How to get tested successfully when applying for a job

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Great Place to Work Video #5: Executing a Successful Screening Process
Video: Great Place to Work Video #5: Executing a Successful Screening Process


Many organizations test candidates for vacancies when hiring. Based on the test results, the employer evaluates the personality of the candidate and determines how suitable he is for the position. Some tests may include sections to test math ability, literacy, and proficiency in certain software. Ask the hiring professional you are dealing with in advance what questions are included in the testing. This way you will know what to prepare for!


Method 1 of 2: Taking a Personality Assessment Test

  1. 1 Speak with your recruiting manager and find out what to expect from the upcoming screening. Tests like these are aimed at identifying personality traits, so there are no right or wrong answers. However, the manager may well give you a general idea of ​​the topics that you will come across during testing. You can ask the following questions:
    • "How can I prepare for the test?"
    • "What skills will be tested during testing?"
  2. 2 Practice doing personality tests online. Search the net for Myers Briggs tests and try some of them. Answer the questions honestly for the most accurate result. Taking practice tests will help you get an idea of ​​the possible test questions when applying for a job.
    • Personality tests help determine how sociable, rational, and emotional a candidate is. They are used by employers to assess the personality of a job seeker. For example, to understand if you are sociable or withdrawn.
    • With the help of practice tests, you will be able to determine the traits of your character that are worth working on in order to become a more suitable applicant for this position. For example, if work involves active interaction with people, it is worth tightening up your communication skills.
  3. 3 The answers you will give in the test should show that you are suitable for the job. When answering questions, keep in mind the required qualities of a candidate, indicated by the employer in the ad. If the company is looking for ambitious people, respond in a way that doesn't look like people who are content with little. If they need an employee who is attentive to detail, try to answer questions consistently and meticulously.
    • When answering questions about yourself, don't be overly humble, but at the same time be honest and don't take credit for more than what you have.
  4. 4 Answer the questions logically and consistently. Aptitude tests may ask the same questions several times, but in different wording. If your answers are conflicting, this may give rise to suspicion. The employer may think that you are trying to cheat him or that you have an unstable psyche.
    • For example, if in one of the answers you mention your sociability, but further indicate that you prefer to spend time alone, the employer may find this suspicious.
  5. 5 Choose answers that show you as a decent and positive person. Tests for professional competence may include questions that test how honest, reliable and optimistic an applicant is. If you present yourself as repulsive and dishonest, the employer is likely to lose interest in you.
    • The test may ask the following question: "Do you think it is possible to steal things at work?" Answer "no" to this question. If you answer yes, the employer may think that you are either a cynic or that you can afford to steal something.
  6. 6 Demonstrate that you know how to work in a team. People who do not fit into the team usually cannot boast of success at work and rarely get promoted.If, based on your answers, it is clear that you are an inveterate introvert or conflict person, the employer is unlikely to be interested in you.
    • When asked whether you consider yourself sociable, well-mannered, non-conflictual, etc., if possible, answer in the affirmative.
  7. 7 Choose answers that demonstrate that you are a level-headed person. It is important for the employer to make sure that you are able to deal with stress and control yourself. Never choose answers that suggest that bickering with colleagues and superiors is acceptable to you. Also try to show that you are capable of completing assignments on time and multitasking. This will help the employer understand that you will be a calm and collected employee.

Method 2 of 2: Taking a Skills Assessment Test

  1. 1 Ask your HR manager what skills will be tested during testing. Depending on the position, you will be tested for possession of one or more skills. Write a short, polite email to your manager asking them to explain how the test will work. For example, you can write:
    • “I would like to clarify some points about testing. In particular, how the test will proceed and what topics will be included in it. Thank you for your reply".
  2. 2 If necessary, try taking tests in spelling, grammar, and math. These are the most common skills you can be tested for when applying for a job. Before doing this, however, ask your HR professional if these topics will be included in the test. Some recruiting agencies provide practice testing on their websites. If you need to improve your knowledge of mathematics, you can borrow collections of relevant tests from the library or buy from the bookstore.
    • Based on the results of the training tasks, determine what knowledge you need to improve before taking the test.
  3. 3 Review math topics that may appear in the test. Solve math problems for at least one hour a day. If you want to progress faster, increase the number of hours you spend preparing for the test. If you have a friend who knows math, ask him to help you. If some of the training tasks are not given to you in any way, be sure to try to figure out what you do not understand.
    • Focus on studying the math material that is most relevant to your position. For example, if you are interviewing for the position of an architect, you may come across an assignment for calculating measurements in the test.
  4. 4 Learn writing skills. If necessary, practice your knowledge of grammar and spelling, practice typing on the keyboard. Spend at least an hour a day on this during the preparation period. Increase the preparation time if necessary. Show your work to someone who can write texts and ask what is worth working on, what knowledge is worth improving.
  5. 5 Practice working with the software that the candidate for the position should own. If the ad states that the applicant must be familiar with a certain software, you may have to demonstrate your level on testing. For example, if the employer requires knowledge of Excel, you may come across tasks related to this program.
    • If before the test you need to practice the skill of working with a particular program, practice doing the tasks at home. This will help you not to get confused during testing.
    • Check out the user guides posted on the Internet if you need to brush up on this program.
  6. 6 Create an environment conducive to the test. If you're taking the test at home, eliminate distractions like the TV. You need to focus completely on the test.If you are taking the test in the office, bring a bottle of water or anything you feel comfortable with.
  7. 7 Remain calm while taking the test. If you feel nervous, take a few deep breaths. If you cannot answer a question, come back to it later after answering the rest of the questions. Try not to think about whether you will eventually be accepted for this job. Instead, use all your mental energy to answer the questions correctly.
  8. 8 Read the questions carefully. A cursory reading is not always enough to understand the question. If you don't understand a question, read it again. If you have read the question several times, but it is still not clear, try to at least guess what is required of you. If you have time, come back to it a little later.