How to run away to secretly get married

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Man Kills Wife to Run away With Secret Lover: Stefanie Rabinowitz
Video: Man Kills Wife to Run away With Secret Lover: Stefanie Rabinowitz


The phrase "secret escape" was once associated with the image of a young man helping his chosen one sneak out of the bedroom window down the stairs to secretly get married. With the skyrocketing prices for formal weddings, couples are looking at escapes in a new light. Either your parents are offering you money to get away instead of spending family savings on a big wedding, or you are a "mature couple" with previous marriages and want a more discreet, private event this time, escape can take any form. Use these steps to plan your secret getaway in less time than carefully planning your wedding ceremony.


Method 1 of 4: Planning a Secret Escape

  1. 1 Make sure the escape is exactly what you want to do. If your future spouse or someone else is pressuring you, then the decisions you make may not be what you really want. If your budget is an issue, it's important to sit down and think about what you can afford for your wedding, not just run away from it. However, there are many good reasons to run away, such as not wanting to get hyped, not wanting to endure difficult family gatherings, or simply not liking the very idea of ​​weddings. What's really important is being honest with yourself and with each other and mutual agreement that this is what you both really want.
    • In some cases, some family members may argue that they are offended by your decision to run away instead of making them part of what they think is an important family bonding event (you probably know who this is, but you may also be surprised). Don't let their preferences dictate yours - this is your wedding, not this family member.
  2. 2 Set a date. Keep this a secret from family and friends if necessary. Or, inform them about the news if it's not a secret, and if you know that they would be okay with missing such a "big event".

Method 2 of 4: Compliance with Legal Requirements

  1. 1 Gather the legal documents required in your city, state, or country to obtain a marriage certificate. Depending on your location, these will be birth certificates, blood test results (if necessary) and certificates of dissolution of previous marriages.
  2. 2 Obtain your marriage license well in advance of your escape date to accommodate any waiting period required. In some cases, this part will not be needed if you are running to a place already well suited for quick marriages, such as Las Vegas.

Method 3 of 4: Budgeting

  1. 1 Determine the size of your budget. Check out your available means for nuances such as flowers, special clothing, plane tickets, and a photographer.
  2. 2 Determine the location of the secret ceremony. You can find a suitable place without leaving anywhere, or go to a secluded corner designed for honeymoon.
    • Take two witnesses (or as many as required) and a magistrate or priest for a brief ceremony at the magistrate or magistrate's office, city hall, courthouse or small chapel. You can return to work the next day if a quiet and discreet ceremony best suits your lifestyle.
    • Choose a place that makes sentimental sense to both of you, such as the playground you both played on as children, the section of the grocery store next door you met, or the courtyard on the campus you attended. Inexpensive, easily accessible locations ensure a quick but special marriage.
    • Iconic Las Vegas provides many wedding chapels and virtually any costume and car rental for your special day or night.
    • A big escape is possible, in which case you will take your family and friends with you to a secret destination, where the organizer controls all the details. While formal weddings are the same, the spontaneity of the event classifies it more as an escape, in which you involve many bystanders in an impromptu celebration.

Method 4 of 4: Celebrating after the event

While this is not necessary, especially if you are keeping your marriage a secret, celebrating can be a good way to get everyone involved in your happy event.

  1. 1 Celebrate later with family and friends. Still, with the restraint or lack of excitement and low budgetary costs, find a suitable way to invite the people who really matter to you for a small celebration after the event. Some examples of what you could do:
    • Have a backyard barbecue to celebrate your wedding with your loved ones by surprising them with an announcement on napkins, signs, or during a special toast.
    • Plan an intimate dinner party or cocktail party to announce your wedding.
    • Pick a trusted friend who plans a housewarming party or an open house with a money tree for gifts so family and friends can celebrate your new marriage.
    • Go golfing or bowling with family and friends, which will include a picnic or a small lunch.
  2. 2 Postpone the celebration if that suits you. If you are going to invite people who are very disappointed with your escape, there is a benefit in postponing the celebration. Some options:
    • Consider waiting until the baby arrives. You can celebrate both the appearance of your child and the wedding, by this time the resentment will soften, and people will be more sensitive (they can always make excuses that they are at your party for the sake of the child).
    • If you are not planning on having children, another option is to wait until your anniversary. Time heals, especially when the two of you are still undeniably together.


  • Alternatively, you can run away, and later simply recite your vows from the "real" wedding, and no one will know.
  • It can sometimes help to tell people who disapprove of your decision that the size of the wedding does not reflect the size of the couple's happiness. Gently remind them that starting a family life without financial worries will serve you both well for a long and happy married life.
  • Getting away means that there will be no family memories and no photos to share. This may affect your decision if you are worried about the lack of memories to share with friends and family throughout your life. On the other hand, don't overdo it - sentimentality isn't the best reason to get married if you hate the ritual, not to mention how many divorced people find no pleasure in the memories of getting married with family members - pretty much everyone!
  • Create a website to post photos, offer online testimonials and other details of your big event.
  • If escaping is a way to get around "normal" duties, be very careful. This initial escape can escalate into a circle of avoidance of what you really want, such as communication (which your spouse or you have psychologically or physically confronted), having children, and living a long life together. Make sure you discuss everything and trust your intuition, not your fantasies.


  • Expect some family members to get very upset. People have a lot of subjective ideas about weddings and the value of participating in them, and you'll have to stick with the facts why a normal wedding just isn't for you (but don't make excuses - there is no need to). It is also better if you accept that their reaction is their decision, just as the escape is yours.
  • Depending on the age, the idea of ​​leaving the kids in the dark about your escape and just surprise them with a new mom or dad can be resentful. Involving children in the planning process and in the secret itself will delight them and help develop warm feelings for the blended family.
  • A secret escape can seem very exciting. Make sure the excitement is not covering up any major incompatibility between the two of you, as it will show up when the excitement subsides, sometimes within a few days.
  • Be aware that you may feel guilty about those who have been hurt by your decision. But again, this is not an excuse to abandon your decision, but you will have to deal with feelings constructively, and not berate yourself.

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