How to behave at a home party

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Going to a high school house party (or any house party) and don't know how to behave? This guide should help you learn how to dress, get there, dance and more. House parties are key events on a boy's or girl's social calendar, and one night can unleash your socialite or lioness.


  1. 1 Get permission to attend a party from your parent or guardian, or don't tell anyone and spend the night in your room painting, meditating, or talking about world hunger, the end of wars, or what John Lennon would do today if he was alive? Not sure who John Lennon is? What about John F. Kennedy? Hunter S. Thompson? Dalai Lama? It's time to put your search skills to use so you have a topic of conversation. This may be the hardest step for some children, and easy enough for others.
  2. 2 You need to know how strict your parents are, so if you have calm parents who will let you go, make sure you get permission. This will build their trust in you. (But if you're lying, just don't get caught!) However, don't worry if you have strict parents. There would be a desire! It is not recommended to go up to your parents and ask them directly if you can go to the all-night booze! Ask your parents if you can go to a girls / boys only party or even a quiet all night meeting. Make sure you take time off from a more forgiving parent! Always ask politely, and if they say no to you at first, RESPOND CLEAR! This makes them feel guilty.And if they don't let you go after that, you can always run away ...
  3. 3 Pull yourself together! Now it's time to get ready for the party! Make sure you wear what you feel comfortable in - or, if you don't have friends at the party, make sure you wear what you like! You are who you are. Be yourself, your brain is your style.
  4. 4 Go to a party. Play games along the way, it's holiday time! What are you celebrating? The fact that you are alive, you are a person, you have a life to communicate with people and do something incredible. Collaborate, dream, claim ... repeat.
  5. 5 Come to the party. Do not be shy; knock on the door. Once you're in, make sure you say hello to the host. You don't need to announce your arrival, people have as many senses as you. And if you don't know anyone, just walk around and introduce yourself. Start with nothing, however, try to stick to the theme ... And if you're a little shy, you're missing out on a hundred out of a hundred chances ... just ask a friend to introduce you or be with your friend. Introduce yourself as you are ...
  6. 6 Just dance! Make sure you dance in the crowd - everyone dances like this ... Or dance in your mind, or dance with a piece of rope, or a toy, or talk about the music and instruments you play, what country they are from, and if you really want to move by tapping out the rhythm with your toes, or go crazy because you don't ... don't. Do not try to play along or join the company. Embrace the difference. As weird as it sounds, make sure you dance with your friends. So, if you are a terrible dancer, no one will notice your terrible movements, and you will look cool because you have free will. Never mind what others are doing, just do what you want! You will look so popular and be in the spotlight! Dancing in private is definitely a yes, and slow dancing is great, super slow dancing, bullet dancing or nija dancing is even better! This is a house party, so expect the unexpected. If you can sing along to the song, that's even better! Dancing with a special boyfriend or girlfriend is okay, but keep your movements simple. Hands in the air, slight swaying of the hips or thrusts of the palms. Don't overdo it. Let the music “captivate” you!
  7. 7 Have a little drink. If there is alcohol at the party (which is almost certain), don't be shocked, don't be surprised at how people feel. Ask yourself if you like your memories and if you want to remember your life. What if something amazing (or dangerous) happens and you can't react because you're drunk? Worse, alcohol can become a habit and you will lose years of life and great opportunities doing what generations of idiots have done before you. If you don't want to get drunk and just be yourself, go for it. Respect. Patience. First they will laugh at you, then ignore, then fight with you, then you will win (M. Gandhi). If you want to get drunk, don't overdo it. You don't want to pass out on the floor while everyone else is dancing and having a good time.
  8. 8 Get noticed. Life is a great way to meet new people. Introduce yourself and find out the names of those around you! This means that later you can add them to Facebook or meet with them again later, one-on-one. Phones (exchanging phones is a great idea) are fine too. The power of slow, thoughtful conversation is amazing. If you talk too fast or talk too much, you will sound shabby or aggressive. Don't worry about finding a friend or engaging in conversation. Challenge yourself. People always bring cameras with them to house parties to commemorate the event. Make sure you have a few photos that look like you so people can see what you look like.Your tagged photos on Facebook can immediately show how outgoing or cool you are.
  9. 9 Leave whenever you want. Is everyone leaving? Try not to leave marks, damage anything, and forget that these parties are a lot of work for the host and everyone will love a little help; turn it into a dance game; clean up, clean up, clean up, stop; Time to dance!


  • Always pour your drink yourself. Don't accept a drink from someone you don't know. You never know what this person's intentions are.
  • Never get into a car with a drunk driver.
  • Remember that alcohol affects judgment. If the person has been drinking, his or her judgment and communication skills will not be up to par. Don't let your interpretations of body language affect your understanding of a person's intentions or boundaries.
  • If you don't feel comfortable at home parties, don't force yourself to go. There are tons of other people out there who aren't crazy about it either, and you can still have fun.
  • Alcohol can be dangerous.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages by minors is illegal and has consequences.