How to remove a chocolate stain from carpet

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Remove Chocolate Stain From A Carpet
Video: How To Remove Chocolate Stain From A Carpet


Chocolate. Do you know this unpleasant feeling when you find a piece of chocolate smeared on the carpet? Don't worry - white, black and milk chocolate stains can be removed quickly and easily.


  1. 1 Act quickly. Start treating the stain as soon as possible after the chocolate has been trampled into the carpet. As with all carpet stains, the older the stain, the more difficult it is to remove.
  2. 2 Peel the chocolate off the surface. Use a clean, dull, toothless knife to scrape as much of the chocolate off the carpet as you can. Be careful not to damage the pile.
    • Place the pieces of chocolate on a paper towel.Use your knife to avoid smudging the chocolate on the carpet.
    • If the chocolate is soft, place a piece of ice on it to make it harden and easier to peel off.
  3. 3 Find out the composition of your carpet. Carpets made from different materials react differently to stain removers. The wrong product can fix the stain and make it hard to remove. Carpets made from natural materials (wool, sisal, linen) can be easily damaged if you try to treat stains with liquid stain removers. If you are unsure which product will work for your carpet, contact a specialized dry cleaner.
  4. 4 Test the product in an inconspicuous area. Before applying any solution to the carpet, test it in a small area. Wait a few minutes to make sure the product won't damage the lint. If the area starts to darken or lighten, rinse the nap with cold water. Do not continue processing and call dry cleaning.
  5. 5 Apply rubbing alcohol to the stain. The alcohol will help dissolve the fat in the chocolate. Apply the rubbing alcohol with a clean, white, gloved cloth. Place a tissue on the carpet.
    • Press down on a napkin with the back of a spoon and rub the liquid into the carpet. This will protect the carpet pile from mechanical damage.
    • Continue rubbing the rubbing alcohol into the carpet in a circular motion. When you feel that the alcohol has been absorbed, remove the napkin.
  6. 6 Dilute the detergent with water. Stir a quarter teaspoon of a mild carpet cleaner (or other colorless detergent) in a liter of warm water.
  7. 7 Apply the solution to the stain. Apply the solution to an inconspicuous area first. If the product hasn't done any harm to the lint, soak a piece of cloth in the solution and place it over the stain.
  8. 8 Blot the stain. Use a damp tea towel to blot the stain to remove excess liquid and debris.
  9. 9 If there are still traces of chocolate on the carpet, try making a lye solution.
    • Before you start, check if the room is ventilated so that you don't accidentally inhale ammonia fumes. Put on rubber gloves.
    • Stir a teaspoon of ammonia in a cup of hot water. Remember to test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet. If the product is harmless, dip a rag in the solution, place it on the stain, and rub with the back of the spoon as described above. Then blot the area with a paper towel. Repeat until the stain disappears.
  10. 10 Neutralize the remaining alkaline solution with vinegar. In a small bowl, combine one part apple cider vinegar and four parts warm water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
    • Apply the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet, then spray the solution onto the treated area and press down on the napkin with a spoon as before. Blot with a paper towel to remove excess liquid. There should be no traces of the stain. If the stain is still visible, repeat the procedure.
  11. 11 Rinse. Spray the carpet with water to rinse off any liquid residues.
  12. 12 Dry it. To get rid of stain and detergent residue, place a few sheets of paper towel on the treated area and press down on top with something heavy, such as thick books.
    • If you do not want to damage the load, place a plastic bag between it and the napkins. This will prevent paint from the load from penetrating into the carpet and vice versa.
  13. 13 Wait. Leave the carpet under pressure for a while, ideally overnight. In the morning, remove the load, bag, and napkins from the carpet. At this point, the stain should completely disappear, but if you still see chocolate residues on the pile, contact a specialist.


  • If you have a carpet cleaner, use it either after scrubbing the chocolate off the lint or after the entire stain removal procedure. To dissolve a greasy stain, it can be treated with a mixture of detergent and water, and then blotted with a cloth.If you manage to dissolve a large amount of chocolate, use a carpet cleaner to remove the liquid from the surface to avoid accidentally smearing it on the carpet. Hot, soapy water works best for chocolate, but the heat can fix some stains, so it's safer to use warm water. If you've never cleaned your carpet before, try applying the product to an inconspicuous area before starting to treat the stain to see if it will damage the pile. The usual beige carpets sold in all stores are very dense and made to withstand stress and damage.
  • Ask the children and everyone else in the family to eat chocolate over the plate. Do not let the chocolate fall on the carpet. If you eat chocolate, always have napkins with you.


  • Read the instructions for carpet cleaners carefully. There are many different remedies, but they are all universal and do not take into account the peculiarities of removing stains of different origins, so in some cases they can even aggravate the problem. If you want to use such a tool, carefully read the composition and instructions to make sure that it works for you.
  • Wear special protective clothing when treating a stain.

What do you need

  • Non-alkaline detergent without bleach
  • Ammonia
  • Sponge
  • Apple vinegar
  • Warm water
  • Dull knife
  • Tea spoon
  • A bowl
  • Spray bottle
  • Protective gloves
  • Several pieces of white cloth or white paper towels
  • Cargo (e.g. book)
  • Transparent or white cellophane bag
  • Rubbing alcohol