Getting a girlfriend in high school

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 WAYS To Get A Girlfriend In High School
Video: 5 WAYS To Get A Girlfriend In High School


Asking a girl out in high school can be pretty tricky. If you want her to like you, you need to make a great impression, pique her interest, and confidently ask her out. But don't let this put you off - if you play your cards right and follow these simple steps, you'll have that one girl in high school as your girlfriend before you know it.

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Method 1 of 3: Getting her attention

  1. Try to stand out. This is the first step to get the girl's attention. If you act like everyone else, she won't notice you. This doesn't mean you have to cheat or wear neon, but it does mean trying to be as original as possible. You can do this as follows:
    • Impress her with your wit. If you're in a class or social situation, make a witty comment while everyone else is still thinking to show her how sharp and funny you are.
    • Decorate her with your charm. Learn how to be engaging when talking to someone, be it your English teacher or your shy lab partner. Being charming means you can talk to anyone and put people at ease no matter what - if you can, she'll be sure to be impressed.
    • Become a jack of all trades. If you're a history nerd, tennis hero, and are the protagonist of the school play, she will notice you. Of course you can't do everything, but the more active you are at school, the more likely she will run into you and be impressed by your skills.
    • Try not to stand out in a bad way. If you're the guy who always has to stay in detention or lash out at teachers, she might find you amusing, but she won't see you as boyfriend material.
  2. Don't pretend to be confident, but actually be confident. Let's be honest. The high school is not the time when people show the most self-confidence. Not only does your body and voice change, but you walk around with confusing hormones and new emotions, trying to balance your schoolwork with a complex social arena. While the people around you seem to have all the confidence in the world, it's likely they're just trying to mask their deep insecurities with arrogance, which is exactly what you should avoid. Here's how you can get into her field of vision by actually being confident:
    • Take the time to look good. This does not mean that you spend hours doing your hair or practicing your smile in front of the mirror. Just have regular showers, make sure your hair is in the right place, and wear clothes that show off your body and show off your style. Oh yes, and wear pants that actually fit you.
    • Be concerned with your own interests. Serious. No matter how "nerdy" you think your true interests are, when you're really passionate about something it's always cool. Don't try to join the team because all your friends do, while you'd rather play golf or take extra French lessons. She won't be impressed if you come across as a follower. Having followers no self confidence.
    • Don't be afraid to appear enthusiastic. While you may think that being too cool for school and leaning back in your seat in the back of the classroom indicates true confidence, true confidence means you want to learn and are curious about the world. If you are interested in something that will be covered in class, ask questions about it. She will be impressed that you are so satisfied with yourself that you do what you want.
    • Address your flaws. Part of being confident means knowing you aren't perfect. Everyone in high school has a lot of work on personal growth, and that makes sense. If you know you need to be more sensitive or a better friend, do so.
  3. Have fun. Girls love to have fun, and they don't want to hang out with a guy who is gloomy or moody. While you don't have to walk around with a smile on your face all the time and high school can be tough at times, you can make it look like you're having a good time, and pretty soon you'll actually be having a good time and she will be happy to join you. You can do this as follows:
    • Try to make friends as widely as possible. While the high school cliques can be tricky to navigate in and you don't have to be part of every group of friends, you should still take the time to get to know a variety of people. This shows the girl that you are friendly and don't care about the status of the people who talk about you, and that you are a versatile person.
    • Don't get involved with haters. Don't hang out with guys who are mean to women or who bully kids who aren't considered cool anyway. This is something that most girls turn off terribly on, so don't hang out with haters like that or you'll come across as the same.
    • Always keep smiling. Smile and smile as much as you can. If you are surrounded by a force field of positive energy, the girl of your dreams will come to you almost naturally.

Method 2 of 3: Make her feel special

  1. Hang out with her more often during school hours. Once the girl has noticed you, it's time to make it more work by giving her more attention. You should still try to appear controlled and not to Seem eager to be with her, but start slowly by showing her that you think she's a great girl. You could do this like this:
    • Stop to talk to her if you run into her. Say hello and ask what her next lesson is. Make it look like you're just walking by. Maybe you can make her laugh by saying, "Can I check my hair?" While looking in a mirror.
    • Walk her down the hall. Everyone knows that it is an important role for a high school boyfriend to accompany his girl from class to class, even when the classrooms are miles apart. If you are taking the same class, then walk her to the next class and make her laugh when you get there. You can say goodbye halfway through in a cool and collected way to go to your own class. Give her a taste of how great it would be to have you as a friend.
    • Enchant her during class. Know the answers to all of the teacher's questions without coming off as a know-it-all. Make your classmates chuckle every now and then without being the class clown. Look at her to see her reaction.
  2. Try to get her attention at school events. Whether you're at a school play or prom, there are a few ways to show her that she is special and that you want to be with her. You need to strike a balance between being cool, collected and open to your feelings. You can do this as follows:
    • If you see her at the school play or talent show, ask her if she likes it. Show her that her advice is important to you. Don't delay too long - just long enough to make her wish you stay.
    • When you're at prom, dance like an idiot and then give her a serious look when you ask if she loves your moves. If she really likes you, you can ask her to dance.
    • If you are in the same club or in the same sport, ask her how she is doing without appearing obscene.
  3. Try to interest her in something after school. If you see the girl at a party or at the mall, it may be your best chance to talk to her separately and show her that you are the best boyfriend ever. Once you're away from school, you can relax and loosen up a bit and show her who you really are without worrying about what everyone else is thinking.
    • If you run into her at the mall, ask her which stores she's been to. If she's carrying a bag, ask what she bought and tell her you're sure she'll look great in it. Bonus points if you say something about the sweater she's carrying and showed it to you at school.
    • If you bump into her at the movie theater, ask her which movie she's going to watch or which one she's been to. Review a recent movie you have seen. Don't say everything running is worthless.
    • If you see her at a party, have a chat with her. But don't talk to her all night. Talk to a few other girls to show that you can get along with anyone. However, don't flirt with someone too much, which could make her feel less special.

Method 3 of 3: Ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend

  1. Ask her out. If you date the same girl more often in high school, it basically means that she's your girlfriend, but you should still appear controlled when you date her. If she says yes, it doesn't mean she's your girlfriend - she's just trying you out to see if you're in the right place to be a boyfriend. So when you go out with her, you better show the best version of yourself. Here's what you do:
    • Be a gentleman. Give her flowers, hold the door open for her, and give her your coat if it's even a little cold. High school boys can be a little blunt at times, so you might be the first guy to treat her like a lady.
    • Don't be afraid to compliment her. You don't have to overwhelm her with your affection when you first see her the night, but you should definitely say "You're beautiful tonight." You can even compliment her on her clothes or jewelry. She obviously spent a lot of time looking her best and will certainly appreciate your comments.
    • Get her interested. Unless you go to the movies together, you will have to engage in an interesting conversation. Make up some interesting things to say beforehand, whether it's related to one of her interests, your family, or just something funny that happened at school. Avoid blaming people or saying everything is so corny.
    • Take her somewhere that makes her feel special. Play mini golf together and then get an ice cream. If there's a new fancy restaurant in town, take her there, if she likes something like that. If she really wants to go to a movie and eat out at a restaurant, fine. But treat it like a real date and try to pay for everything if she's okay with it.
    • Always make the girl feel special. Ask her about her interests, friends and family and get her opinion on a variety of topics without coming across as an interviewer.
    • Turn off your phone. Absolutely.
  2. Ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. You can ask her this at the end of the date, after your first kiss, or some time after your first date. Once she's ready, you should ask her this because you don't want her to think you're just a hooker who just wants to get her into bed. As soon as the moment feels right and you are alone, you can ask her.
    • Make sure you're somewhere quiet and your friends or her friends can't hear you.
    • Look her in the eye. Turn your body towards her to indicate that she has your full attention.
    • Keep it simple. Just say, "I like spending time with you," or "I've never met someone like you." And after that, "Do you want to date me?"
    • Ask not to your friends to arrange this for you. This is not primary school. This is advanced courtship.
  3. Respond like a gentleman. Whether she wants to be your girlfriend or flatly rejects you, you should act like the confident, mature person you've been during your friendship. If she says yes, you can give her a hug or even a kiss and say it makes you very happy. But if she rejects you, you have to take it right too, or you'll come across like a horrible jerk.
    • If she says yes, make it a mini party. You don't have to cheer and dance with your fists in the air, but you can show her how much this means to you.
    • If she says no, no problem. Then just say, "Good. I could try. "End the conversation with a compliment and wish her the best of luck. High school is the time to find the girl you really like, and while she may seem like the only decent girl around right now, there are bound to be plenty of other great girls in your high school or in your area. Now that you have some experience trying to have a girl, it will only get easier to find someone who really wants to be your girlfriend.


  • Confidence is sexy, but the line between confidence and conceit is thin.
  • Try to look good, but don't be vain. Girls love talking about themselves too, but not when you're too busy styling your hair in the mirror. She wants a man, not a boy.
  • Awkward silences are okay. Not mind spending some time together in silence is much cooler than desperate for something to say when the conversation falters for a moment.
  • Don't overdo it to impress. Girls often think boys are superficial if they show themselves a little too much. Modesty will probably take a little more time, but is always more successful.
  • Whether you want to look like a tough guy or more polished, you don't have to look grungy - tough guys can just as well look friendly and clean. Tough guys are rebels, but don't rebel against soap! Make sure you look hot and dangerous, but make sure that your hair feels silky smooth that girls like to run their fingers through, instead of worrying about their hands getting stuck in it forever.
  • Try to relax a little. Don't be too nervous or put the girl on a pedestal. Stay calm and confident. Girls love self-confidence and if you come across as a little nervous, it makes her nervous too. Make sure you feel good about yourself.
  • Even if you've never been on a date with this girl and you're just friends, compliment her to make her day completely. That will make her more likely to say "Yes."
  • Participate in activities at school so that you become a familiar face.