How to Become a Good Hip Hop Dancer

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Hip Hop Dance | Tips & Drills To Help You Become A Better Hip Hop Dancer
Video: How To Hip Hop Dance | Tips & Drills To Help You Become A Better Hip Hop Dancer


Do you want to express your feelings through dance, but your body will not allow it ?! Do you feel like dancing to keep yourself in good shape? With enough confidence and patience, you can do anything!


  1. 1 Love what you do. If you want to dance, love the dance with all your heart. Perhaps you want to dance so that girls or guys pay attention to you - but to look good in dance, you need to not think about how people see you from the outside, and focus exclusively on yourself. Put your heart and soul into the dance. If you are indifferent to dance, you will most likely give up after the first movements that are not given to you, as it will become stressful and nothing else. But if you really have a desire, you will work hard on each movement until you master them.
  2. 2 Find information about famous dancers. There are many legendary dancers who inspire many dance lovers. It will be useful to get acquainted with the history of how they learned to dance.
    • This, of course, does not mean that you should copy the movements of the professionals. It's too complicated. But do this: pick one favorite dancer and when you dance, think of him and imagine that you are him. Let him become your invisible teacher!
  3. 3 Study the movements. You can sign up for hip-hop lessons or learn the movements yourself. Many people watch the video and try to repeat what they saw, but this is usually difficult. You need someone to be able to look at the movements you have mastered, correct them, show them how to do it correctly, and answer your questions in case of difficulties.
  4. 4 Learn the history of the dance. Dancing is one way to express your feelings. Dance is beautiful, artistic and sometimes inexpressible in words. There are many styles of dance, for example, break dance, popping, tatting, locking and others. All of these are related to hip-hop.
  5. 5 Dance with your friends. It can be boring to practice dancing alone, and besides, you can learn some new movements from others. Find a nearby dance studio, gym, or just dance on the street! Gather your friends, play music and improvise!
    • Even if you seemsthat from the outside you look unimportant, hard work is ultimately rewarded. Ignore the outsiders, just practice with your friends, and who knows? Perhaps in the future you will become the best dance group in the world.
  6. 6 Don't be too hard on yourself. Perhaps your friends will tell you that you are a bad dancer. Pay no attention to them. If you yourself feel that you are failing, stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself. Why not? Why do you think you can't dance?
    • Never say never. Tell yourself you will! You are either simply afraid to dance in public or too lazy to train! Say, “Of course I can! Now I will learn these movements and show them who I am. Like this!"
  7. 7 Choose your style. Know exactly what you want. If you want to do breakdancing, also known as b-boy, you first need to know what that style is. To practice, they will need a lot of strength and creativity. You need to feel it. You may feel that the movements you want to learn are too difficult, that you are ready to give up, but you need to believe in yourself.
    • There are many different moves in break dance, and you can learn any of them and then transform them to your own style.
  8. 8 Understand what your skill level is. If you want to practice popping, which is considered one of the most popular dances along with b-boy, you need a certain natural inclination, because the body becomes less flexible with age. Thus, you need to either start training in adolescence or have natural flexibility. or in the presence of inclinations from nature.
    • If you don’t have the makings, and as a child you didn’t even hear about popping, you will have to put in a lot of effort, because popping is literally "flinching" to the music. Either it looks natural, or the audience just turns and walks away.
  9. 9 Continue training. Practice every day.This does not mean that you have to work hard from morning to night. Practice a little at every convenient moment - for example, practice a handstand while you wait for dinner.
    • If you have a minute of free time, train right at home. Do not just walk around the apartment, but do a couple of movements, then repeat them. Practice constantly, because the more you practice the movements, the more natural they will turn out for you.
  10. 10 Speak. Go to auditions and get ready to perform! Work diligently on your dance and practice it as best you can. Show everything that you are capable of in it. You can perform alone or with friends. Put all your learned moves on a suitable song and do a coherent dance! Listen to the reactions of those who listen to you, their advice and do better next time. Dancing on stage very inspire. Take pride in your work, but don't stop. Keep improving until you reach your goal!
  11. 11 Get ready for the long haul. Dancing takes a long time. You need to learn the movements, learn to perform them with ease and do something new based on them.
  12. 12 Whatever your ultimate dance goal, keep moving forward. Even if you are not going to become a professional, but just love dancing, do not give up this activity and do not give up.


  • If you have free time, create a dance with a friend and practice it at home. Then you can use it in any performance, and you have more time to add new elements to your dance.
  • Just believe in yourself. If you are performing on stage and are nervous, just imagine that you are dancing in your room alone to your favorite music.
  • If your parents think your dancing is complete nonsense, try to convince them first, but if that doesn't work, practice dancing outside the home.
  • Here are some good b-boy bands: Iconic Boyz, Last For One, Gamblerz, Poppin Hyun Joon, Jabowockees and Phase T. You can find role models in them.
  • Let your body express your personality in the dance.
  • Put your soul into dance. No one is interested in a dancer who is unnatural and tense. Relax, turn on your emotions, and let your facial expression match the dance.


  • Try not to get hurt while training or performing on stage! Some movements are quite dangerous, so if you really want to learn them, ask a knowledgeable person for help.
  • If you want to show your movements to guys or girls, do them right. Don't embarrass yourself. If you want to perform, do it well, otherwise everyone will think that you are just pretending to be a cool dancer.
  • If you have stage fright, rehearse more to be on top.