Making sure that a nice guy will like you too

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Jordan Peterson: Guys who are too nice? Good luck.
Video: Jordan Peterson: Guys who are too nice? Good luck.


Do you really like a guy, but he doesn't seem to notice you? Well, this article is going to help you get him to see more in you than just a regular girlfriend!

To step

  1. Get to know him. If that cute guy is just someone from your class and you don't know anything else about him, then you better get to know him. Find out as much about him as you can! If he's a friend that's great! Even so, you can still learn more about his family and interests.
  2. Make friends with him. Talking to him won't be one of the easiest things to do, even if you're friends, but it's a must! If you are studying or in the same class and you are sitting next to him or at the same table, just start by saying something like "Hello". Talk about simple things, such as something that happened in class earlier in the day or the most recent drama the school caused.
  3. When you know you can talk to him, try to befriend him and tell him about your day so far.
  4. Beware of the friend zone. The friend zone is not a good place to stay in for too long, because if you've been there for a while, you might not get away.
  5. Tease him a little. Emphasizing a little. No boy likes when girls are too nice, and of course not when they are too mean. Make fun of him during the outing or date in a playful way. Pretend you're mad at him for apologizing for something stupid, then laugh at it, saying you didn't mean it seriously.
  6. Flirt a little. Make sure you touch him in sweet ways, such as doing his hair good or touching the fabric of his clothes. If he recoils or steps away, stop. Be careful not to touch it inappropriately, as this will certainly send the wrong signal and put you in serious trouble. Once you get closer and start holding hands, make sure you hold them tight. Rub the side of his hand with your thumb.
  7. Try MSN. If you don't have MSN yet, get it now! A great way to flirt on MSN is playing 20 Questions! Ask him about things like what he thinks you like, or who he likes. Don't overdo it though! Incidentally, only ask such questions occasionally, otherwise he may feel that he is being questioned.
  8. Laugh and smile a lot. Boys like girls who appear happy.
  9. Use Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram or other social media options as another source of communication. Show interest by "liking" him or occasionally commenting on his photo if you feel particularly strategic; post a picture of the two of you together and let some of your friends comment that the two of you look good together.
  10. Flirt. The most important thing to know about flirting is not to overdo it; otherwise you can seem terribly desperate. Wink or smile at him and touch him subtly. Some suggestions include getting up on his feet (luckily most guys are taller than girls), poke him, and squeeze his arm. In 75% of cases, guys are too shy to flirt physically because they don't know what you think about it, so you'll have to take the first step.
  11. Get up and do your hair. If you never wear make-up to school (or maybe never at all) then don't come to school all at once with your face full of make-up. It then seems that you are trying too hard. If you want to wear makeup, do it gradually and don't do it just for him. In any case, there are plenty of guys who prefer a natural look. Your hair is also very important. You can wear it curly, straight, etc. of course, but it's more important to just keep it clean and detangled!
  12. Compliment him. But not too often. This will keep him alert and make him feel special. Only compliment him on something specific. Tell him when he's really good at reading your emotions, or if you love how his sweater fits his eyes, and you can't stop staring.
  13. Be a world-class listener. If he doesn't want to talk about anything, don't go rooting, tell him you're there for him. When he wants to talk to you, don't interrupt and be understanding. It's quite difficult for guys to open up; you have to make it easy for them.
  14. Get his phone number from him! There are many ways to get his number - if you know he's not very good at a particular trade, give him your number and tell him to text you or call you if he needs help. If you know he wants to join an association, ask him about it and tell him you will text him the details. You can even ask him out on a date and then ask for his number!
  15. Text him. Don't text him several times a week or you may seem desperate. Another thing you can do every now and then is not reply to a text message from him right away until a few hours or a day later, then send a text saying sorry for some flirty or vague reason.
  16. Take care of yourself. This one is very important! You don't want to smell like sweat all day at school. Very simple: take a shower every day, use soap and deodorant, maybe a little perfume, brush your teeth, etc.
  17. Don't be overly active socially, as he may feel like he can't keep up with you. If he feels like he can't keep up with you, he might get nervous and think you are too high for him. If you are very active socially, invite him over with you and some of your friends one day. This gives him the opportunity to interact with you outside of school and experience you in your natural state.
  18. Guys are easily influenced by their friends, so associating with his group of friends can be helpful. However, make sure that you only hang out with his friends when he is there too. But if you don't like or know his friends well, you can at least try to befriend them.
  19. Talk to one of his friends. When that friend is talking a lot, make eye contact with the guy you like. This will make you appear interested, but hard to get.
  20. Come up with a way to approach him. Timing is everything. Make sure his shoelaces are loose, ask which band is playing, or possibly even comment on the weather (which may sound boring, but it's a good conversation starter that is often used, and most people don't mind talk about the weather). Trust yourself and avoid stuttering and throwing the words out. Just talk to him as one of your friends.
  21. Beware of other girls who want to trap you sweetly in their web. If you know the girl in question, talk to her in a friendly manner and make sure you know what her interests are. By learning more about her, you can find out if she actually likes him.
  22. Be happy and cheerful when you talk, and don't whine and whine all the time. Nobody likes to be around a negative person or someone who is constantly grumpy. Even if you are not really in a happy mood, you can still try not to feel sad or angry.
  23. Don't talk about how "hot" other guys are. He may then start to think that you like those others more and that you no longer see him.
  24. Don't be too shy around him. If you're dating, like dancing, and he seems too shy to ask someone, just walk up to him and ask him to dance! Never be too afraid to ask. Maybe he just wants to dance without others noticing.
  25. If you ask him out, don't let someone else do it for you. That can make him feel like you don't want to be around him. If he has a phone, ask him for his number. Calling a guy to ask him out is easier than asking this in person, and less painful if he says no.
  26. If nothing seems to work, then do the bend and snap! This has worked great for Elle Woods in Legally Blonde.


  • Did you notice that he was looking at you? Next time instead of looking away and blushing, try to answer his gaze and make eye contact!
  • Be yourself; don't try to become someone else. You don't want to base a relationship on lies.
  • Learn from your past mistakes; If you made a mistake with another guy, don't make that mistake with this guy.
  • Always have mints or gum with you.
  • If you are talking to him alone, speak softly so that he is forced to lean towards you.
  • Play with your hair or necklaces when talking to him - it looks cute.
  • Don't casually ask him out, or as if you've waited a long time for this moment, even if you have.
  • If you're friends, try to get closer to him.
  • Look for things you have in common.
  • Don't just ask him out, but that it sounds sweet and it shows that you care about him.


  • Don't stalk him. If he says he likes another girl or talks to another girl, don't get jealous. This will make you appear negative, and he will no longer be interested in you.
  • Make sure you don't tell everyone you like him, because it will eventually get to him and he could be put off as a result.
  • Boys, especially those in high school, are often still very immature in social situations with girls, and may not talk to you because of their nervousness.
  • If he wants to do something but you don't, don't do it.
  • Remember, most people get very angry if you try to kiss or touch them when they just want to be friends. Take it gradually and make sure you have a very close friendship before trying anything like this.
  • Pay attention to online relationships. Not everyone online is who they say they are.