Getting someone to stop ignoring you

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make Your Specific Person STOP Ignoring YOU!
Video: Make Your Specific Person STOP Ignoring YOU!


It doesn't feel right to be ignored by someone, be it a friend, partner, or sibling. You tend to try to connect until the other person responds, but it is actually better to withdraw. Continue with your daily routine while the other person processes their feelings. The good news is that the other person probably won't ignore you for good. When you are in calmer waters, try to arrange a personal meeting with the other person to discuss the problem and come up with a solution together that feels right for both of you.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Giving space to the other

  1. Find out why the other person is ignoring you. Depending on the situation, this can be quite obvious. For example, if you've had a big fight with your wife, you probably know exactly why she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. If you are not aware of any issues between you and the person, consider whether you have done anything to upset or upset them.
    • Maybe you gossiped about him or her behind a friend's back. Your friend may have heard what you said in a roundabout way.
    • If you haven't invited someone in or responded to their calls or messages, the other person may be hurt by your behavior.

    Tip: in some cases, you may not have done anything to justify ignoring it. If you like the person you are ignoring or have recently started taking a romantic interest in the person, then you should probably get on with your life. You deserve someone who treats you better.

  2. Let the other cool down. Whatever the reason for ignoring it, the worst thing you can do is to constantly go after the person. Do not send them a large amount of messages, make phone calls, or keep asking them why they are ignoring you. Give the other person some time to figure out how he or she is feeling and whether he or she wants to contact you again.
    • A single message or phone call is fine, but don't send a large amount of messages with texts like `` Why are you ignoring me? '', `` What did I do wrong? '' Or `` Please talk to me! '' it also makes you seem desperate.
    • It can be very difficult to stop trying to fix the problem right away. However, you can't tell the other person what to do, so just give the other person some space.
  3. Distract yourself with work, school and hobbies. It can take a lot of time and energy to figure out why someone is ignoring you and to worry about being ignored by them. However, it is not productive and will only make you feel miserable. Keep going with your daily life and activities. Throwing in at work or schoolwork can be a productive way of distracting yourself so that you stop thinking about the problem.
    • During your free time, do things you enjoy, whether you like fishing, baking, playing football, woodworking, writing poems, swimming, knitting or programming.
  4. Spend time with people who care about you. It can be very annoying to argue with someone important to you, but he or she probably isn't the only one you enjoy spending time with. Reach out and meet up with other friends and family members. Take the time to work on your relationship with other people and spend quality time with them.
    • Getting your emotional needs met is very important, especially if you are struggling with a relationship that is important to you.
  5. Think about how you have responded to this behavior before. If the person hushed you up before and you gave him or her a lot of attention to get him or her to talk to you again, then he or she is probably trying to do the same now.
    • This is another reason why it is important not to be too clingy and beg the other person for attention - it may be that the other person will ignore you in the hope that you will respond to them. If you respond that way, it shows the other person that he or she can get what he or she wants by ignoring you, even if this is not a healthy way to deal with problems.

Part 2 of 2: Start a personal conversation

  1. Contact the other to meet. If you care about the person you are ignoring and want to resolve the conflict, then you need to address the problem. A face-to-face conversation is better than messaging or a phone call because you can see each other's expressions and determine how genuine what you say and do is.
    • You can call, send an app or even send a note to make an appointment. Try saying something like "I know you are very angry with me and I would like to talk about it. Can we meet up on Saturday at 10:00 am to have a coffee? "
    • Try to choose a neutral place to meet so that no one has the advantage at home.

    Tip: the person may not respond to your question or may not want to meet. In this case, there is not much more you can do. If you are open to talking to them about the issues later, let them know so they can get back to you when they are ready.

  2. Ask the other person directly why he or she is ignoring you. Now that you've gotten the other person to want to talk to you, get to the point. Even if it is clear to you why the other is ignoring you, ask the other to explain it from his or her perspective. It can be surprising to find out what the real problem is and why the other person thinks ignoring you is the right way to deal with the problem.
  3. Listen carefully to what the other has to say. Don't get on the defensive or try to figure out how to refute the other person's claims while he or she is speaking. This can be tricky, especially if the other person is accusing you of something or thinks you're the one who's wrong. However, do your best to listen to what the other person is saying, read between the lines, and really see the situation from his or her perspective.
    • Use body language to show that you are listening. For example, make eye contact and nod when you understand or agree with something.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions if something isn't clear to you. You can also repeat what the other has said to make sure you understood correctly.
  4. Apologize if you're the one who's wrong. If you did something to upset or hurt the person, take responsibility for what you did. Put your ego aside for a moment so you can acknowledge your mistakes and apologize sincerely. Validating the other person's feelings can really help restore your relationship.
    • Say something like "Sorry I didn't invite you to a night out with the girls. I understand that I hurt you. "
  5. Tell your side of the story. When the person has been able to voice his or her grievances and tell his or her story, it is your turn to explain what this conflict has done to you. Share your perspective on the situation without blaming the other person.Use I-phrases to express your feelings and don't forget to tell the other person how you felt when they ignored you.
    • For example, you could say something like "I was very sad and worried when you refused to talk to me." I appreciate our friendship and I want to talk it out. "
  6. If possible, think of a compromise or solution together. You probably have a pretty good idea by now whether or not the relationship can be repaired. In some cases, it is enough to apologize. However, it can also take time and dedication to repair your relationship. Work together to determine what the next steps will be.
    • You can both come up with solutions and then find a compromise that works for both of you.
    • It's easy to make promises, but harder to keep. Make sure you are really willing to work on restoring trust in your relationship, if that's the problem.
  7. Accept that the relationship may not be worth saving. If the person ignores you to make you do or not do something, the other person is manipulating you. This is a hallmark of an unhealthy relationship. If you notice that a friend or family member is more likely to engage in this behavior, especially after confronting them, you may be better off without them.
    • If you are actually no longer interested in continuing the relationship, then you may decide that it is better to leave it behind.