How to confess your love to a girl

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)
Video: How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)


If you have that very girl in your life and you are ready to confess your love to her, congratulations! While it is not easy to say the cherished three words, they will show her how deep your love is and help take your relationship to the next level.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing for a declaration of love

  1. 1 Rehearse. Declaring your love is not easy, especially the first time. If you’re very worried, think about what you’ll say to her in advance, and it will give you confidence. Decide exactly what you want to tell her and rehearse your confession. Instead of a simple “I love you,” you can go a little further. For example:
    • Tell the girl why you love her.
    • Tell her when you've fallen in love with her.
    • Let her know how much she means to you.
    • Decide if you just want to talk about your feelings or make a dramatic romantic gesture.
  2. 2 Pick a time and place. Agree, admitting your feelings to someone is a rather intimate moment. You will most likely strive to ensure that everything goes in the best possible way. Choose a place where no one bothers you to tell about your feelings. Perhaps it will be associated with some pleasant events that happened to you. Also, choose a suitable time.
    • Do not say words of love during the lesson.
    • If you are with friends, take the girl aside to let her know how you are feeling.
    • You can plan a date where you confess your love. Invite her for a walk or picnic. Or you can open up to her over the dinner you cook for the two of you.
  3. 3 Don't be too sure that she loves you too. Get ready not only to confess your love, but also to hear her answer. Ideally, she will say, "I love you too!" However, the truth of life is such that we do not always hear in response what we want.
    • She may ignore your words or turn the conversation to another topic. In this case, you should not persistently ask her: "Do you love me?"
    • Be prepared to give the girl time to think about your words. If possible, continue to act like you would on a regular date.
    • Stay calm and behave like an adult if it turns out that your feelings are not mutual. Prepare a friendly, positive response - your ability to handle the situation with maturity and dignity can make a good impression on her.

Part 2 of 3: Declaration of love

  1. 1 Tell: "I love you". When you are alone with her and feel that the right moment has come, gather your courage and say: "I love you." Look into her eyes, smile and say these words. You don't have to wait for the perfect moment or stage your confession spectacularly - just be sincere is enough.
    • Tell her when you felt that you love her and what you particularly like about her.
  2. 2 Show her that you love her. In addition to declaring your love, show your girlfriend that you care about her. After all, actions speak louder than words! Support her: go to competitions in which she participates, write her notes with words of support, help her achieve her goals. Here are some more ways to show your love:
    • Always treat her with respect and kindness. Don't disrespect her or abuse her trust.
    • Do your best to please her. For example, if she's having a tough day, give her flowers or encourage her in some other way.
    • Do not be offended by her. If someone offends your girlfriend, stand up for her.
  3. 3 Write her a letter of declaration of love. While some find it easier to put their feelings into words by saying “I love you,” others find it easier to put them on paper. Write a beautiful love letter. When the time is right, hand her your letter along with a small gift or place it in her hand at the end of the date.
    • You can write a simple short note, a heartfelt love letter, or a touching poem.
    • You should not send SMS or messenger messages with the words “I love you”, “I 3 you” or “YATL”.
  4. 4 Let her answer. After she has heard or read these three short words, give her time to think and respond to them. When she is ready to give you an answer, all your attention should belong to her alone. Listen carefully and respond correctly. Let's hope she says, "I love you too!"
    • Don't demand an immediate response from her.
    • Don't tell her how you expected her to react or feel.

Part 3 of 3: Is It Love?

  1. 1 Are you trying to impress her? If you like a girl, you will do your best to get her to pay attention to you. You may be trying to impress her by taking risks or helping others. Or maybe you are trying to impress her with your abilities and talents, such as playing musical instruments or athletic performance.
    • If now your actions are dictated by a hidden desire to please the girl, most likely you love her.
  2. 2 Do you think about her constantly? If you love a person, you constantly think about him. Do you notice that during the day your thoughts keep coming back to her? Do you want to know if she thinks of you too?
    • If your thoughts are only about her, then most likely you love this girl.
  3. 3 Do your feelings for this girl make you feel better? If you are in love, you will struggle to become the person that this girl deserves. You may try to improve your grades or behavior, start working, or attend church.
    • If you are doing your best to become better for this extraordinary girl, then most likely you are in love with her.
  4. 4 Do you want this girl to be happy? If you are in love, you will do your best to keep the girl you like happy. If she has difficult exams, you will offer to help her prepare, check her answers, or do household chores. If a girl gets sick, you will take care of her and bring what she needs. If she's having a tough day, you will try to cheer her up and help her relax, laugh, and forget about her problems.
    • If you spend your time and energy trying to make her happy, chances are you love her.
  5. 5 Be confident before talking about your feelings. Three short words "I love you" mean a lot in our life. After you talk about your feelings, the relationship with the girl will change dramatically, for better or worse. Before confessing your love to a girl, answer the following questions:
    • Are you really in love with her?
    • Do you understand the word "love" in the same way?
    • Do you say "I love you" to her in the hope that she will reciprocate you?


  • Try not to be too nervous and just be yourself.
  • When you say “I love you,” you must be firm in your feelings.
  • Practice in front of the mirror many times.
  • Do not be distructed. Let all your attention be on her.
  • If she doesn't say "I love you" in return, don't worry. She may just not be ready to confess her feelings to you.
  • Tell her how you feel and wait for her to respond.
  • Don't rush her to answer. The girl needs time, so be patient.
  • Be confident and in control.
  • When you see her, take a deep breath and smile. This will show her in advance that you like her and, perhaps, calm your own nerves.
  • Don't be discouraged if she says she doesn't have any reciprocal feelings.


  • Do not overuse the phrase “I love you”. This deprives it of significance and makes it banal.
  • Never lie
  • Understand the difference between love and lust.
  • Be prepared for the fact that her reaction to your confession can be anything.