How to calm your stomach after stress

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Ways Stress Could Be Hurting Your Stomach + Tips For Relief | Dr. Roshini Raj
Video: 4 Ways Stress Could Be Hurting Your Stomach + Tips For Relief | Dr. Roshini Raj


Have you had a lot of nervousness lately, and your stomach has fallen into dislocation? Read this article and you will learn how to get your stomach working!


  1. 1 Do a breathing exercise: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. At this time, try not to think about anything - just listen to your breathing. You can also try closing your eyes while breathing.
  2. 2 Get distracted by something. Chat with friends (just don't touch on a topic that makes you nervous), listen to music, read a book, watch TV.
  3. 3 Try massaging the area where it hurts. Light movements should soothe the pain and relax you.
  4. 4 Get out into fresh air. For a walk, it is advisable to choose some secluded place. For example, you can stand near your entrance.
  5. 5 Drink some cold water. Water will relieve the problem of dehydration, and since your problem is in the stomach, this means that dehydration has begun in the body. Also, cold water will give you a feeling of freshness and tranquility.
  6. 6 Take your medicine. Read the directions or ask your pharmacist. Do not use products that cause you doubts.
  7. 7 Ask yourself again what made you nervous. Think about how you can change situations, or try to change your attitude towards this situation.


  • Tell someone you trust about the stressful situation. Perhaps he can somehow help you. Do not tell everyone about your problem - this way you will never calm down.
  • Leave all your experiences in the past and believe in yourself!
  • If you know ahead of time that you will soon have to get nervous, prepare in advance for this. For example, buy a sedative and something for your stomach.


  • Do not buy medicines from your hands - you will not be sure of their quality.
  • Take as much medicine as indicated in the instructions.