How to reduce nausea during pregnancy

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Deal With Morning Sickness During Pregnancy? | Dr. Jyoti Kala
Video: How to Deal With Morning Sickness During Pregnancy? | Dr. Jyoti Kala


Many changes occur in the female body during the first trimester of pregnancy.These include the production of human chorionic gonadotropin, also called pregnancy hormone, and increased production of estrogen. Hormonal changes, combined with stretching of the abdominal muscles and a heightened sense of smell, cause nausea in 90% of cases. Reduce nausea during pregnancy by eliminating foods and environmental factors that make you feel unwell.


Method 1 of 3: Diet

  1. 1 Eat foods that help fight nausea. Certain foods that provide the body with the nutrients and calories it needs to support your pregnancy can also reduce morning sickness. But don't worry if your diet isn't as balanced as you'd like it to be in early pregnancy. Many women can tolerate very little food during the first trimester.
    • The starch in whole grains and legumes lowers acid levels in the digestive tract, which can help relieve nausea. Combine complex carbohydrates with protein for extra energy, which can improve your condition. Examples of whole grain foods are whole grain breads and corn. Examples of legumes are beans and peas. The protein can be any piece of meat or poultry from which the fat has been removed, or a meat substitute such as tofu.
    • Try simple crackers, which can calm your stomach and relieve nausea.
  2. 2 Use fresh ginger. Fresh ginger is an unconventional remedy for all types of nausea and is safe for pregnant women. Rub the ginger root and add it to tea or mineral water. You can also add it to cookies. Ginger ale or ginger candies can also help, but read labels to make sure products contain natural ginger and not artificial flavors.
  3. 3 Eat smaller meals more often. Eat small meals and snack often to help reduce nausea. Overeating or fasting will only increase the feeling of nausea.
    • Hunger can make you feel nauseous, so try to eat before you feel hungry, or as soon as you have a mild urge to eat.
    • Don't overeat. Eat until the hunger is gone, then wait for the hunger to return.
  4. 4 Avoid foods that cause nausea. Different foods can cause nausea for different women, and these foods can change throughout pregnancy, so it's important to monitor your reactions to different types of foods and avoid those that cause nausea.
    • Fatty foods, spicy foods, foods with a strong smell, and foods with an unattractive texture are the most common causes of nausea. What you used to love very much during pregnancy can seem completely unappetizing. Avoid foods that make you nauseous when you think about or smell them.
    • Do not drink alcohol during pregnancy. Besides the fact that it has a harmful effect on the fetus, causing the formation of birth defects, it also aggravates nausea.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. Doctors recommend that pregnant women drink at least 1.4 liters of water a day to avoid dehydration and vomiting.
    • If food often seems unappetizing, drink small amounts of water throughout the day. Carbonated mineral water can be more soothing on your stomach than plain water.
    • Try not to drink a lot of water on an empty stomach. Eat a few crackers in the morning and wait at least 30 minutes before drinking water.
  6. 6 Take prenatal vitamins with food or plenty of water. Vitamin nutrients can suppress your digestive system and increase nausea, so try to eat something and drink plenty of water before taking the vitamins, and drink plenty of water on the tablets.
    • If vitamins make you feel nauseous, even if you take them with food, talk to your doctor about switching to other vitamins until the nausea has subsided.
    • Some prenatal vitamins contain vitamin B6, which can help fight nausea.
  7. 7 Add sources of vitamin B6 to your diet. Vitamin B6 helps fight nausea. Eat foods rich in vitamin B6, such as chicken breast, beef, chickpeas, potatoes, and bananas. Ask your doctor if you can take a vitamin B6 supplement - usually taking 100 mg twice daily is enough to relieve nausea.
    • Vitamin B6 supplements can be combined with ½ doxylamine tablets to help combat morning sickness.
    • Do not take doxylamine if you are breastfeeding a baby.

Method 2 of 3: Control Yourself and Your Surroundings

  1. 1 Adjust your surroundings as much as possible to eliminate the causes of nausea. Avoid using perfumes, scented candles, and household detergents that make you nauseous. Other environmental factors that may need to be adjusted include room temperature, lighting, and air quality.
  2. 2 Sleep more. Sleep at least 8 hours a night and rest when you feel tired. When your body is weakened from exhaustion, you are more likely to suffer from bouts of nausea.
  3. 3 Avoid stress. Stress increases the amount of acid in your stomach, which in turn can cause nausea. Try to relax as much as possible and avoid things that stress you as much as possible. This can help relieve feelings of nausea.
    • If you are very nauseous, it can be helpful to take time off from work. This way you can rest and recover.
    • Prenatal yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, and warm baths can all be helpful in dealing with stress.
    • For more methods of dealing with stress, see the wikiHow article "How to Reduce Stress".
  4. 4 Try to be outdoors as often as possible. Fresh air helps to reduce nausea and is beneficial for the development of the baby in general. Try to be outdoors as often as possible during pregnancy.
    • Avoid smoking and smokers, nicotine not only causes nausea, but also increases the risk of pathologies in the child.
  5. 5 Take care of the cleanliness of your home. If necessary, contact a cleaning company or ask family or friends for help to clean up the house. Various odors and other factors around you can make your nausea worse, so it's important to keep your home clean.
    • If you have a cat, do not clean up the litter box during pregnancy, as you risk contracting toxoplasmosis and passing it on to your baby.

Method 3 of 3: Alternative Treatments

  1. 1 Learn about alternative treatments for nausea. Some home remedies and alternative treatments for nausea during pregnancy are unproven and are spread by word of mouth. However, if this or that remedy has helped someone cope with nausea, then it is worth giving it a try.
  2. 2 Try acupressure. Acupressure, in which pressure is applied to specific points on the body, stimulates circulation and, in some cases, can effectively combat nausea. Acupressure bracelets can be helpful to combat nausea during pregnancy. These bracelets can be purchased from an online store.
  3. 3 Try an acupuncture session. During acupuncture, thin metal needles are inserted at specific points on the body. Some women find this method of treating nausea effective.
    • Make sure that the acupuncture specialist you see is certified and is favorably reported by other patients.
  4. 4 Get a hypnosis session. This method is not supported by scientific research, but some women claim that hypnosis has helped them fight nausea during pregnancy. Hypnosis allows you to change sensations and behavioral patterns through the subconscious mind.
  5. 5 Use aromatherapy. While some scented candles and oils, as well as other scented foods, can cause nausea, some women find that certain scents help relieve nausea during pregnancy.If you want to try aromatherapy to combat nausea, then you will most likely have to find the right scent through trial and error.
    • Typically, citrus (particularly lemon) aromatic oils can help reduce pregnancy nausea.
  6. 6 Practice yoga. Yoga, a form of meditative stretching, can help relieve nausea and reduce stress. Yoga Poses That May Reduce Feelings of Nausea:
    • modified pose of the hero lying;
    • leaning forward from a sitting position with crossed legs;
    • inverted poses.


  • Some pregnant women find their nausea is relieved when they take vitamins in bed in the evening before going to bed or in the morning before getting up.


  • Call your doctor right away if you constantly vomit during pregnancy or if you are losing weight rapidly. These are symptoms of hyperemesis in pregnancy, a condition that can threaten your health and that of your baby.