How to improve your appearance

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 POWERFUL Ways To Improve Your Appearance
Video: 10 POWERFUL Ways To Improve Your Appearance


There are many ways to change your appearance for the better, but if you are unsure of yourself, you will feel unattractive no matter how great you look. Improvements in appearance can have a short-term effect, but only looking into the depth of the problem and building self-esteem will help you live with a sense of your own attractiveness in the long term. Perceive yourself as a whole, focusing on both your appearance and your inner state, and you will be satisfied with the result for a long time.


Part 1 of 7: Looking at the heart of the problem

  1. 1 Ask yourself why you want to improve your appearance. Do you intend to do this for yourself or for the sake of someone else? What do you hope to achieve as a result?
    • If you are trying to change your appearance to get someone's attention, be careful and remember to be yourself. Do not do what you really dislike or dislike.
  2. 2 Decide what you like and what you don't like about your appearance. Most of us find it easier to point out disadvantages, but it's important that you see your strengths as well.
    • Once you've identified what you like best about yourself, think about how you can emphasize it.
  3. 3 Be realistic: some things can be changed, others cannot. It may be helpful to make a list of what you like and dislike, and then soberly assess what you can really do about your appearance.
    • For example, if you are short, you cannot change this fact. However, if you want, you can use a variety of tricks to make you appear taller, such as wearing high heels (if you are a woman) or thick soles (both women and men can use these). For the same purpose, you can revise your wardrobe and hairstyle (for example, do not wear very long hair or jackets below the knee, as they visually reduce height).
  4. 4 Learn to love your features. It happens that we hate almost everything in our appearance, but beauty in the traditional sense of the word is far from everything. As you work on yourself and complete the following steps, try to move at least one item from the "dislike" list to the "like" list.
    • You may not like your hair that is too thick and unruly hair, but with the right haircut, styling and grooming products, you can change your attitude and find that you now like it.
  5. 5 Be yourself. Ideally, you are improving your appearance to reveal your true self, and not in order to meet generally accepted standards of attractiveness. Do not forget about this while working on your transformation.
    • Perhaps you really feel like you are with natural hair color, minimal makeup and neutral tones. Or maybe your true look is colored hair, piercings and weird handcrafted items that are one of a kind. Don't let society dictate how you should look. Only you know what you really need.
  6. 6 Don't be hard on yourself. It is very easy for someone to feel more attractive - just make, for example, a new haircut. However, for others, the process of working on the appearance will be longer and more complex. Developing good habits and maintaining self-esteem always takes effort. It's important to stay positive and not be too harsh on yourself.
    • If you decide that more frequent physical activity should be part of your plan for improving your appearance, be realistic about your strength - for example, if you are not in the habit of exercising regularly, start with twice a week, and then gradually increase the number of exercises. Also, not being hard on yourself means not being angry with yourself if you missed a day or made a mistake. Just admit that it happened, forgive yourself and continue with renewed vigor the next day.
  7. 7 Make a realistic plan of action. Being clear about your goals will help you better focus on achieving them and stay on track. Be moderate when planning and don't set yourself too many goals at the same time. If you want to make too many changes at once, you run the risk of failing and failing to complete any of them.
    • If you decide to lose weight, improve skin condition and sleep quality, you will need to make changes to your lifestyle in stages.
      • For example, for the first week or two, you can start by exercising twice a week and washing your face twice a day with a cleanser that suits your skin type (dry, normal, combination, or problematic).
  8. 8 Take notes. After considering your motives and making a plan to improve your appearance, write your thoughts in a journal. Keep a special diary dedicated to your makeover. Write your plan into it so that you can refer to it later.
    • Continue journaling as you develop new habits that will help you improve your appearance. This will help you keep track of which actions are working and which are not.
  9. 9 Be realistic and patient. Unless you have unlimited financial resources and are not going to resort to plastic surgery, the results will not be instant. For the improvement in appearance to be permanent and not short-term, long-term changes will be required. Give yourself time and don't look back at others. You should understand that there are no uniform terms - each has its own goals and has its own individual characteristics.

Part 2 of 7: Wellness

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Most people drink too little water. Adequate water levels in your body will not only improve the condition of your skin, but will also help you stay focused and energized throughout the day and even lose a few pounds.
    • Different doctors and researchers give different advice, but the average person needs 1.5–2 liters of fluid per day (weight, physical activity, climate and kidney health should be considered).
    • To find out if you're drinking enough, look at the color of your urine. It should be completely light; dark urine indicates dehydration.
  2. 2 Eat healthy foods. Healthy nutrition for each person will be different, as it directly depends on metabolic processes in the body. In general, you should consume enough protein (lean meat or meat substitutes, nuts), healthy fats (such as extra virgin olive oil and avocados), other nutrients found in vegetables and fruits, and avoid overly processed products and sugar.
    • If you are lactose intolerant, celiac, vegetarian, vegan, or need to follow a different diet, it is worth contacting your dietitian to help you choose the right diet.
    • Keep in mind that changing your diet doesn't mean going on a diet. Unless you are working on significant weight loss under the supervision of a doctor, do not drastically cut calories, much less starve. Diets (not the ones prescribed by the doctor!) Are notorious for their low effectiveness; if due to diet you feel hungry and tired, you will not have enough willpower or physical strength to comply with it.
  3. 3 Focus on your health and wellness, not weight. Instead of getting on the scale every morning, think about the state of your bones, your brain, how full of energy you are. You will see that over time, as a result of a healthy approach, your well-being will improve - unless, of course, we are talking about a real disease.
    • If you are being treated for a medical condition, be sure to consult with your doctor and get their approval before changing your lifestyle.
    • If your height is 180 cm and you deducted that your favorite actor or actress weighs 50 kg, be prudent. It is abnormal to weigh 50 kg with a height of 180 cm - this is called "skin and bones"!
  4. 4 Get exercise. Choose the type of exercise that you like and suit your body, and gradually introduce it into your regular routine. If you already train twice a week, try adding a third to your schedule. A combination of stretching, strength and cardiovascular exercise is optimal.
    • What you should aim for is 30 minutes of physical activity daily plus longer, more intense workouts 3-5 times a week.
    • If you choose the type of exercise that gives pleasure, they will seem to you more fun than hard work. Take dance lessons or take up a team sport.
    • If you have knee problems, don't jog; swimming is more suitable for you.
  5. 5 Meditate. Meditation will help you feel better about your body and mind. It will allow you not only to focus on achieving goals, but also to achieve a state of inner peace and tranquility and accept yourself as you are, no matter where you are on the path.
  6. 6 Get enough sleep. When we constantly lack sleep, we are not in our best shape. It manifests itself in mood and body language (slouching, heavy eyelids) and skin condition (dark circles, bags under the eyes), which makes us less attractive. You need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time (for example, regularly go to bed at 11:00 pm and get up at 7:00 am).
    • If you find it difficult to fall asleep, progressive muscle relaxation can help.
      • While lying in bed before going to bed, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, focusing on the sensations in your body. Starting at the top of your head, alternately tense and relax your muscles.It is recommended to do this in the following order: forehead, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, jaw, neck, shoulders, forearms, palms, fingers (clench them into a fist), chest, upper abdomen, lower abdomen, pelvis, buttocks, thighs , shins, ankles, feet, toes. When you're done, tense your whole body for a moment and then relax.
    • If you work from home, it can be difficult for you to switch from work to sleep, especially if you have a small apartment and cannot arrange an office in it. If you are experiencing insomnia, it is important to use your sleeping area for sleep and only for sleep. Don't bring work here. Let the bed be your holy of holies.
    • Certain oils and herbs can also help you relax before bed - for example, lavender and neroli essential oils, valerian root. If you want to take herbal supplements, check with your doctor to see if they can be used for your medical condition or in combination with your medications (in case you are not completely healthy). Also, be careful with essential oils if you are allergic.
  7. 7 Reward yourself. As you work to improve your appearance, you may have to deal with a lack of self-confidence. Even if it is not, the journey may seem long and arduous to you. Therefore, it is important to reward yourself for the work done.
    • As an incentive, you can buy some clothes, give yourself a day at the spa, buy your favorite video game (just make sure it doesn't take time away from your workouts!), Or save money and pay for a long-coveted workout or fitness club membership.

Part 3 of 7: Facials

  1. 1 Buy a cleanser that's right for your skin type. Most brands clearly indicate on the label for which type of leather a particular product is intended.
    • Most likely, it will be one of four types of skin: normal (individual acne may appear, but in general there are no problem areas), combined (usually this means that the skin on the cheeks is dry, and on the forehead, nose and chin - oily), oily / prone to acne or dry / sensitive (flaky, often sensitive to perfumed products).
  2. 2 Wash your face twice a day. Wash your face with gentle, gentle movements. Do not rub too hard to avoid irritating the skin and causing blemishes (pimples, redness) or exacerbation of existing ones.
  3. 3 Use a toner after washing. After cleansing your face, gently apply toning lotion to it with a cotton pad. The toner helps to restore the acid-base balance of the skin and make it look healthy. Avoid alcohol-based lotions, as they often lead to dry and irritated skin.
  4. 4 After washing and toning, apply a moisturizer. Like cleansers, most moisturizers differ for different skin types; manufacturers indicate this information on the packaging.
  5. 5 Use a scrub once a week. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and improves complexion. If you have severe acne, it is best to avoid this procedure, as friction will irritate your skin and the bacteria will spread throughout your face with the scrub.
  6. 6 Apply an acne cream. You can buy tea tree oil or a cream that contains salicylic acid. Don't pop the pimples - you'll only make matters worse.
  7. 7 Treat acne. If you have severe acne (acne) and cannot get rid of it, see a dermatologist. A specialist will give you advice on how to reduce or get rid of the rash altogether.
    • Your doctor may prescribe pills, topical cream, or a combination of both.
    • If you are a man, try to shave in the direction of your facial hair to avoid irritation.
  8. 8 Use sunscreen. Most facial moisturizers have an SPF of 15 to 30. Look out for SPF 15 or SPF 30 on the label.When buying sunscreen, especially for your face, make sure it doesn't clog your pores (it is non-comedogenic). Avoid products containing oil.
  9. 9 Apply concealer (corrector). If you really care about your complexion, use a tinted moisturizer or concealer. These funds are produced for both women and men. Find a non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) product that suits your skin type (normal, combination, oily / acne-prone, dry / sensitive).
    • To cover up a blemish or other redness on your face, try applying a green corrector first, followed by a concealer that matches your skin tone.
    • Keep in mind that makeup can aggravate acne breakouts, although some brands claim that their cosmetics, on the contrary, help to cope with it.
  10. 10 Make sure your eyes are clear. A clear look will make you look even more attractive and make your face shine. Treat puffiness and dark circles with a cream and / or concealer. Eye drops can help relieve redness.
    • If you have eye problems, talk to your doctor before using the drops.

Part 4 of 7: Wonderful Smell

  1. 1 Take a shower every day. Showers should be taken daily, unless your skin is too dry or difficult for your environment. Lather and rinse your skin thoroughly, especially in areas that sweat the most (such as armpits and genitals).
    • When choosing a shower gel, you may like a particularly scented product, but such perfumed gels can be irritating. It is safer to choose a product that is odorless or specifically for your skin type (for example, if you have oily skin and have acne on your back, try to find a gel for oily skin prone to acne).
  2. 2 Brush your teeth at least twice a day. If you have healthy teeth and the enamel is not thin, you can use a whitening toothpaste. If your teeth appear slightly transparent, choose a toothpaste for sensitive teeth that helps restore enamel.
  3. 3 Floss at least once a day. This removes food particles and plaque and helps keep teeth healthy and breath fresh.
  4. 4 Use deodorant. Their choice is very large, and you can choose the right one for you. If you are concerned about your health, you may want to avoid antiperspirants containing aluminum, which some studies have found may contribute to cancer.
  5. 5 Wash your clothes regularly. Keep your items clean and ironed if necessary (for example, shirts or slacks require ironing after washing).
    • It is recommended to wash underwear, undershirts and sportswear after each wear (except for bras, which can be worn several times); tops and shirts - after one or two times, depending on how much you sweat; trousers - after five to six times; raincoats and jackets - once a month or two.
    • Washing your pajamas regularly (after sleeping in them for three or four nights) can help get rid of acne if it's on your body and not just your face.
  6. 6 Wear perfume or cologne. Find your special scent; let it become your "calling card". Different scents are revealed differently on the skin: it is best to go to a perfume store and try different scents until you find yours. Please note that perfume and eau de toilette change their smell after application; it will really open up only after an hour.
    • Fragrances are divided into several categories: aromatic (herbal, spicy), chypre (moss, patchouli, bergamot), citrus (sour-fresh - grapefruit, tangerine, lemon), floral (fresh flowers - jasmine, rose, violet; often combined with fruity), leathery (smoky, resinous notes combined with floral and citrus), oriental (musk, vanilla, amber combined with aromas of flowers and spices), woody (warm notes of sandalwood, cedar, often combined with aromatic and citrus).
    • Never put on too much perfume or eau de toilette! The excess in this case is much worse than the lack. If you're not sure how strong the scent will be on your skin, it's best to start with a spray or two.You can also spray the perfume in front of you and then enter the fragrant cloud. Apply perfume to your skin, not your clothes.
  7. 7 Freshen your breath. If you are going to meet with someone and are concerned about the freshness of your breath, eat a couple of mints or use a spray. If you prefer chewing gum, be sure to spit it out before an important meeting: people may see chewing gum as a lack of parenting.

Part 5 of 7: Beautiful Clothes

  1. 1 Define your style. If you already have a good idea of ​​who you are and what impression you want to make, great. If not, try keeping a diary or folder on your computer and jot down whatever you like in terms of style. When defining your style, think about what clothes and hairstyles (and for women, makeup too) will best reflect your personality.
    • Do you tend to restraint or vice versa? Are you an extrovert and love to be the center of attention? Or do you value attention but prefer neutral clothing so that people are attracted solely to your personality rather than your looks?
    • Sometimes you need to be aware that dressing in your favorite style is not always possible due to financial constraints or a dress code at work. For example, if you are a nurse, you must wear a white coat (or another uniform as prescribed by your hospital); you can only choose the cut or add a small detail, but otherwise you can dress the way you want only after work.
  2. 2 Determine your body type. This will help you decide which styles to choose and which body parts to highlight. Body types in men and women are different.
    • Female figures are divided into four types: "apple" (larger top, large chest, relatively thin legs), "rectangle" (waist and hip girth is almost the same, "boyish figure"), "pear" (larger bottom, hips noticeably wider than the chest) and "hourglass" (approximately the same hips and chest, narrow waist).
    • Male figures are also divided into four types: regular body type (broad shoulders, the torso tapers towards the waist), "inverted triangle" (athletic figure with moderate to strong muscles), "rectangle" (thin, narrow figure, waist and shoulders of the same width) and "triangle" (wide down torso and narrower shoulders).
  3. 3 Dress according to your body type. Emphasize the dignity of your figure with clothing. Women usually focus on the waist, chest, or legs; men emphasize broad shoulders, powerful breasts or an attractive back view.
    • If, for example, you are an apple-shaped woman, you probably want to accentuate your slender legs and divert attention away from your broad shoulders or waist.
    • If you are a man with a "triangle" figure, you will try to visually enlarge the shoulders and reduce the abdominal area; simple dress shirts will suit you.
  4. 4 Choose colors that match by your skin tone. There are many skin tones, but they all fall into two basic categories - warm and cold. Therefore, first, determine which one your tone belongs to.
    • Warm skin has a yellowish tint. The veins appear greenish. For people of a warm type, a warm, "earthy" gamut suits the face: dark orange, cream, sunny yellow, brown, dark green, muted red.
    • Cold-toned skin has a pinkish tint. The veins are often bluish. Cold colors are suitable for people of the cold type: black, dark blue, gray.
  5. 5 Clean your wardrobe. Once you've decided on your style and figured out which clothes suit you best, sort out your wardrobe and get rid of the things that don't suit you - including sportswear and nightwear, if you can afford it.
    • Changing your appearance for the better is about boosting your self-esteem in many ways, so it's important to wear the kind of clothing that you like to wear - even if it's just pajamas.
    • If you are not sure which things to get rid of and which ones to keep, invite a friend or two to help you with advice. You can even throw a small party: you have dinner, they will help you sort out your wardrobe.
  6. 6 Only buy clothes, shoes and accessories that make you feel amazing. Shopping on sales is tempting, but you can save money if you only buy the perfect items for you.
  7. 7 Get help. When you're shopping for new clothes, ask a friend or two to come with you. If you really want to find the perfect wardrobe and have enough money, you can even ask a shopping consultant or stylist for services.
  8. 8 Don't forget the little things. Wear accessories: watches, sunglasses, ties, necklaces and so on. Make sure your nails are always well-groomed and, if you like it, paint them in colors that match the clothes. All these little touches will help you create a cohesive look.
    • For example, you can always dress in black but wear brightly colored accessories. A woman can choose an unusual chunky necklace and bold lipstick, a man - a tie with a colorful pattern and vintage cufflinks.

Part 6 of 7: Gorgeous Hair

  1. 1 Buy cleaners and styling products that are suitable for your hair type. Do you have thick or sparse hair? Painted? Curly? Direct? All these factors influence the choice of products, and manufacturers of most brands, including professional ones, indicate the type of hair on the label.
  2. 2 Wash your hair as little as possible. Determine how often you need to wash your hair to make it look clean (not greasy, not sticking to the head), and stick to it - do not wash it more often than necessary so as not to dry it out.
  3. 3 Define the shape of your face. Faces are square or round (the same in length and width, while the square has a sharply defined chin), oval (the length is greater than the width) or heart-shaped (strongly tapering chin, the hairline above the forehead protrudes as a toe).
  4. 4 Find several hairstyles to suit the shape of your face. Search online or in hair magazines for a few haircuts that you like and suit your face type.
    • A geometric cut is suitable for a square face, for example, a chin-length "bob". Softer, graduated versions are also possible.
    • For an oval face, a haircut in layers is more suitable, regardless of the length. The bangs can give the elongated oval a more balanced look.
    • A heart-shaped face often has beautiful high cheekbones. Accentuate them with a short graduated haircut or long bangs.
  5. 5 Be realistic. If you have fine, straight hair and dream of a haircut that requires thick curls, think again. Even the most talented hairdresser is not a magician and cannot completely change the quality of your hair.
  6. 6 Get a good haircut. Ask your friends or search online for reviews to find a good hairdresser. Bring photos of your favorite haircuts or hairstyles with you to explain to the master exactly what you want. Discuss your future haircut; both of you should be clear about the result.
  7. 7 Consider dyeing your hair. It's logical to assume that your natural color matches your skin tone, but coloring can be a great way to brighten up your look, accentuate your eyes, or just add variety. As with clothing, hair color should be chosen based on skin tone (warm or cold).
    • If your skin tone is cold, dark, harsh shades will suit you - like black, or if you're willing to take the risk, blue.
    • If your skin tone is warm, you might want to go for shades such as red, copper, or deep chestnut.
    • If you can afford it, always go for a paint job in the showroom, not at home.The hairdresser will be able to advise you on the appropriate shade and, in addition, the quality of professional paints is usually higher, which means that they are less traumatic to the hair.
  8. 8 Tidy up your facial hair. If you are a woman, pluck your eyebrows and remove unwanted hair (hair growing from moles, antennae). If you are a man, you will find more variety - eyebrow plucking, shaving, and, if you wear them, grooming your mustache and beard.
    • For men, the shape of the face is important here. For example, those with a heart-shaped face can grow a goatee to balance the larger upper half.
  9. 9 Shave other parts of your body as desired. Women and some men shave their legs and armpits and at least trim their pubic hair. If you don't want to, you don't have to. You are working to improve your appearance in your own eyes, and if you like yourself with hairy legs, then there is no need to change it.

Part 7 of 7: Self-confidence

  1. 1 Learn to talk about yourself in a positive way. For many of us, our inner voice tells us that we are not good enough, stupid, or unattractive. Don't listen to him! Become aware of self-esteem problems and deal with them with a positive attitude.
    • Imagine that one morning the pants were too tight for you, and you thought: “God, I'm fat. Freak. She recovered again. One word - a loser! " Then correct yourself: “I understand that I am angry with myself because the pants are too small. Yes, I really buttoned them with difficulty, but this is not the end of the world. It didn't make me ugly. I'm not a fool or a failure. These trousers are just a little small for me, that's all. " Then say something nice to yourself, such as, "I did a great job yesterday in the meeting." Or: "I am proud to have improved my image."
  2. 2 Watch your posture. This means keeping your back straight (but not straining), and only slightly lowering your chin down. Develop posture by trying to sit upright and not hunch over even at your desk.
  3. 3 Use positive body language. When you interact with people, show them that you are open to the conversation and are actively listening.
    • Smile. You don't have to try too hard and show all your teeth, but a light, relaxed smile will show that you are happy with the conversation.
    • Keep your chin down, not up, so that the other person does not feel like you are looking down on him.
    • Try not to turn completely full face, so as not to give the impression of dominance; look slightly at an angle.
    • Avoid any gestures that indicate that you are tense or want to isolate yourself - do not clench your fists, do not lower your eyes, do not frown, do not purse your lips.
  4. 4 Make eye contact. You don’t need to look intently or drill your interlocutor with a glance, but you should still look him in the eye, whether he or you are talking at this moment. Don't forget to blink!
  5. 5 Be charismatic. To be charismatic means to be confident (but not arrogant), interesting, optimistic and an active listener.
    • In conversation, be charismatic by telling interesting stories, demonstrating a sense of humor and, most importantly, focusing on the other person. Ask his advice, ask questions about what he has to say. Listen to the opinion of the interlocutor and do not judge him.
  6. 6 Speak in a strong voice. Research shows that higher, weaker voices are associated with submission, while lower voices are associated with a dominant social role. Ideally, you should speak using your diaphragm in a confident and strong manner.
    • The sounds of the voice are formed at different levels, and each of them makes a different impression on the listener: nasal (high-pitched, almost crying), oral (the sound is audible, but weak and easy to ignore), chest (many men and women speak this way; the voice is pleasant and quite interesting; there are no minuses, but also special pluses), diaphragm (the voice attracts attention, sounds the most pleasant, strong and natural).
    • To learn to speak using your diaphragm, practice deep breathing (breathe through your belly, not your chest). This will not only improve the sound of your voice, but it will also help you strain less and concentrate better.
    • If you find it difficult to gain self-confidence because of a weak voice, contact a teacher who can help you put your voice, or at least try the appropriate online lessons.
  7. 7 Smile sincerely. When you smile, people feel you are warm and friendly. The main thing is that the smile is sincere: the eyes should also smile!
    • How to smile depends on the situation. For example, while having fun at a party or posing for a photo, you can be full of grin - but if you want to attract the attention of the person sitting on the other side of the room, address him with a restrained (although perhaps flirty or conspiratorial) smile without opening your lips ...
  8. 8 Be yourself. Accept yourself for who you are and don't try to change. A self-satisfied and confident person exudes an attractiveness that neither stylish clothes, nor fashionable hairstyles, nor the result of tremendous efforts in the gym can match.
    • When people see that you are consistent and know what to expect from you, they will be more willing to communicate with you. If they see that today you are a merry fellow and the soul of the company, and tomorrow only whine and complain, then this will start to cause them nervousness and irritation, since they will not know how to find an approach to you.
    • As you work to perfect your appearance, you may find yourself looking for a role model - a fashion icon, style guru, and so on. There is nothing wrong with that, unless you start constantly comparing yourself with this person or copying it in everything. Your goal is to become your best self, not the best copy of someone else.


  • Treat people the way you want them to treat you. Kindness and compassion are some of the most attractive human qualities.
  • Visit your dentist at least once every six months.
  • Wear and do what you like. Feel happy and content and your beauty will shine.
  • Don't overdo it with cosmetics. They sometimes contain too many chemicals.
  • Give preference to products that contain more natural ingredients. You can try home remedies.
  • If you feel discouraged, help someone. Yes, it's that simple. This will make you feel better, and you will surely feel needed.
  • Don't even try to be like anyone. Each person is beautiful in their own way, as are you.


  • Taking care of your appearance is important and can help raise your self-esteem, but being obsessed with your appearance and an obsession with looking your best will make you unhappy and ultimately less attractive.