How to arrange the perfect date

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
The Formula to planning Amazing Dates (the basics)
Video: The Formula to planning Amazing Dates (the basics)


Many of us dream of the perfect date. There are many options for dating, from a romantic evening to a thrilling adventure or art immersion. Planning a date takes a lot of preparation, but the pleasure you get from a quality time will be worth the effort.


Method 1 of 3: Planning a Date in Advance

  1. 1 Offer the person you are going on a date with several options. If you and your partner are both busy people, plan ahead. Offer the person multiple dates. This will help your partner see that you are ready to adjust to their schedule.
    • Ask if the person is free on Wednesday or Thursday. This will make you explicit about your intentions, but offer several options.The person will see that you respect their time and can plan the date with their busy schedule in mind.
    • Ask the person which day is best for him (weekday or weekend). This will demonstrate your ability to adjust to the person's schedule and the desire to do everything in a way that is comfortable for the person.
  2. 2 Find out what the person you are dating likes. After you decide on the date, suggest several options for your pastime. This will help the other person see that you are ready to accommodate their interests and that you are trying to make the date perfect.
    • Ask: "Would you like to relax or do something more active?" - either: "Would you prefer to meet on the street or indoors?" The answer will direct you in the right direction.
    • Don't offer anything specific at this stage. Let some part of your plans come as a surprise.
  3. 3 Book everything you need. To get the perfect date, you will need to book ahead of time. Avoid accidents and book a restaurant table, a mini golf court, buy concert tickets, or arrange a skydive with an instructor. Make all your calls ahead of time to help you feel at ease.
    • Some restaurants do not reserve tables, and some activities do not require ticket purchases. In this case, it's important to come up with a contingency plan in case something goes wrong.
  4. 4 Consider a contingency plan. Sometimes things don't go as planned. Some of you may be late at work or stuck in traffic. Whatever you are planning, it is important to always have another pastime in reserve. It will be useful for you to have something else in mind, even if it is just your favorite coffee shop or a beautiful place in the city.
    • Book two tables at different restaurants nearby, one at 18:00 and the other at 18:30. If you are late for the first time, you can go to the second restaurant. This will make a good impression on the person with whom you are going on a date, since it will be clear to him that you have thought through everything to the smallest detail.
  5. 5 Tell the person you are going on a date with about your plans ahead of time. Tell the person what you have planned so they can get ready and choose the right clothing. An active pastime requires sportswear, and an evening in an expensive restaurant requires evening wear. Share your plans at least a day in advance so that the person does not make decisions in a hurry.
    • For example, if you are planning a hike, ask the girl to prepare sneakers and comfortable clothes so that she does not come in heels.
    • If you want to go to the opera, ask the person to dress for a romantic evening in the city. If the person doesn't dress smartly enough because they don't know your plans, they will feel uncomfortable, which can ruin the date.
  6. 6 Think about one more place. If the date goes really well, neither of you wants it to end. Decide where you go for coffee or something alcoholic if you want to continue the date. It's best to pick a spot near the person you're asking out to show respect for their time and let them know you don't want them to stay longer than you planned.
    • You don't have to choose a place, but just take a walk or ride in beautiful places to spend more time together.
    • The person you asked on a date might ask you to come over, and that's okay! But do not suggest it yourself, so as not to seem intrusive (s).

Method 2 of 3: How to be original

  1. 1 Don't invite the person to the movies. Classic movie dates can be fun, but they keep you from hanging out with each other. Movies are fine for a casual date, but the perfect date should be a little more fun. A date is good if people get to know each other better and spend time with each other.Choose activities that give you the opportunity to socialize.
    • Movies are not a bad idea, but neither is it perfect... If you get creative, your partner will see you put in the effort to have a good evening.
    • Movies can be a good option if you're planning to attend a local film festival or watch cult classics. If you are in the mood for going to the movies, try to make this visit very interesting.

    Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC

    Family therapist Moshe Ratson is the executive director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a psychotherapy and counseling clinic in New York City. He is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) certified by the International Federation of Coaching. Received a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy in Family and Marriage from Iona College. He is a clinical member of the American Association for Family Therapy (AAMFT) and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

    Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC
    Family psychotherapist

    Dating Ideas Family therapist Moshe Ratson advises: “The first date should be relatively short: brunch, meeting for tea at lunch, cycling or walking, visiting a museum. In subsequent meetings, the dates can be longer: a day at the beach, a picnic, a hike, a joint visit to the spa. "

  2. 2 Make your dinner unforgettable. To make your dinner more interesting, think of something unusual. Eating together brings you closer together, so try to make dinner fun and interesting.
    • Sign up for a cooking class. Cooking is fun together. Look for suitable activities in your city.
    • Go on a mini restaurant tour and eat one meal each. This will turn the date into an exciting adventure. Start with a snack at one restaurant, dine at another, and end the evening with a delicious dessert at a coffee shop.
    • Try food in food trucks. Cafes and restaurants can be replaced with street food. This will allow you to get to know your city better and taste delicious food.
  3. 3 Don't be afraid to try something out of the ordinary. If the person you asked out is ready to have some fun, try doing something new together. There are many new activities out there, so why not try them together? The new experience together will leave an unforgettable experience and become the topic of many conversations, and the perfect date is the kind of date that will forever remain in your memory.
    • Try bungee jumping, hiking, or kayaking together. So the date will be active and unforgettable for both of you.
    • If your travel companion or your companion prefers something less extreme, play mini golf or go go-karting.
  4. 4 Do something creative. If the person you asked out loves art, it shouldn't be difficult for you to come up with something fun to date. Sign up for a painting and wine tasting class, take a stand-up improvisation class, or spend an evening at the karaoke club. Choose activities that are simple, fun, and give you the opportunity to laugh heartily.
    • It's important to remember that the person you asked out shouldn't feel like they have a responsibility to do very well with any task. Remind him that you are doing this just for fun.
    • If your travel companion or your companion loves art but does not want to participate in any creative pursuits, invite him or her to an art gallery or concert. Choose an activity that allows you to socialize during the evening.
  5. 5 Create a calm environment. If the person you like is very busy in everyday life, offer them a quiet date. (This is why it’s worth figuring out what he or she would like to do before suggesting anything.) Whatever you choose, think about it so that the person can relax and have a good time.
    • If a person wants to relax, take a blanket, a bottle of wine and offer to look at the stars in the park. This way you can have a quiet time and chat with each other. If you have a telescope, bring it with you and watch the stars.
    • Suggest that we meet for brunch on Sunday rather than Friday night. So you can relax and not worry about the formalities.

Method 3 of 3: How to behave on a date

  1. 1 Make time for your appearance. When choosing clothes, give preference to things that suit you and in which you are comfortable. The better you feel, the better you will look. Do not wear uncomfortable clothes just for the sake of beauty, as your companion (your companion) will feel that you are uncomfortable. Choose clothes according to the event: Dress nicely for a serious evening event and more loosely for a simple date.
    • For a special occasion, wear your favorite evening dress and high heels, or your favorite jacket.
    • For a less formal and more active date, wear comfortable jeans, your favorite shoes or sneakers, and a cute shirt or jacket. If you have things on you that you like, you will be more comfortable.
  2. 2 Come on time. Do your best not to be late. If you are late, the person may decide that you will not come at all or that this date is not that important to you.
    • Of course, many things can prevent you from arriving on time. If you see yourself running late, call or text the person and apologize for being late. Explain exactly when you can come.
    • Confirm the meeting time the day before the date. This way you can be sure that both of you remember when you meet. Plus, the person you asked out on a date will be impressed with your desire to make sure all plans are up and running.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the satellite (s). This may seem obvious, but it's a must if you want your date to be perfect. In order for the person to see that he is interesting to you, listen to him carefully and keep the conversation going.
    • Give a sincere compliment to the person's clothes or how they look. Instead of: "You look great" - say this: "You are very beautiful, red suits you very much!" If you talk about specific things, the person will see that you notice little things.
    • Don't overdo it with compliments, but try to let the person know that you appreciate the effort they put into preparing for the date.
  4. 4 Pay for everything. You planned this date, so you should pay for everything. If you're asking someone out on a date, don't expect the person to pay for themselves. The person may offer to split the bill, but you should insist that you pay yourself.
    • Don't show how much money you pay for a date. This can be seen as bragging, so try to pay for everything without drawing too much attention to it.
    • If you need to tip, leave a sufficient amount (15-20%). This will surely impress your companion or your companion.
    • If the person is uncomfortable that you are paying for everything, agree to split the bill. Explain that you have invited the person and therefore want this date to be your gift.
  5. 5 Plan your next date. If you really like a person, you will want to make every date perfect. Talk to the person about where you would like to go next time and schedule a date. Discussing the next dates will also let you know if the person is interested in you.
    • Ask how the person would like to see the next date. If he doesn't know, suggest some options. For example, you might say, “Would you like to do something active this weekend? I know some interesting hiking routes. I also have the contacts of a good climbing instructor. " (You can choose any other activities.)
    • If you don't want to do anything difficult, you can simply say, “I would like to see you again next week. Would you like to have lunch or dinner sometime? " This will let the person know that you are ready to adjust to their schedule and will be pleased to know that you have multiple options.
  6. 6 End the date properly. It's not always worth ending your first date with a kiss, so it's important to keep track of how the person you asked out is behaving. For example, if he comes closer as he says goodbye, leans toward you, or doesn't want to let you out of his hug goodbye, all of this may indicate that the kiss is appropriate.
    • If the person keeps their distance or seems to be in a hurry to say goodbye, it means that they are not interested in the kiss. Some people need more time to get closer, so don't take this as a sign that you don't like you.
    • The first kiss is usually short and without a tongue. With such a kiss, you will make it clear that you like a person. and that you respect him. If the person initiates more intimacy on their own, support their desire.


  • Remember that the main purpose of a date is to get to know the person better and spend time with them. A hike will allow you to achieve this goal faster than going to a movie theater.
  • Bring a cute gift for a date, offer to be photographed in a photo booth, or win a stuffed animal. You don't have to spend a lot of money or look for something very sophisticated - you just need to leave the person with whom you are going on a date something that will remind you of this meeting.
  • If you are uncomfortable with heels, wear nice ballerinas.