How to remove marker marks from a painted wall

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cleaning Hacks: REMOVE Sharpie, Crayon, Pen, Colored Pencils, Markers and Pencil Marks From Wall
Video: Cleaning Hacks: REMOVE Sharpie, Crayon, Pen, Colored Pencils, Markers and Pencil Marks From Wall


1 Place the traces of the regular marker with the emerging marker. Ideally, the output marker should be the same color as the regular marker.
  • 2 Erase the marks of both markers with a dry, clean cloth. They should come off, perhaps a little not completely. If necessary, repeat the process several times until all traces of the marker are removed.
  • Method 2 of 7: Toothpaste

    1. 1 Using a clean rag, apply a small amount of white toothpaste over the marker marks. Do not use dental gel; cheap white toothpaste works best. You can also thin the toothpaste slightly by mixing it with a little water. Apply this diluted solution to the marker line.
    2. 2 Leave the applied toothpaste on for 5-10 minutes.
    3. 3 Rub the print with a soft cloth. Rub the paste over the marker mark in a circular motion.
    4. 4 Remove the toothpaste with a damp cloth. The trail should disappear.

    Method 3 of 7: baking soda

    1. 1 Use a hard-sided scrubbing sponge. Dampen a sponge with water and sprinkle a small heap of baking soda on top of it. Place the sponge on the painted section of the wall and start rubbing gently in a circular motion. You may need to rinse off the baking soda and repeat the process, depending on how bad things are (which is why toothpaste is used for the same purposes, as it contains a significant amount of baking soda).

    Method 4 of 7: Chemical cleaners

    1. 1 Try using isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), hand sanitizer, hairspray, or nail polish remover. Handle these products with gloves. This also prevents your hands from getting ink stained. If you are cleaning a large section of a wall with marker marks, you can also open a window.
    2. 2 Check how a particular remedy behaves. Apply a small amount of the cleaner to a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the wall. Many products can discolor or wear off paint, so rub the wall gently and see what happens.
      • If the walls are covered with latex paint, be very careful. When applying isopropyl alcohol or nail polish remover, latex paint may become sticky or separate from the wall altogether. Also, at this point, the wall will stop shining.
    3. 3 Pour the product onto a soft cloth or cotton ball. When using a rag, it should be one that you do not mind throwing away.
    4. 4 Apply cleaning fluid to the marker line. If a simple application doesn't work, start rubbing the wall in circular motions.Several passes may be required to remove marks.
    5. 5 Clean the area with mild soap and water. After removing traces of the marker, cleaning the wall will remove the harsh chemical residue.

    Method 5 of 7: WD-40

    1. 1 Gloves must be worn before using the WD-40. WD-40 is a multipurpose lubricant, dirt and scale remover, water displacer. If you are cleaning a large section of a wall with marker marks, you can also open a window. Read all packaging warnings before hatching.
    2. 2 Spray a small amount of WD-40 on the marker marks. At the same time, hold a straightened rag under the tracks so that possible smudges do not stain the wall.
    3. 3 Using a clean, dry cloth, rub the marks of the marker in a circular motion.
    4. 4 Clean the area with mild soap and water. After removing traces of the marker, cleaning the wall will remove the harsh chemical residue.

    Method 6 of 7: Household stain removers

    1. 1 Try a stain remover. These products are designed to remove stubborn stains from the surface. Always read the label instructions before using the product.
    2. 2 Apply stain remover to the marks of the marker.
    3. 3 Gently rub the marker mark with a soft cloth. This will remove the traces.
    4. 4 Clean the area with mild soap and water. After removing traces of the marker, cleaning the wall will remove the harsh chemical residue.

    Method 7 of 7: Painting over traces

    1. 1 Paint over the footprint to hide it. If the footprint is too large, or none of the above methods works, then re-painting may be the only way to fix the problem.
    2. 2 Find the paint jar you used to paint this wall. You can also buy a paint tester in the same color. If you don't know the exact color, then use color maps.
    3. 3 Prepare a section of the wall for painting. Wipe clean and let dry completely.
    4. 4 Paint over the trail. Apply several coats to completely hide the mark. The color of the painted area should correspond to the color of the entire wall as much as possible so that this place does not stand out as a "patch".
    5. 5 Let the paint dry.


    • The sooner you find marker marks, the better, as the marker will penetrate the paint more and more over time.
    • Hide markers out of the reach of small children.
    • In this way, you can remove traces of various markers.
    • It is easier to remove marks on semi-matt and glossy walls than on matte or dull painted walls.


    • Rubbing and many cleaning products can leave streaks, marks, and shiny spots on painted walls. There is also a risk of paint stripping from the wall. In this case, re-painting is the only solution.