on specialized sites, you can optionally add other keywords to the company name to get more accurate results. For example, a narrower search query "Company XXX project manager".
  3. 3 Call the company on your list. Feel free to contact potential employers. Calling and showing your interest in employment will help you become a priority candidate when a vacancy appears. You can also chat with HR managers or potential executives who will take note of your resume if they need your services in the future.
    • Don't go overboard. Constantly calling will only irritate and turn the employer negative towards you.
  4. 4 Chat with people who already work for your chosen company. Connecting with potential peers and supervisors will give you an added advantage in future employment. Social networks have become much easier to communicate, so do not neglect these tools when looking for a job.
  5. 5 Check the information for each company regularly. Maintain and edit your list correctly. Check for vacancies periodically. It may take you more than one month or even a year to get a job in the chosen company. But if you can be patient, then you will surely be rewarded with the opportunity to get a job that suits you perfectly.


  • Financial difficulties can push you to find a job in a completely different place than you wanted, but you can still continue your search. In addition, it should be remembered that the more time you spend looking for a job in the company you are interested in, the more your efforts will pay off in the long term. Choosing the right place of work means the greatest benefits to both you and your employer.
  • Be sure to consider the benefits of working in this company, both in the short and long term. In addition to the benefits you get from work at the moment, you need to evaluate the employer on whether he can offer you career advancement in the future. Think not only about where you want to be right now, but also what you want to be in 2-3 years, or even 5-10 years.