How to feel better during illness

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work - Scientifically!
Video: 8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work - Scientifically!


Nobody likes to get sick. The illness can seriously affect your well-being, be it a runny nose or sore throat, chills, or even vomiting due to a high fever. Since there is no cure for colds, there is only one way out - to wait out these 3-10 days, which the illness lasts. However, taking good care of yourself can help you get back on your feet faster and do your favorite things again.


Method 1 of 4: How not to get sick more

  1. 1 Stay home and don't go to work or school. If you leave the house and go about your usual activities, you are more likely to get even more sick. Staying at home and taking care of yourself will help you get back to your normal life much earlier. Remember that at first the disease is most contagious: if we talk about the common cold, then for the first three to five days you represent a source of infection for others.
  2. 2 Sleep as much as possible. Sleep is one of the most important factors for recovery. When a disease attacks your body, it needs more energy to fight the virus.Sleep helps the body receive this energy.
  3. 3 Avoid intense physical activity. Even if you are used to exercising every day and it seems to you that sports give you more energy, try to stop exercising. If you are sick, strenuous physical activity will not give you energy - on the contrary, it will drain you of strength, making a runny nose or coughing even worse.
  4. 4 Wash your hands often. Frequent hand washing will help get rid of microorganisms, which can make you even more sore, because a lot of germs accumulate on your hands. Wash your hands in hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.

Method 2 of 4: Organize Home Treatment

  1. 1 Determine if you have a cold or flu. Once you identify what you are sick with, you can take the right action. Cold symptoms usually appear in the head area and include symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, and heaviness in the head. The flu is more likely to spread throughout the body and is accompanied by symptoms such as head and muscle pain, chills and fever, and vomiting, but these symptoms do not necessarily all come together. With the flu, you usually feel much worse than with a cold.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of fluids. Sometimes you just need to drink more to help the body fight off the infection. Water is usually the best choice, but you can drink whatever you like if you like. Drink one large glass of water about every two hours. You can also drink an electrolyte drink, which is especially helpful if you have diarrhea or vomiting.
  3. 3 Drink hot tea. Hot tea can help relieve a runny nose and sore throat, especially if you have a cold. Tea contains theophylline, which cleanses the lungs and reduces mucus secretion. Any kind of tea is good, and if you add a little honey to the tea, it will relieve a sore throat, since honey envelops the throat mucosa well.
  4. 4 Eat healthy foods. If you have an appetite, try to eat healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Even if you want to eat sweets or fast food, refrain, because such foods will not help a speedy recovery. The food you choose depends a lot on your symptoms.
    • For a sore throat, it is best to eat foods that soothe the throat, such as mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, or mashed soups.
    • For body aches, eating dark green leafy vegetables, yoghurts, and avocados is beneficial because they are rich in magnesium and calcium.
    • Headaches can be cured by drinking plenty of fluids. In some cases, caffeine in small doses helps, so you can drink some coffee or tea. However, if you decide to drink a caffeinated drink, be sure to make up for the loss of fluids by drinking water, as caffeine often dehydrates the body.
    • For a cold, prepare golden milk. Heat two cups of coconut milk, add one teaspoon each of ginger and turmeric, and a pinch of black pepper. Let the spiced milk simmer, then remove from heat and let cool slightly for 10 minutes. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help the body to cope with illness faster.
    • Eat chicken stock. Traditionally, when sick, it is recommended to eat chicken soup, and there is a rational grain in this. Chicken broth stimulates the immune system, saturates the body with electrolytes and vitamins, and also liquefies phlegm.
  5. 5 Take a hot shower. A hot shower helps to flush out mucus. Water flushes germs from the body and energizes the whole.
  6. 6 Gargle if it hurts. Prepare the solution: in a glass of hot water add a tablespoon of salt (if you want, also add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide). You can also gargle with ordinary hydrogen peroxide (3%), but in this case, you should use a small amount of peroxide (two teaspoons) at room temperature.If desired, the peroxide can be diluted with water, but it is the 3% solution that removes mucus most effectively.

Method 3 of 4: Take Medication

  1. 1 Take an over-the-counter cold or flu remedy. Buy a product that will be useful in your case. For example, if you have a cough, take a cough medicine, or if you have a fever or headache, take an NSAID (paracetamol or ibuprofen). When coughing, drugs with dextromethorphan ("Toff Plus") are often used, and if you have a stuffy nose, then you should buy a drug with guaifenesin ("Stoptussin") or pseudoephedrine ("Kaffectin Cold"). If in doubt, check with your pharmacist.
  2. 2 Flush your nose with saline. Many products and devices for washing the nose and cleansing the sinuses are sold in pharmacies: these can be special irrigators (for example, Dolphin) or sprays, sometimes neti-pots can be found. Traditional Indian neti-pots seem complicated and awkward, but they are very rewarding. Use only filtered and boiled water to prepare the saline rinsing solution - do not use tap water.
  3. 3 Suck on lozenges for cough and sore throat. Throat lozenges are often helpful for sore throats, which reduce coughing and sometimes relieve pain. Be sure to read the instructions on the packaging of the candies, as they cannot be sucked on all the time, even if they are very tasty.

Method 4 of 4: See a doctor

  1. 1 See your doctor for advice. See your doctor for advice on how to get better quickly. Your doctor may recommend a remedy or even write a prescription so you can buy a stronger prescription drug.
  2. 2 Call a doctor if symptoms are severe or persist. Do not be afraid to see a doctor if you have a very high fever (over 38.3 ° C), if you have severe chills, you cannot eat or drink, if there are traces of blood in your sputum or mucus. All of these symptoms require medical attention. In addition, the doctor will issue you a sick leave.
  3. 3 Follow your doctor's recommendations. If your doctor has given you a prescription and specific treatment guidelines, follow them. If your doctor asks to see you again, make an appointment. Even if it seems to you that you are better and you no longer need medicines, follow the instructions of the doctor, because he had reasons to prescribe this or that remedy for you. Do not neglect the prescribed treatment - it will help you fully recover.