How to remove wax from concrete

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 11 January 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Removing Candle Wax from Concrete Surface
Video: Removing Candle Wax from Concrete Surface


Getting on concrete, wax solidifies on the surface. How you remove the wax depends on what you have at your fingertips, but don't worry, this task will be solved!


Method 1 of 3: Using a steam cleaner

For small waxy stains (such as liquid car polish wax), a regular steam iron will work.

  1. 1 Rent an industrial steam cleaner. Such devices can usually be found in large hardware or home improvement stores and in some supermarkets.
  2. 2 Steam the stain until the wax melts.
  3. 3 Work until almost all of the wax is melted. Wipe the stain with absorbent material. Process and collect all the wax.
    • Repeat if necessary.
  4. 4 Return the steam cleaner to the store.

Method 2 of 3: Using an iron

This method is suitable for small stains.

  1. 1 Place several layers of paper towels or brown paper over the wax spot. You can also use a terry towel. Prepare a bottle of varnish solvent and a bucket of warm water and dish detergent.
    • A cloth towel will absorb wax better than paper, but use whatever is on hand.
  2. 2 Heat the iron to maximum temperature.
  3. 3 Run the iron over the paper. The wax underneath will melt.
  4. 4 Set the iron and paper aside. Quickly pick up the melted wax with a paper towel or cloth soaked in solvent.
  5. 5 Wash off the solvent with water and detergent. Rinse the stain thoroughly and leave to dry.
  6. 6 Repeat as needed.

Method 3 of 3: Using a hair dryer

  1. 1 Prepare your cleaning products. Prepare a bottle of varnish solvent and a bucket of warm water and dish detergent.
  2. 2 Use a putty knife or similar scraper to remove as much of the wax as possible. Throw the trash into the trash can.
  3. 3 Place a terrycloth towel on top of the wax. The melted wax will be absorbed into the towel so you have less collecting time. This step is optional, but desirable. If you do not have a terrycloth towel, use direct heating.
  4. 4 Set the hair dryer to the highest temperature. Turn on the hair dryer and melt the wax. Continue until all of the wax has melted.
    • Pick up a terry towel and check what's going on underneath.
  5. 5 Wipe off melted wax with thinner and a cloth or paper towels. Remove solvent using warm water detergent. Leave to dry.
  6. 6 Repeat as needed.


  • If the wax gets on another surface (such as a T-shirt), use a regular iron.
  • You can use white vinegar instead of solvent.
  • Use an old terrycloth towel. Cut it into squares or another suitable shape. Old and inexpensive towels are available at economy and hardware stores. Also, don't throw away old towels to use when cleaning.
  • If you live in hot climates, the sun-warmed wax can be removed with a brake cleaner. Take a towel and scoop up any remaining wax from the surface.