How to improve your wardrobe

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
how to find your style + build your dream wardrobe
Video: how to find your style + build your dream wardrobe


Improving your wardrobe is an ongoing process, but the first step is to figure out where to start. Assess the scale of the disaster. Throw away all the clothes that you don't like, and then gradually add new, better things to your wardrobe to replace the old ones.


Method 1 of 4: Assess Your Wardrobe

Determine which part of your current wardrobe needs improvement.

  1. 1 Go through all the things in the closet. Separate the clothes you like, the clothes you don't like, and the clothes that you are neutral about.
  2. 2 Determine why you like certain things. Some may be associated with romantic memories, but more often than not, we like clothes that we look good in.
    • Explore how similar your favorite pieces are in terms of cut or style.
    • Host a fashion show for yourself. If you're not sure why you like a particular item, try it on and see yourself in a full-length mirror.
  3. 3 Get rid of the clothes you hate. If you don’t like it and you don’t wear it anymore, storing it only worsens the perception of your wardrobe.
    • Throw away all leaky and stained items.
    • Donate all items in good condition to a charity or local thrift store.
    • Pack up all your romantic memories. Some things may be dear to you, even if you have not liked the way you look in them for a long time. If you can't bear the thought of parting with such things, put them in a box and remove from the closet.
  4. 4 Evaluate things that you are neutral about. Determine which ones look good on you and which don't look good on you.
    • Get rid of all things that look tasteless or age you.
    • Leave neutral things that sit well on you and are potentially attractive. They can be freshened up in the future with accessories.
    • Leave a few comfortable items. A chunky T-shirt or a pair of sweatpants may not be up to date with the latest fashion trends, but they are very comfortable if you want to relax and walk at home all day in comfortable clothes. Provided that these things do not play a fundamental role in your wardrobe, one or two of these will not hurt.

Method 2 of 4: Get to Know Your Body

Before you start improving your wardrobe, you need to understand how to choose things that will look good on your body.

  1. 1 Measure your figure. Even if you think you know your basic parameters, measure yourself again for more accuracy.
    • Measure your bust. Take a measuring tape and, pulling it tight parallel to the floor, measure the fullest part of your bust.
    • Measure your waist. Wrap a tape around your "natural waist". This is the narrowest part of it, usually just below the bust. Pull the tape down and keep it parallel to the floor.
    • Measure your hips. Bring your legs together and wrap a measuring tape around the fullest part of your hips, while pulling the tape tight parallel to the floor.
  2. 2 Identify your problem areas. Almost all women are unhappy with any part of their body in one way or another. Find out what is upsetting you so that you can choose clothes that make you look more harmonious.
  3. 3 Determine what you like about your body. Everyone has something to work with. Maintain a positive attitude and identify which traits you like and would like to emphasize.
  4. 4 Determine your body type. There are five basic shape types: pear, apple, inverted triangle, hourglass, and pillar.
    • Take off your clothes and stand in front of a full-length mirror.
    • Focus on the contours of your torso. Start at the natural waist and mentally trace the outline to the ribcage.
    • Then start at the natural waistline and visualize the outline down to the hip line.

Method 3 of 4: Bring old things to life

Renovate old things and make them more interesting with accessories.

  1. 1 Visit a seamstress. Some of the items in your wardrobe may have lost their polish, but still hold potential.
    • Repair any seams and stitches that have come off, and hem any that come off.
    • Sew the ripped hem together.
    • Tidy up or part with old favorites, especially if your weight has changed.
  2. 2 Wear jewelry. A little twist can turn an understated outfit into a sensation.
    • Go through your jewelry and select old but still trendy pieces.
    • Buy some new jewelry. Pick something that seems intriguing to you, even if you wouldn't buy it before.
    • Buy jewelry that matches your wardrobe.
    • Choose bright, colorful pieces to spice up neutral pieces.
    • For special occasions, stock up on a few classics like a pearl necklace or diamond ring.
  3. 3 Add color and style with shoes.
    • Buy a pair of trendy stiletto heels, solid soles, or bold sandals to complement your understated outfit.
    • Also look for a pair of trendy, neutral-colored stiletto heels that can be worn with just about any outfit.
  4. 4 Invest in other accessory items. Don't limit your accessories to jewelry and shoes.
    • Try different types of hats. Not all hats look good on every head, but anyone can find at least one type of headgear that suits them.
    • Consider buying a long, fashionable scarf as long as you like the style.
    • Look for a trendy belt in a business or neutral style. A belt can dramatically change the look of your garment by highlighting the narrower part of your waist.
    • Change your handbags. If you already have several handbags, choose one that you haven't worn in a long time.
    • Alternatively, if you only have one bag, buy another new one.

Method 4 of 4: Buy new clothes

Gradually introduce new things into your wardrobe, thereby improving its quality.

  1. 1 Look outside your closet for fresh ideas.
    • Flip through fashion magazines and select pictures of the types of clothing that you like.
    • Cut out some pictures and use them as cheat sheets during your shopping trip.
  2. 2 Get all the basic wardrobe items. If you don't have basic wardrobe items yet, buy what you need.
    • Wear at least one pair of classic blue jeans to fit your figure.
    • Buy one pair of tailored trousers made from soft material with an inner lining.
    • Get a simple skirt in a neutral color for your figure. The knee-length A-line skirt fits well on most body types and can be used in a variety of situations.
    • Buy some tank tops or blazer shirts and low cut blouses.
    • It is absolutely imperative to purchase one formal white blouse.
    • Buy a blazer or jacket and wear it with different blouses.
  3. 3 Pick up a few "fun" things. The main idea is to improve your wardrobe, not make it monotonous.
    • Look for bold designs and colors that might intrigue you, even if you wouldn't normally buy such an item.
    • Pick one trendy style that you find appealing and look for items in that style.
  4. 4 Look for items that compliment your figure.
    • If your body type is pear, focus on the upper body with patterned shirts, vibrant colors and interesting neckline shapes.
    • If your body type is an apple, hide the midsection under flowing fabrics and a high waist.
    • If your body type is an inverted triangle, create a visual line for the hips using wide leg legs. Try flared jeans and skirts in bold colors, patterns and ruffles.
    • If your body type is a column, add curves with prints, texture, color, layers and other details.
    • If your body type is an hourglass, accentuate your waist with voluminous skirts, hips and drapes.
  5. 5 Choose the things that you like. Try not to buy another neutral item in your wardrobe. If you don't feel like you absolutely love the item, save money until you find something that really delights you.


  • When shopping for new items and accessories, start small. Buy one or two items at a time so you don't lose your budget and your sanity.
  • Convert old garments into accessories. Use material from an old sweater to sew a bag, belt, or scarf.

What do you need

  • Full-length mirror
  • Fashion magazines
  • Tape measure
  • Accessories
  • New clothes