How to keep from crying

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Comus - To Keep From Crying (1974) [Full Album]
Video: Comus - To Keep From Crying (1974) [Full Album]


If you find yourself in a situation where you feel like crying, you may be ashamed to cry in front of everyone and would rather hold back. However, always remember that crying is good and everyone does it. Everyone has emotions and people will understand why you are crying. Here are some tips to help you hold back your tears!


Method 1 of 4: How to hold back tears using physical pressure

  1. 1 Concentrate on your breathing. Crying is a stressful emotional response, and the relaxing effect of breathing will help you stop crying. You probably remembered something sad, broke up with someone, or a tragic event happened in your life. Calming yourself is the main thing to do so as not to cry. Concentrating on the breath, as in meditation, will help control the emotions you are experiencing and bring back a sense of inner peace.
    • When you feel tears welling up, start breathing in slowly and deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth. This will "relax" the lump that forms in your throat when you are ready to burst into tears, and your thoughts and emotions will come into balance.
    • Try to count to 10. As you count, inhale through your nose. Breathe out through your mouth in between. Counting helps you focus strictly on your breathing and not on what makes you cry.
    • If you are faced with something that makes you cry, then even one deep breath will help you calm down. Take a deep breath, hold the air for a few seconds, and then exhale. At this point, focus your thoughts only on the air entering and leaving your lungs. By breathing deeply, you can move away from the object of sadness, and then with renewed strength to cope with its cause.
  2. 2 Move your eyes to control tears. If you are in a situation that forces you to cry, but you do not want to show your emotions, moving your eyes will help you stop crying. Several studies have actually shown that blinking your eyes can help stop your watery eyes. Blink a few times to remove tears from your eyes.
    • Cross your eyes and roll them several times. Of course, this is best done when no one is looking at you. In addition to the fact that this way you will psychologically distract yourself (after all, in order to squint your eyes, you need to concentrate), it will also physiologically interfere with the formation of tears.
    • Close your eyes. At this point, you will have time to think about what is happening, calm down and not think about crying. With your eyes closed, breathe deeply.
  3. 3 Distract yourself with physical activities. When you're about to burst into tears, it's important to switch your brain to something else. Physically distracting yourself is one way to keep yourself from crying.
    • Squeeze your upper thighs or your hands together. The tension should be enough to distract from the reason why you feel like crying.
    • Find something else to squeeze, such as a stress toy, a pillow, a piece of your shirt, or the hand of a loved one.
    • Press your tongue against the palate or teeth.
  4. 4 Relax your facial expression. If you wrinkle your forehead and frown, then the likelihood that you will start crying is much higher, since our facial expressions affect our emotions. To help yourself stop crying, try to put on a neutral expression whenever you feel like you are about to cry. Relax your eyebrows and the muscles around your mouth, so as to eliminate the image of grief and distress on your face.
    • If the situation permits, or if you can go out for a few minutes, try smiling to stop the tears. Some studies have shown that smiling can change the mood in a positive way, even if the person does not feel like smiling.
  5. 5 Get rid of the lump in your throat. The hardest part of trying to hold back tears is to get rid of a lump in the throat that forms when something makes a person cry. When the body detects that a person is under the influence of stress, then one of the ways the autonomic nervous system responds is to open the glottis, the muscle that controls the opening from the back of the throat to the larynx. When the glottis is open, there is a feeling of a lump in the throat when trying to swallow.
    • Drink a sip of water to relieve tension caused by the glottis opening. Drinking water will relax your throat muscles (and calm your nerves).
    • If you don't have water on hand, breathe evenly and swallow slowly several times. Breathing will help you relax, and swallowing will tell your body not to keep the glottis open.
    • Yawn. Yawning will help relax the muscles in your throat, which in turn will relieve the tension you feel in your throat when your glottis is open.

Method 2 of 4: How to Stop Tears by Switching Your Attention

  1. 1 Think of something else that might grab your attention. Sometimes you can stop crying by redirecting your attention to something else. For example, you can turn your attention to solving simple math problems in your head. Adding small numbers or repeating the multiplication table in your head will distract you from the cause of your upset and help you calm down.
    • Alternatively, remember the words of your favorite song. By remembering the words and humming a song to yourself, you can distract yourself from whatever is bothering you. Try to remember the words of a funny song - this way you will not only calm down, but also cheer yourself up.
  2. 2 Think of something funny. It may sound daunting, but having fun memories can really help you overcome your tears. Think about something that recently made you laugh very hard - a good memory, a scene from a movie, or an anecdote you heard.
    • Try to smile when you think about this funny incident.
  3. 3 Remind yourself that you are a strong person. Reassuring yourself with words when you feel like you’re about to cry will help you overcome negative emotions. Tell yourself that it’s okay to be sad, but you don’t need to do it right now.Remind yourself of the reasons why you shouldn't cry at this time. For example, you are in the company of strangers, or next to you is a person to whom you do not want to appear weak. Tell yourself that you will allow yourself to be sad later, but you need to hold back at this point.
    • Do not forget that you are a wonderful person, you have friends and a beloved family. Think about what you have achieved in life, as well as what you hope to achieve in the future.
    • Research has shown that positive self-talk not only relieves stress, but has many other benefits. It can extend your life, increase your immunity to colds, lower your risk of depression, increase your ability to cope with difficult situations, and lower your risk of dying from a heart attack.
  4. 4 Distract yourself with something to do. The worst thing is to keep thinking about what makes you cry, especially if you want to hold back. By being distracted, you will only help yourself temporarily, but do not forget that at some point you will still have to face what bothers you.
    • Play a movie you've wanted to watch for a long time (or a classic that you really enjoy). If you are not a movie lover, grab your favorite book or watch an episode of your favorite TV show.
    • Go for a walk to refresh your head. Being outdoors is often a great distraction. Dedicate yourself entirely to contemplating the beauty around you and try to avoid thinking about things that make you sad.
    • Get exercise. When you exercise, endorphins are released - the "happiness hormones" that make you feel better when you're sad. In addition, sport forces a person to focus on what they are doing rather than what they feel.

Method 3 of 4: How to get rid of a few tears

  1. 1 Think of some reason for your tears. Others may recognize your lies for salvation, but you can still help yourself to calm down by resorting to it.
    • Tell them you have a severe allergy. This is a classic excuse, as allergies cause tearing and redness of the eyes.
    • Yawn and then say something like, "When I yawn, my eyes are always wet."
    • Say that you feel as if you are starting to hurt. Oftentimes, when people get sick, their eyes fade. Say that you are not feeling well, and at the same time you will have an excuse to leave the premises.
  2. 2 Wipe away your tears discreetly. If all else fails, and you still shed a few tears, wipe them away discreetly, and in this case it will be the best solution to restrain yourself from crying even more.
    • Pretend you're trying to remove something from the corner of your eye, then run down your lower eyelids and wipe away tears from the edges. You can also blot tears by pressing lightly on the inner corner of your eye with your index finger.
    • Pretend to sneeze and cover your face with the inside of your elbow (so that you can dry your tears on your hand). If you are unable to sneeze, just say, "False alarm."
  3. 3 Move away. If you find yourself in a negative situation, the circumstances of which make you cry, leave as soon as possible. You don't have to run out of the room. If something upsets you, apologize and leave the premises for a while. Moving away from a situation that makes you want to cry can help you feel better and control yourself. Leaving the room, you distance yourself from the problem both physically and mentally.
    • When you come out, inhale deeply and then exhale deeply as well. You will find that you feel better and less likely to cry.

Method 4 of 4: Let Yourself Cry and Move on

  1. 1 Let yourself cry. Sometimes you just need to allow yourself to cry, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Crying is a completely natural reaction of the body, and we all cry sometimes.Even if you are holding yourself back at the moment, at some point you need to allow yourself to be sad. Find a quiet place where you can be alone and give yourself a good cry.
    • Allowing yourself to cry will even benefit your mental and physical health. By the way, crying helps to release toxins from the body. After you have cried a lot, you will most likely feel happier and less nervous.
  • Know that tears are a sign of moral strength, not weakness.
  1. 1 Find out why you feel like crying. It's important to take the time to think about what makes you cry. Once you identify the cause of your tears, you can better understand the situation and come to a solution or find a way to feel better. Think about what is happening, what makes you want to cry. Do you feel this way because of a particular person or a particular circumstance? Or maybe something happened lately that makes you sad? Is there another reason why you continue to struggle with your tears?
    • If you can't figure out the cause of your tears on your own, consider seeking help from a psychologist. If you cry often or you are often overcome by such a desire, you may be depressed and depressed - in this case, it is better to see a specialist.
  2. 2 Keep a diary. By writing down your thoughts, you will be able to understand them faster and feel better. Keeping a personal journal can also help you manage stress, anxiety, and depression. It is best to take a few minutes each day to describe your thoughts and feelings. You can build diary entries in any form and write about anything you want.
    • If a specific person made you cry, try writing them a letter. Expressing your feelings in writing is often much easier than expressing your thoughts out loud. Even if you do not deliver the letter to the addressee, but express everything that you feel and think, you will feel much better.
  3. 3 Talk to someone. After you've allowed yourself to cry, you should talk to someone about your worries. Talk to a close friend, relative, or psychologist and discuss anything that makes you want to cry. As they say, one head is good, and two is better, so the interlocutor will help you cope with the difficulties you are facing.
    • Talking to the person can also help you feel that you are not alone in your situation. If you feel like you are carrying all the burdens of the world, talk to someone and let them help you sort out your thoughts and feelings.
    • Conversation therapy has many benefits for people who are dealing with depression, anxiety, bereavement, health problems, relationship difficulties, and more. Talk to a counselor if you still have the urge to cry or if you have concerns that you want to discuss with someone in a calm and confidential environment.
  4. 4 Distract yourself with your favorite activities. Making time for your hobbies can help you take a fresh look at things during difficult times. Set aside time each week for one of your hobbies. Even when it seems to you that you will never be able to lead a fulfilling life because of your sadness, you will soon find that you are actually having fun and want to laugh.
    • Surround yourself with people who make you happy. Do your favorite things that give you pleasure - go hiking, paint, and so on. Go to the party and meet new people or dress up and organize your party. Immerse yourself in a variety of activities. Lack of free time is a great way to distract yourself from sad thoughts.


  • Don't refrain from expressing your emotions.
  • If you just can't help it, that's okay! Sometimes tears cannot be stopped, so let them pour!
  • If a friend or loved one hugs you, you will feel much better.
  • When you are in a public place, clenching your teeth will help hold back your tears. After you calm down, think about what triggered your negative emotions.
  • Calmly talk about the cause of your upset with the person who brought you to this state.
  • Do not try to hold back, even if your friends see - they WILL UNDERSTAND.
  • Take a deep breath, close your eyes, lie down and relax.
  • Think back to something soothing and enjoyable from your childhood.
  • Read or talk to someone about ways to control your emotions, and try to apply those techniques.
  • Go to your favorite quiet place to “retire” with yourself for a while and collect your thoughts. You can call a close friend to help you comfort you.
  • Sitting or standing up straight will make you feel more confident and stronger, which will help hold back your tears.
  • If you are religious, pray.
  • Try to hold back your tears. If you are with close friends, cry. They will understand.
  • Remind yourself that everything is not accidental and everything that is done is for the best.
  • Eat some chocolate or something else sweet, but do not get carried away, just a few slices will be enough.
  • Talk to your best friend or parent and tell them everything. They will certainly be able to cheer you up.
  • If you have close friends or family, talk to them about signs or signals that only you know to indicate that you are about to cry. They probably know how to help you. Whether it's a change in voice or something else, they will understand and will do their best to help you.
  • Don't fight it. If it is necessary to cry, then cry.
  • Play your favorite songs and just dance!


  • If you are thinking about harming yourself or others, seek help immediately.
  • If you feel like you have no one to talk to, seek professional help. You can go to a school psychologist or make an appointment with a paid specialist. There is always someone willing to listen to you. Even talking to a trusted adult outside of your family can help.
  • If you have latent depression or have suicidal thoughts, talk to a trusted adult and consider together whether you should seek help. If you are thinking about suicide, call the emergency psychological hotline of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at 8 (495) 989-50-50, 8 (499) 216-50-50 or 051 (for residents of Moscow) if you live in Russia. If you live in another country, call your local psychological emergency hotline.
  • Holding back tears is an unhealthy habit that can cause problems with digestion as well as blood pressure. In addition, when a person holds back tears, sooner or later he may be covered by an accumulated emotional avalanche, which, as a result, will lead to a nervous breakdown.