How to improve hearing

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Improve Your Hearing at Home
Video: How to Improve Your Hearing at Home


Hearing loss can result from damage to the inner ear (from injury or age) or more controlled external factors. Here's what you can do about it.


  1. 1 Check if earwax has accumulated. Some cases of hearing loss can be caused by excessive amounts of wax in the ear canal. Take a photo of your ear with the camera, or have a friend look into your ear with a flashlight. If you see dense earwax, don't touch her... Trying to get her out can only make things worse.
    • If the plug is not serious, try washing it. (Note: Only do this when your eardrums have no shunt and no holes in them.) To "soften" the wax using a dropper: Put a few drops of baby oil, mineral oil, or hydrogen peroxide into your ear. After a day or two, use an irrigator to gently spray warm water into your ear. Turn your head to the other side to drain the water (and sulfur).
    • If the plug is severe, make an appointment with your doctor to have it removed.
  2. 2 Make sure you don't have an ear infection. If you experience severe ear pain, see your doctor right away to rule out an ear infection and ruptured eardrum. If left untreated, they can damage the hearing in your inner ear.
  3. 3 Understand that hearing loss due to the inner ear cannot be restored naturally. You cannot, with practice, restore hearing that is lost due to perceptual hearing loss. However, advances in medicine and technology can be taken advantage of.
  4. 4 Get a hearing aid or cochlear implant. If you experience hearing loss due to structural damage caused by age, injury, or illness, consult with an otolaryngologist about technologies that can help restore your hearing.
  5. 5 Take steps to stop further hearing loss. Although you can no longer regain your lost hearing, you can prevent further deterioration. Reduce exposure to loud, prolonged noises. If this noise is part of your job (if you are a construction worker or a concert venue worker), wear earplugs or change jobs.If you are listening with earbuds or over-ear headphones, keep the volume at a low to moderate level. To prevent future hearing loss, try reducing your exposure to loud sounds.


  • If your hearing has deteriorated significantly, speak a little more quietly than you think is necessary. Typically, if you can't hear your own voice well, you compensate and speak loudly. It is better to try to speak a little more quietly, and if the interlocutor does not hear you well, he will inform you about it.
  • Don't forget to turn down the music on your iPod.