How to reassure your parents if you get a bad grade

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
How To Handle An Angry Parent With Class and Calm!
Video: How To Handle An Angry Parent With Class and Calm!


From time to time, all students get bad grades, be it for a test, control, essay or some other work. Naturally, parents are upset about this, because they wish their child only success. It is only in your hands to change the situation and earn good grades that will delight both your parents and yourself.


  1. 1 Show your parents a bad grade. It is better that they find out about it from you, and not from someone else, otherwise they will think that you are hiding it. Only not come home looking depressed and poke an assessment in their face, otherwise it could seriously piss them off.
  2. 2 Be honest about the reason for the bad grade before parents start drawing their own conclusions. For example, if a teacher gave half of the class unfairly, talk about it.
  3. 3 Apologize for the bad grade and tell your parents that you will try harder next time.
  4. 4 Tell your parents how you will change the way you learn. Ask them for opinions and advice, as parents can often offer helpful ideas and good experiences.
  5. 5 Cry if you feel like it. Do not pretend, as this will not help, and some parents may even be annoyed.
  6. 6 Find a friend who is doing well in the subject. Ask for help to sort out certain topics that are difficult for you.
  7. 7 Organize your work. List specifically what exactly you plan to do to pull yourself up in this subject. Always keep a journal handy and write down your homework in it.
  8. 8 An important step: in fact, do your best next time. It is in your hands to prepare for the next test, stay after class for further clarification, or be more responsible in class. Almost all teachers strive to ensure that their students study well, and will be glad to see your desire and efforts.
  9. 9 Remember, sometimes parents may lose their temper upon hearing such news. If this happens, ask them to lower their tone and speak in an adult way, and if they yell at you, tell them how you plan to prevent a similar situation in the future.
  10. 10 Ask your parents if they would like to review your homework in the future. If you do, they will make sure you are willing to put in the effort to improve grades. In addition, they (and you) will have the opportunity to notice and correct mistakes.
  11. 11 Say that you are very sorry and agree with their opinion about what you did wrong for your part..
  12. 12 Be a good fellow and do not get into a skirmish!
  13. 13 Apologize again.
  14. 14 Do not waste time on idleness and play less and listen to music. There are always tons of great things to do, but try not to play games or listen to music. If necessary, assign this to yourself as a punishment and do not play or listen to music until your homework is done.


  • Don't forget to show your parents good grades.
  • Work hard, but remember to make time for relaxation and fun.
  • Remember, you can get good grades. Just keep believing and trying your best.
  • It is very difficult to do your homework while listening to music or watching TV, so make sure nothing distracts you.
  • Be prepared to ask for help - from any source. Everyone has areas that are more difficult to master, and everyone, one way or another, needs help in some subjects, so support will only make your task easier. If they are your classmates, perhaps in return you can also help on a subject.
  • If you find that you don't have time to study and do your homework, cut back on the time you spend playing video games, texting, and anything else that wastes your precious time. You don't have to give up completely, just devote less time to it.
  • Do not lie. You will find (if you haven't already) that it ultimately hurts more than it helps.
  • There is one trick that helps calm parents down, but it takes time. First of all, when you get a good grade, write it down on a separate piece of paper and keep a record of any grades that might please your parents. When you get the highest score for some difficult job, write it down as well and do not tell your parents right away. Then, when you get a bad grade, tell them first about all the good ones, and only then about the bad ones. Parents will not be so upset.
  • Limit the time of meeting with friends, unless they pull you up in the subject, otherwise it will also distract you from your studies.
  • Go to the teacher and ask if it is possible to meet with him separately to work on mistakes and consult on difficult questions on the subject.
  • If you don't want to be severely punished, try changing the subject, just don't get too nervous.
  • Never lie to your parents.
  • After showing your parents the failed test or quiz, ask if they can help you redo the work or work around the mistakes so they don't repeat them next time. You can also go to the teacher.
  • If the teacher doesn't like you, there may be a reason. Behave better in class and try not to disturb others in class.
  • If your parents don't care and they keep screaming, just let them scream, accept the punishment, and tell them you'll do your best next time.
  • If your friends turn their backs on you when you start getting good grades, they are not real friends. Find others.
  • Do not get into a skirmish. Just go to your room or bathroom if you feel like your parents are out of control and wait for them to calm down.


  • It won't be easy to get good grades, but you can you do it.
  • Tell them you will try hard next time.
  • If your phone or other items are taken away from you, withstand the punishment. There is no need to whine or complain, or the punishment may last even longer.
  • Don't make up unreasonable excuses.
  • Don't forget about the assessment; you will create problems and lose the trust of your parents.
  • Never lose hope, remember it is never too late.
  • Many parents tend to compare your grades with those of your peers. They may be wondering how your performance compares to others!