Ways to Live Healthy

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
10 Habits of Healthy People - How To Live Longer
Video: 10 Habits of Healthy People - How To Live Longer


Many people think that maintaining a healthy life is a difficult task with so many things to note about nutrition and time consuming in the gym, but it's not! With just a few simple adjustments to your daily routine and setting small goals for yourself, you can lead a healthier and happier life. Start making a daily routine with healthier choices in eating, relaxation, rest, and being active. You will soon find that you have started living the healthy life you wanted!


Part 1 of 4: Adopt a healthy diet

  1. Drink more water. Adults should drink about 2-3 liters of water a day (or about 8 cups, 240 ml each). This amount of water does not take into account beverages such as tea and coffee. Water regulates body temperature and removes toxins.
    • Water also works to purify the skin, good for the kidneys, control appetite and provide energy for the body.
    • In addition, water also helps you limit unhealthy drinks such as soft drinks and juices which are high in calories. Unhealthy drinks will only quench your thirst, and soon you will still feel thirsty and will add even more calories.
    • Hot water can aid digestion. Hot water also helps your body to naturally detoxify. However, you need to pay attention to the heat of the water, make sure the water temperature is comfortable and does not cause you to burn.

    Advice: If you don't like the taste of filtered water, squeeze in a little lemon juice or pure juice. You can also replace filtered water with carbonated water mixed with juice to trick your brain into thinking it's soda water.

  2. Have breakfast. A healthy, light breakfast is enough energy for the first meal of the day. If you eat lean protein and whole grains for breakfast, you won't feel hungry and make up during lunch. Research has shown that people who often skip breakfast actually eat more! So to control cravings, don't skip the first meal of the day.
    • Instead of having two chocolate-coated donuts and a cup of coffee with lots of cream, choose eggs, fruit and drinks like skim milk, fresh orange juice or tea. The healthier and more nutritious breakfast is, the more energetic you will feel throughout the day.

  3. Full eating throughout the day. If fruits and vegetables make up half of your plate, you're doing it right. In addition to fruits and vegetables, your meals should also include lean protein, low-fat milk, and whole grains. Once you have formed a regular eating habit, your body will feel more comfortable. There may be times when you crave sugary foods, but once you get through it, you'll feel more comfortable than ever.
    • Remember that not all fats are harmful. Healthy fats are commonly found in fish such as salmon and tuna, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These fats are essential for a balanced diet.
    • Try to eat regular meals, but avoid snacking throughout the day.

  4. Eat on time. Healthy and digestible dinners should eat between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. It's best to avoid eating late at night, as late-night foods will create unnecessary calories and can disrupt sleep. If you need a midnight snack, choose unsalted nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables.
    • Try not to eat 3-4 hours before bed if you find that a late night meal keeps you from sleeping well.
    • Snacks won't be harmful if you eat them properly. In fact, when you eat "always mouth", you will have less cravings so irresistible that the third piece of cheese cake when it passes before your eyes. Just remember to snack in moderation.
  5. Consider abstaining from meat for at least a few days a week. Fasting is an effective way to reduce calorie intake, while adding vitamins and minerals, and in addition vegetarian foods help you improve your heart health. If you don't want to be vegan, you can improve your health by eating less meat. Take a few vegetarian days each week and replace red meat with chicken, turkey and fish.
    • When you are a vegetarian, use non-starchy vegetables instead of whole grains like pasta or rice. If you eat whole grains, choose whole grains. Each meal should include protein like eggs, low-fat milk, beans, nuts, nuts, tofu, or other foods that can substitute meat.
    • For example, you can have egg whites scrambled with tomatoes and spinach sandwiches for breakfast, black bean soup and some salad for lunch, snack with a glass of Greek yogurt, and Vegetable pasta for dinner.
    • A meat diet will help you eat more fiber. Fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels, improve gut health and help you avoid overeating. The recommended daily fiber intake is 30 g for men and 21 g for women; After age 50, fiber intake increases to 38 g for men and 25 g for women. Some dietary sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables (with the skin), whole grains, and legumes.
  6. Limit sugar in your diet. Although carbohydrates play an important part in diet, simple sugars can be detrimental to health. It spikes your energy levels and then goes down quickly, making you hungry more quickly. Simple sugars (excluding fruits) are also high in calories and lacking in nutrients. It's best to avoid sweets and sugary foods, although you can eat them in moderation.
    • Fruit also contains simple sugars, but it remains a part of a healthy diet. Fruit contains many vitamins and nutrients. Eat fruit with the skin if you can.
  7. Read food labels to choose the healthiest foods. Processed foods have had a bad reputation for a long time, and often this is justified. However, you will have to be considerate in your food choices. That frozen cauliflower bag wouldn't be as bad as a pre-packaged cheese sauce pasta. In short, avoid processed foods as much as possible - but if you can't, read food labels and be wary of harmful ingredients: salt, sugar and fat.
    • Processed food stalls are often high in sodium (sodium), substances ending in -ose, trans fats and saturated fats on the ingredients list. If you see these substances (especially in high concentrations), you should stay away. You can find other products somewhere.
    • Even though the label says trans fat is free, it is not completely free. Low-level ingredients may not have to be listed - so if you see the words hydrogenated vegetable oil, you've found the culprit.
  8. Talk to your doctor about incorporating supplements into your diet. Supplements will help you get all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.You should take a supplement with your meal for better absorption. You can choose to take a multivitamin every day or supplement with nutrients that you are lacking, such as calcium, vitamin D or vitamin B12.
    • Do not take any supplements without first consulting your doctor, especially if you are on medication.
    • Note that supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet.
  9. Intermittent fasting to control calories and increase endurance. Intermittent fasting means eating nothing for 12-16 hours at a time. You can do this every day or every few days a week. This method can cause the body to burn fat for energy and improve your stamina. You can also control your calorie intake in this way.
    • For example, you could have breakfast at 6am and fast until dinner at 6pm.
    • Another option is to eat normally on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, and diet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
    • Not everyone is suitable for this diet, especially those with diabetes or hypoglycemia.

Part 2 of 4: Have a healthy workout routine

  1. Keep fit. In addition to its effects on losing weight and increasing confidence, physical activity also brings many benefits to the body and mind. Good cardiovascular health, for example, will help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. So, make arrangements to swim, walk or jog on the sidewalk, or walk outside the park as often as possible.
    • Physical exercise also helps strengthen the immune system; Even a small change like a brisk walk for 20-30 minutes a day, five days a week can help boost your immune system by boosting your antibodies and stimulating the activity of killer T cells. nature.
    • Exercise is also one of the most effective ways to sleep better at night — so you can also lose weight by avoiding overeating. Read the article in Good Health for more details.
  2. Maintain a healthy weight. Our body frames vary in size and weight. People with a tall skeleton will be a bit heavier than someone with a lighter skeleton.
    • Too light weight is also not good! Do not go on any fast diets. There is no miracle that can help you lose weight fast - and even so, the lack of essential nutrients is not the right thing to do. Gradually changing your eating habits is a much safer and long-term benefit to your health.
    • If you don't want to go on a diet, check out articles about losing weight just by exercising. However, keep in mind that only professional athletes can burn enough calories for them to eat and drink as they please - and even so, they don't, since the body will have to work hard. work harder. Even if you consume more calories than recommended, choose nutritious foods; The heart, brain, muscles, bones, blood and other organs will not be able to function forever on empty calories.
  3. Coordinate many subjects when practicing. Whether you can run 8 km without rest or lift weights with a small car does not mean you are healthy. If you only practice one movement, only one muscle group will be used. You will be very frustrated when you swim or do crunches and can't finish the exercises!
    • So what is the answer here? Is a combination of many subjects when practicing. Not only does this use every muscle for different activities (which also prevents injury), but also helps keep you from getting bored while exercising. Boring is the culprit that kills the practice! So, incorporate aerobic and strength training exercises into your workout schedule. Surely your muscles will be delighted by what you did!
  4. Practice wisely. Obviously there are bad practices. There's always a risk of injury when you exercise, so make sure to get it right!
    • The first and foremost thing is to maintain water in the body. You need to take sips of water throughout the exercise. Dehydration can cause dizziness or headache during exercise.
    • Breaks! Resting is not laziness, but health. You cannot practice, practice and practice forever. After about 30 minutes of exercise, grab the water bottle and rest. Your body takes time to recover, and you will have the strength to train in the long run.
  5. Take advantage of opportunities to be active. Physical activity isn't just about running on the sidewalk or going to the gym - it's a lifestyle that you can do all the time. Taking ten extra steps from time to time also helps you to be more physically active.
    • You do not know what to do? Park your car a little away from the office, mall or supermarket entrance. Cycling to work or school. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the dog for a walk every day. Take a lunch box to the park to eat. Walking street bike. Such small opportunities are everywhere.

Part 3 of 4: Maintaining a healthy mental life

  1. Positive thinking. The human mind has an amazing power to influence every aspect of life. Just one simple positive change in a situation can turn an obstacle into an opportunity. That way, not only will you love life more, but your immune system also has the ability to fight off colds and flu and find a better pulse! The Harvard research is not wrong!
    • To begin this difficult walk, focus on gratitude. Every time you start thinking about the bad things that are spinning around you, stop immediately. Cut off that thought immediately and think about two things for which you are grateful. Gradually, your mind will recognize the pattern and stop negative thoughts before you even have to try.
  2. Please be satisfied. This doesn't mean "be satisfied with your life" (Ah, yes, it is, but wait on it first) - it's about "indulge yourself". If you are on a diet, you can allow yourself a (small) bite of something you crave. If you feel like there is nothing better than a Friday night of spending three hours watching your favorite movie, go ahead and do it. Do any little things that make you happy.
    • Your happiness is priceless, and so is your health. You will not have complete happiness if you are unhealthy. When we are physically and mentally at our best, we can cope with everything. When you're tired of work, family, friends, money and romance, small choices like buying whole-grain sandwiches instead of sandwiches can build the foundation to make a difference. long in health. And when things get tough, you may be ready for the challenge with a healthy body and mind.
  3. Think closer. When we aim to achieve unattainable goals, we become discouraged, frustrated, and lazy. After all, why should we try to reach for things that can never be achieved? A reasonable mindset must stick to reality. Yes, we should look to the future, but you shouldn't be obsessed with things that never happened or never happened.
    • It is much easier to maintain your feelings of health (and happiness) by focusing on each step on your journey rather than just on the destination. If you want to be on a big musical stage, focus on the next audition, then become an actor in the theater, then aim for a higher position, etc. always Go ahead of the future - aim for each goal in order!
  4. Stress management. This is very important. When stress envelops our lives, everything that remains is shattered. Family turmoil, a confused mind, and a strained relationship. Put everything off for five minutes to think about your stress level - how are you managing your stress? What can you do to calm down and relax more?
    • Practicing yoga is a healthy way to manage stress. If yoga doesn't sound very appealing, then what about meditation? Neither? Then you just need to set aside 10 minutes a day to calm your mind.Sit alone and simply breathe. Try to take time each day to calm yourself and control your emotions.
    • When you feel stressed, do some breathing exercises or deep breathing exercises to calm and relax your body.

  5. Choose you wisely. Even though we know that there are people who make us tired, we still play with them just because they have a great television, or, yes, simply because we're bored. But because of our mental health, we'll have to let them go. Such people don't do you any good - and you know it but ignore it, just to stay in the habit and avoid awkward situations. Make your mental health a priority and remove the tape, and you'll be happier in the long run !.
    • You don't know how to recognize a bad friend? How to end a toxic relationship? We have articles that may help you.
    • Spending time with friends can help you improve your quality of life. Socialize as often as possible with people who can enrich your life.

  6. Work effectively. One of the most joyful things you can easily get is feeling "How much work I have done today!" From then on, you will feel like nothing can stop you. Her mother's saying, "If you put all your energy into it, you can do it" no longer seemed vain! Now imagine yourself enjoying the results.
    • Start by making a to-do list. A calendar or planner is also a good idea. And remember: think close. Start off with small things, and you'll be on the road to success before you even realize it.
    • Learn every day to always know something new. This way you will prevent cognitive impairment.

  7. Rested. This step is similar to the "Be Satisfied" step. Sometimes you need to do something for yourself, no matter what the world seems to be asking you to do. Don't feel guilty about eating a bar of KitKat chocolates, spending the night relaxing at home or taking a day off from work. Then you'll be back to work when you've got double your energy boost.
    • This also applies to exercise. If you only do one move, the muscles will get used to it, you will get bored and eventually fall into a steady state. So instead of jogging on the sidewalk every Wednesday, visit the pool. This doesn't mean you are lazy - it is rational thinking.
  8. Find emotional balance. Even in perfect physical health, you still cannot feel happy if you are in turmoil. Everyone needs a breather from time to time, and there are lots of little things you can do to feel better about yourself. If the problem becomes severe, you may need to learn how to cope with emotional pain, and even treat depression.
    • Once you know how to take care of yourself, find ways to deal with your personal relationships. Learn to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship and, if necessary, deal with emotional abuse to have a healthy relationship.
  9. Bring arts such as music, theater, and visual arts into your life. Art can bring you health and joy in your life. Listening to music or playing music, dancing, participating in theater plays and making your own works of art are all ways to improve your health, both mentally and physically. Express yourself creatively and enjoy the creations of others.
    • Choose a creative pastime or take a class.
    • Enjoy the arts with friends.
  10. Travel as much as you can. Travel is also an activity that improves mental and physical health. Trips will help you develop creatively, relax, and enjoy new experiences. You will stay active and reduce your risk of depression.
    • If your budget does not allow traveling, you can go on a trip or go out for a short day trip.

Part 4 of 4: Having a healthy lifestyle

  1. Establish a daily routine. A daily routine can help you stick to your eating and exercise goals and reducing stress. It also gives you time for activities you desire, such as hanging out with friends or having fun. Create the right routine for you!
    • You can change your routine from time to time if needed.
    • Experiment with different practices until you find one that works for you.
  2. Stop harmful behaviors. Unnecessary reckless behaviors are always harmful to your body and mind, and they also have many long-term consequences. Really dangerous or systematic types of behavior can also be a sign of more serious mental problems. In this case, you should see a mental health professional who specializes in the relevant field. Let's start by looking at the following:
    • Have safe sex
    • Stop drinking alcohol indefinitely
    • Alcohol withdrawal
    • Give up smoking
    • Drug detoxification
    • Perform behaviors like wearing a helmet while riding a motorbike or wearing a seat belt while in a car.
      • These things are not difficult to do. Sure you will get tired sometimes, but you will. Often when one thing has been successful, other things also seem to be easier and smoother.
      • If you do not commit any harmful behavior, congratulations!
  3. Exercise several times a week. We have emphasized "keeping fit", but now again. Your daily / weekly routine should include an exercise schedule. This activity will help boost your metabolism, control your weight, and you'll feel healthy throughout the week. One thing offers three benefits!
    • Specifically, aim to devote 150 minutes per week to aerobic activity (or 75 minutes for intense activity) and exercise twice a week. Even lawn mowing counts!
  4. Get a good night's sleep. During sleep, our bodies produce cells that fight infections, fight inflammation, and stress - meaning sleeping too little or poor quality sleep not only makes you more susceptible to getting sick, it also pulls you off. long recovery time. After a good night's sleep, you can wake up healthily and be more active throughout the day. Sleep plays a very important role in your health!
    • Plus, a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who slept for 4 hours consumed 500 more calories than when they slept for 8 hours. If you are looking for an easy diet it is here!
      • You can read Get a Better Sleep for advice.
  5. Learn cooking. Cooking your own meals is a great experience, as you can try many recipes and save money. Plus, you are in control of everything loaded into your body. This is really the only way to change your diet!
    • When cooking, avoid fatty oils and excess spices. Use olive oil in place of vegetable oil, margarine or margarine. Limit salt and cheese. If you find the dish bland without these spices, try another way!
  6. Personal hygiene. Wash your hands often, especially after using the toilet at home as well as in public. Germs can spread quickly and kill us in the blink of an eye. And without saying, everyone knows that bathing is the right thing to do.
    • Regarding oral hygiene, you should floss, brush your teeth and tongue after eating; Food crumbs often cause bad breath and gum disease. You should go to the dental clinic periodically to clean your teeth and fix any dental problems before the condition becomes serious.
  7. Improve immune system. Maintaining healthy habits and high energy levels will not be easy for those who often struggle with fatigue, flu, infections and other effects caused by weakened immune systems.You can read the articles on how to boost the immune system for more information.
    • If possible, try to find essential vitamins and minerals through food. Supplements should only be taken when they cannot get enough nutrients naturally. And of course, you need to consult your doctor before making any major changes.


  • Learn by yourself. Every day is an opportunity for you to acquire more knowledge.
  • Do not be stressful.
  • Try sipping celery, as it helps you burn more calories than you consume.
  • Increase your intake of antioxidants to fight free radicals, which are linked to cancer, heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases.
  • Learn how to maintain your diet and exercise.


  • Gradually change the routine. Don't let your body go into shock. If you are planning on adopting a new diet and exercise routine, you should consult your doctor.