How to pack for a school trip

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Pack With Me for a School Field Trip 🚌 KonMari Method
Video: Pack With Me for a School Field Trip 🚌 KonMari Method


To pack for a school trip, you need to consider the length of the trip, the goals you need to achieve, and the school's equipment requirements. Start with a list of essentials, then add the items you'd like to take with you and start packing!


Method 1 of 4: Take items from school requirements

  1. 1 Talk to your teacher / lecturer or guide to find out exactly what you need. Ask what things you will need during the excursion (and what you will not need). Also make a list of things that you personally need. When you do this, cross out all the things that are pointless to take with you, and add the things that you forgot about.
    • The list will be useful to you as you can tick off items as you pack them in your backpack.
    • If this is a one-day school trip without an overnight stay, you probably won't need a lot of things. On the other hand, if your excursion is lasting a week or even longer, you certainly need to think carefully about your plans.
  2. 2 Choose the right backpack. It should be large enough to hold all your belongings, but the size and weight should be the right size and weight for you to carry. If this is your first time buying a backpack, ask the store clerk to put some weight in your backpack and walk around for a bit, putting it on your shoulders. This will give you an estimate of the weight of the filled backpack. The weight of the backpack should feel reasonable, especially if you have to walk long distances or engage in physical activity.

Method 2 of 4: Make a List

  1. 1 Follow the school's list of things, if you have one. Otherwise, here are some things to look out for:
    • Backpack (see previous step)
    • Waterproof cover for a backpack. You will need it if there is a chance that you will be caught in the rain, will wade rivers or your route will pass through wet, wetlands. If you fall, a waterproof cover wrapped around your belongings will keep them dry.
    • Writing aids (paper, notebook, pencils, pens, paints, etc.)
    • Measurement tools (if required)
    • Digital camera
    • Tablet computer (this can be useful for recording if you are used to using it; remember to make sure the battery is fully charged)
    • Torch
    • Plasticine (for prints, models, etc.)
    • Mobile phone (again, make sure it is fully charged as it is not always possible to charge the battery during the tour)
    • Sunglasses, Hat, Sunscreen, Insect Repellent
    • Windbreaker or windbreaker
    • Change of clothes (if necessary)
    • Find the trekking list if you are going on an overnight excursion or longer trip.

Method 3 of 4: Packing Your Urban School Trip

  1. 1 Collect everything you need in one place. The surface of the bed or the floor of your room (or even the bed or the floor in the guest room) is a suitable place to pack your belongings.
  2. 2 Take a small plastic folder. It usually holds a pencil / pen and a piece of paper. You can put small things in there, such as plasticine, a small flashlight, and even some food (if you are allowed to take them).You can take whatever things you want with you, as long as they fit in a small plastic folder. If you have to go through a security check (for example, you are going on an excursion to a television center), do not take anything with you. Do not forget that you can share some of the things with your classmates.
  3. 3 Bring additional items that you want to take with you. You can take a small bottle of drinking water and some snacks on your trip. Bring a light jacket in case it gets colder in the evening.

Method 4 of 4: Packing Your Summer School Trip

  1. 1 Collect everything you need in one place. The surface of the bed or the floor of your room (or even the bed or the floor in the guest room) is a suitable place to pack your belongings.
  2. 2 Pack the items you need. You need to bring a packaged meal, a lightweight, compact waterproof windbreaker in case of rain, a drinking water bottle that already contains water, sunscreen, lip balm, sunglasses, a spare sweater or cardigan, a hat, and insect spray.
  3. 3 Pack extra items. Do not take a headrest pillow with you when traveling - it will be completely useless. It is best to bring a small notepad and pen, a camera, snacks, or a cold accumulator in your food container. Not only will it help preserve your food, but it can also come in handy if you get too hot. You can apply it to your forehead and thus freshen up a little.
  4. 4 Pack wisely. Place a container of food at the bottom of your bag or backpack to keep it cool. Place snack food on top. Then put in your windbreaker, camera, and spare cardigan. Attach a water bottle to the side to keep it cool and close at hand. Then put your pen and notebook down (if your notebook has a spiral, insert a pen into it). Then pack insect spray, sunscreen, and lip balm. Wear a hat and sunglasses, but leave some space at the top of your backpack so you can put your hat and glasses on if you want to take them off. The essence of this packing order is that you keep food and water cool, and water is always at hand. The camera is protected from knocks between pieces of clothing, while notebooks, pens, sunscreen, insect spray and lip balm can be easily removed from the top of the backpack. If your bag or backpack has side pockets, it's best not to put anything in them. Someone can pull the thing you need out of such a pocket without asking. If a person doesn't have sunscreen or repellent with them, they may want to take yours, and not all people are well-bred to ask permission to borrow someone else's item.
  5. 5 Put your backpack on your shoulders and go on an interesting excursion.


  • Take some money to buy souvenirs, a notebook and a pen to play tic-tac-toe and other games and playing cards.
  • The camera will be very useful during a school trip. You will be able to take pictures of yourself and your friends as a souvenir.
  • Make sure that you are going to use all the extra items that you take with you yourself. If you are thinking of grabbing something that might come in handy for your friend on a trip, you are unlikely to have confidence that the friend will actually take advantage of the item. Most likely, this will only add weight to your luggage and will get in the way and unnerve you all the time when you need to find something you need in your backpack.
  • If you have to take a long bus ride, make sure you have something to keep you entertained along the way. Bring a book, MP3 player, portable DVD player, or whatever to pass the time with you.
  • If you suffer from any medical conditions or are allergic to something, notify the teacher before the start of the excursion.
  • Bring a spare pair of socks with you if you have to hike in rainy weather.
  • Freeze 2 water bottles and take an extra 3. The frozen bottled water will chill adjacent water bottles. When the ice melts, you can drink this water. This idea is well suited for long-term excursions.
  • Be friendly with your travel companions. If you're fooling around, they'll turn a blind eye to it.
  • For an overnight excursion, bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, blanket, pillow, and commonly used facial and hair products.
  • Remember to charge your electronic devices at night or the day before your trip. Then they will be fully charged by the time you leave the house.
  • Just in case, take something to eat with you.
  • If during the excursion you have to walk a lot, climb rocks or travel in the mountains, take care of a first aid kit with everything you need. It may be needed if someone gets hurt.
  • If you have to walk a lot, wear comfortable shoes or special trainers for running and walking.
  • If there is a designated place for everyone on the bus, bring a bag in which you can leave some of your belongings on the bus. Then you don't have to carry all your belongings with you.


  • Don't take anything with you that might get you in trouble.
  • Ask if you can bring a first aid kit with you. Put a package of paracetamol and motion sickness pills in it. It is always helpful to be prudent.
  • Ask what kind of clothes you can wear.
  • Make sure you can take electronic devices with you.