How to reduce the volume of the hips

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Can I Make My Hips & Butt Smaller?
Video: How Can I Make My Hips & Butt Smaller?


1 Get a weekly cardio exercise. Regardless of which part of your body you want to reduce your volume, any kind of cardio exercise will help you lose weight.
  • Most experts recommend that you include at least 150 minutes (or 1.5 hours) of moderate-intensity cardio in your workout every week.
  • In addition to promoting weight loss and toning of various parts of the body, cardio exercise has also been shown to better control diabetes and hypertension, improve sleep, and even lift your mood.
  • Try any kind of cardio exercise, such as jogging, dancing, swimming, hiking, or cycling.
  • 2 Run. Jogging is a great exercise for strengthening your cardiovascular system. It allows you to burn a lot of calories per hour and mainly works on the muscles of the thighs.
    • Running can not only improve cardiovascular endurance, but it can also strengthen your muscles and your overall endurance.
    • Pros recommend running for at least 20 minutes at a time to tone your hips and make them slimmer.
  • 3 Take the stairs. Walking up the stairs places a lot of stress on the hip flexors, quadriceps, and lower abdominal muscles. In addition, this load allows you to burn a significant number of calories per minute.
    • Complete your workout routine with 2-5 minutes of running stairs or 5-10 minutes of simple stair climbing three times a week. Or use the stepper in the gym for 20 minutes.
    • Walking up stairs not only helps you burn calories and fat, but it also tones your legs and buttocks well.
  • 4 Exercise on a stationary bike. Many cyclists are renowned for their amazing leg health. Cycling is a great exercise for burning calories and sculpting your legs.
    • Cycling uses a wide variety of leg muscles, including the hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, abductors, and glutes. It is a very balanced workout for your leg muscles.
    • In addition, cycling works well for people with knee injuries and pain in the knees, since such a load is high-intensity, but at the same time it does not put a lot of stress on the knees themselves.
  • 5 Take kickboxing classes. Kickboxing allows you to get aerobic exercise through some of the movements borrowed from the martial arts. It is great for toning the upper and lower body.
    • Kickboxing is also known to burn a lot of calories per hour. It's great for incorporating into your exercise program to burn excess calories and reduce body fat.
    • In kickboxing, various types of kicks are used, in which almost all the muscles of the legs are involved. This is another type of exercise that helps tone not only the hips, but also the lower legs.
  • Part 2 of 3: Strength Training to Reduce Thighs

    1. 1 Include strength training in your exercise program. In addition to cardio exercise, it is very important to include strength training aimed at increasing endurance in the exercise program. There are many types of exercises that can help strengthen your hips and glutes. Remember that muscle itself takes up less space than fat, so strengthening your muscles will only improve the appearance of your thighs.
      • Concentrate on doing a lot of repetitions while working in a comfortable range of motion.
      • Consider doing quick leg exercises, including jumping, swinging your legs, running with your knees held high, and touching your buttocks with your heels. Fast movements work more different muscle tissues than slow movements.
      • Slow strength exercises, including squats, deadlifts, and lunges, will work the rest of your thigh muscle.
      • Strength training does not burn as many calories as cardio, but it does build and tone muscle mass.
      • In addition, the more muscle mass, the more calories the body burns.
      • Add 2-3 days a week to your exercise program when you do strength training. If you're focusing on building your thighs, be sure to include rest days in between days of targeting your thighs.
    2. 2 Perform glute bridge. The gluteal bridge pose tonifies the lower back, abdomen, buttocks, and more importantly, the thighs.
      • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet hip-width apart. Concentrate on keeping your back neutral. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
      • Slowly raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Hold this position for three seconds and then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10–20 times.
      • To increase the intensity of this exercise, pause in the bridge position, then lower your hips about 2.5 cm, then rise again. Continue doing this for one minute. Then lower your hips to the floor.
    3. 3 Do squats. This exercise helps tone the lower body, but especially the thighs.
      • Stand up and place your feet hip-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and place your weight on your heels.
      • Begin to sit down as if you were sitting on a low chair. Make sure that your knees do not protrude beyond the ends of your toes. Do the exercise sideways to the mirror to be able to control your own movements.
      • Hold for three seconds in the lowest position to which you can descend. Then push off with your heels and rise to a standing position. Repeat 10-20 squats.
    4. 4 Do curtsy squats. Curtsy squats are modified one-legged squats. They require additional stress on the thighs and therefore serve as an excellent exercise for toning the thighs.
      • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Place your right leg behind your left, as if you were about to curtsey to the royal.
      • Bend both legs at the knees and sit down. At the same time, try to lower your right leg as close to the floor as possible.
      • Keep your muscles tense at all times and keep your back straight. You can't lean forward. Repeat 10-20 curtsy squats on each leg.
    5. 5 Take steps to the side with the expander. This exercise helps to work out the outer thigh muscles. It is especially suitable for toning and strengthening the outer thighs.
      • Find a small ring shaped expander. Stand in this ring and bring it up to just above your knees. The expander should give you some resistance as you step to the sides.
      • Step to the right as far as you can. Bring your left foot very slowly to your right. Step in the opposite direction with your left foot.
      • Repeat 10-20 steps in each direction.

    Part 3 of 3: Changing Your Diet to Maintain Hip Size

    1. 1 Cut back on your calories. To get leaner in your thighs, you need to reduce the amount of fat in your entire body. It is impossible to target precisely the problem area, so limiting the amount of calories you eat will allow you to lose weight not only in your thighs, but also in the rest of the body.
      • In general, slow and safe weight loss should be followed. Which usually corresponds to 0.5-1 kg per week.
      • Reduce your current daily calorie intake by 500-750 units. This usually results in safe, gradual weight loss.
      • Keep a food diary or enter food information into an online app to keep track of your daily calorie intake. This will allow you to determine the calorie limit that will help you lose weight.
    2. 2 Make it so that bOMost of your diet was protein and plant foods. Many different diets are known today. However, studies show that low-carb diets are the fastest way to achieve weight and body fat loss.
      • If you decide to switch to a low-carb diet, then most of your diet should be protein, vegetables and some fruits. This food combination will provide you with enough nutrients to stay healthy.
      • Include a serving of pure protein with every meal. Aim for 90–120 grams of meat (or a deck-sized piece of meat) with each main meal or snack. This will help you reach your recommended daily protein intake.
      • Also, eat one or two servings of fruit daily (about half a cup chopped or one whole small piece) and four or five servings of vegetables (1 cup chopped or 2 cups each of whole leafy vegetables).
      • Examples of low-carb meals that are predominantly protein and plant-based include a glass of cottage cheese and chopped fruit, a quarter cup of chickpea pasta with chopped raw vegetables, or a salad with grilled chicken.
    3. 3 Limit carbohydrate-rich foods. If you decide to follow a low-carb diet to lose weight and reduce thighs, you will need to keep a close eye on the amount of carbohydrates you eat per day.
      • Carbohydrates are found in a wide variety of foods, including: fruits, dairy products, starchy vegetables, legumes and grains, as well as sugar and sweetened foods such as sodas and energy drinks.
      • Dairy products and fruits, in addition to carbohydrates, contain many other beneficial nutrients (for example, protein and fiber). Include minimum servings of these foods in your meals. It is not recommended to avoid them completely.
      • Basically, limit your intake of grains. Many of the nutrients in this food group can be obtained from other foods. Cut back on the following foods: bread, rice, pasta, baked goods, and cookies.
    4. 4 Drink plenty of water. Maintaining water balance is very important for any balanced diet, especially with more frequent exercise.
      • Most experts recommend drinking a minimum of 8-13 glasses of liquid daily.
      • You may need more fluid depending on how active you are. You also need to drink enough water to replenish the amount of fluid lost in sweat during exercise.
      • Opt for decaffeinated and sugar-free drinks: plain or flavored water, and decaf coffee and teas.


    • Be sure to check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen. Only a doctor can tell you how safe and appropriate it is for your condition.
    • Remember that it is impossible to lose weight pointwise in any particular part of the body. A healthy diet combined with strength and cardiovascular exercise is the best way to reduce excess volume throughout your body.

    What do you need

    • Exercise mat
    • Sport shoes
    • Clothes that do not hinder movement
    • Mirror
    • Ring band expander