How to care for your beard

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 things I wish I knew back then | Beginner Beard Tips
Video: 5 things I wish I knew back then | Beginner Beard Tips


Lately, it has become popular to let go of the beard. With the right care and attention, the beard looks really beautiful. However, it is also very easy to make it unkempt and messy. And even if you are trying to achieve this style, no one wants to look like they are not taking care of themselves. To keep your beard looking the way you want it, take care of it with the following instructions.


Method 1 of 3: Growing a beard

  1. 1 Eat a healthy diet. Hair begins to grow when you consume enough vitamins. If you're in no rush to grow a beard, you don't need to eat anything special, just eat a healthy and balanced diet. Fish will work great for your hair. If you wish to take any supplements, it is recommended to choose Biotin and Vitamin B complex.
  2. 2 Decide what style you want. Try to choose a style that suits your beard. For some people, the mustache and beard do not join, for others, more hair grows on the sides of the face than on the neck. Decide what type of facial hair you can grow and choose a beard according to it.
  3. 3 Get enough sleep. Research shows that a lack of sleep actually slows down beard growth. If you want a nice beard, make sure you get enough rest.
  4. 4 Ignore itching. If this is your first time growing a beard, it will itch quite a bit at times. Your skin should get used to all this hair, and after a couple of weeks, you will feel better. Don't give up or start shaving as soon as the itch starts.
  5. 5 Do not try to trim your beard while growing. Wait a few months for the shape to form, which can then be modified. You will need at least 4 centimeters of length before you can cut them.

Method 2 of 3: Trim your beard

  1. 1 Trim your beard to the desired length. It is best to cut in several different directions to remove any protruding hair. Even if you want to grow a very long beard, trim it every few months to get rid of split ends.
  2. 2 Decide which parts of your face you want to grow hair on. Completely unshaven, unshaven and unwashed look? Or cute shaven, cropped and tidy? If you want something in between, you may end up looking a little sloppy, so try to pick a style. Therefore, shave off the areas where you do not want to leave hair. For example, some people do not like it when the beard goes to the neck.
    • Make sure you comb your beard so that the hairline you shave is consistent no matter where the wind blows.
  3. 3 Keep your beard clean. It is very important to wash your beard. Wash your face thoroughly with a daily face wash and water every morning and every evening. You do not need to wash it, just wash off the accumulated fat. Also make sure you dry your face thoroughly. Take a clean towel and soak as much water from your beard as possible.
  4. 4 Use shampoo and conditioner. Just like the hair on your head, your beard needs to be kept clean and healthy. You can use the same shampoo. If your beard is rather short, you may have enough soap and water. If the beard is several centimeters long, you should use shampoo and conditioner is only needed for very long beards.

Method 3 of 3: Maintaining a Healthy Beard

  1. 1 Apply after shave to freshly shaved areas. Choose something good, but not strong. Stop for scents like cedar, juniper, orange, sandalwood, tobacco or birch. Probably the fewer ingredients the better. Stay away from unnatural chemicals. If you can't pronounce the name, chances are you don't need it. You need something that sterilizes or tightens the pores, as well as something with a moisturizing effect. Razor marks sticking out of your beard look disgusting, so using a shaving product is a good idea.
  2. 2 Apply a few drops of beard oil to your skin. Slowly spread over the entire length of the beard using your fingers. A good oil will help you preserve the ends of your temples without turning them into razor-thin lines and they will continue to grow well.
    • A good oil will also keep you from dandruff in your beard. Nothing spoils the impression of you like a breast covered in millions of white flakes.
    • A good oil will also help keep dirt off your face and beard.
  3. 3 Use wax. This does not mean that you should wax your hair. Wax is especially useful for men who want to grow a long mustache but don't want to curl it over the lip. A little wax will help shape your hair in the right direction and shape. You can buy beard wax from your local drugstore and apply a very small amount to your finger. Use it on your beard to help it grow more obediently in one direction.
  4. 4 Establish a healthy routine. Applying beard oil and wax, using an after-shave, and cleansing your face are things you should do several times a week, along with maintaining a healthy diet. If you want a healthy and good-smelling beard, get in the habit of following these steps.


  • Avoid beard oils that contain olive oil. It is poorly absorbed and causes acne. Almond oil, jojoba oil or avocado oil is well absorbed into the skin. You can try American brands like Barbarossa Reserve and Angler.

Sources and Citations

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