How to remove a wart with garlic

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Remove Warts Naturally Using Garlic
Video: Remove Warts Naturally Using Garlic


Warts are very unpleasant and uncomfortable, especially if they are visible to others. However, they are very common and generally do not pose a serious health hazard. You can try getting rid of the wart with garlic and other natural remedies. If this does not work, over-the-counter medications can also be used. However, you should see your doctor if you are not sure if it is a wart, if it causes pain and discomfort, or if there are certain health problems.


Method 1 of 5: Using Garlic

  1. 1 Check your skin's reaction to garlic. Garlic is an excellent home remedy for common warts. Fresh garlic works best, although garlic juice can be used as well. First, apply a little garlic to your skin to test your reaction. For some, fresh garlic can cause a rash. While this rash is harmless, it can irritate the skin.
    • If your skin is sensitive to garlic, you can still use it, however be prepared for a rash. In this case, apply minced garlic to the wart for one hour at a time. You may need to do this several times to get rid of the wart.
    • One study examining the treatment of children with garlic found that 100% of patients cleared warts without significant side effects, except for complaints of foul odor and in one case of mild skin irritation. In another study, a lipid extract derived from garlic, i.e. oil, was applied to warts and calluses. A total of 42 patients of various ages were studied, and all of them were 100% free of warts.
    • It is believed that the main antiviral component of garlic, the compound allicin, acts on warts, but there is not enough scientific evidence to support this.
  2. 2 Prepare the appropriate skin area. Before applying garlic, you need to disinfect and dry the area with the wart. Wash your hands and then the area where the wart is located. Use warm soapy water for this. Then dry your skin with a cotton towel.
    • Wash items that have come into contact with the wart in hot, soapy water. You can also bleach towels to make sure that the virus that causes the warts is killed.
  3. 3 Apply garlic. Crush a clove of garlic with the flat side of the knife blade. You can also cut the clove in half. Rub the wart with crushed garlic or half a clove to absorb the juice.
  4. 4 Apply a bandage. Apply the crushed garlic directly to the wart. Apply a bandage on top or, if it is more convenient for you, put on plumbing tape (TPL). Avoid getting garlic on healthy skin.
    • Make sure there are no open cuts or wounds on the skin around the wart, otherwise the garlic can cause burns and the virus will penetrate the skin.
  5. 5 Repeat the procedure. You won't get rid of a wart overnight. It is necessary to apply garlic every day.Wash and dry your skin again and apply fresh crushed or cut garlic to the wart. Apply a fresh bandage on top.
    • Instead of a bandage, you can stick on top of sanitary tape (TPL). This will help keep your skin dry. However, tape can irritate healthy skin.
    • Apply garlic to the wart daily for at least 3-4 weeks.
    • In most cases, the wart begins to shrink after 6-7 days. It may look wrinkled after you remove the dressing and wash off the garlic. Also, the wart will turn pale.
    • If you do not notice any improvement, see your doctor to determine if it is definitely a wart.
  6. 6 Remove excess skin. You can clean the skin off the wart with a nail file. Position the affected area over a sink, dampen the wart with water, and lightly rub the top and sides of the file with the rougher side of the file. Then turn the file over and rub the wart with the smoother side in the same way. Wash the wart and surrounding skin and reapply the crushed garlic.
    • Not rub too hard to prevent bleeding. Also, be careful not to touch healthy skin with the nail file.
    • If you have a plantar wart, keep your foot over the tub or basin.
    • Be sure to rinse off any infected skin you have removed with a nail file. Flush everything into a sink or bathtub. Otherwise, you may develop new warts.
    • Throw away the used nail file.

Method 2 of 5: Using Other Natural Ways

  1. 1 Use a bow. Not only garlic is suitable for removing warts, but also onions. Cut off an eighth of a medium onion and crush. Apply the minced onion directly to the wart and cover with a bandage or plumbing tape (TPL). Apply fresh onions and change your dressing every day.
    • As with garlic, peel off excess skin from the wart with a nail file when changing the dressing.
  2. 2 Soak the wart in vinegar. Vinegar contains dilute acetic acid, which is believed to destroy cell membranes. After that, the viruses die in an acidic environment. Dampen a cotton ball with white vinegar and apply it to the wart. Place tape on top to keep the cotton on the wart. It can be left on the wart for two hours or even two days. Repeat as necessary.
    • When changing the dressing, remove excess skin from the wart with a nail file.
  3. 3 Use a dandelion. Dandelion juice contains a variety of ingredients that can help remove warts, including antiviral agents. These substances are capable of destroying virus-infected cells. Pick 1-2 dandelions from the lawn, break the stems and squeeze the juice directly onto the wart. Cover the wart with a bandage or duct tape and leave it on for 24 hours. Repeat as necessary.
    • Use a nail file to remove the skin from the wart when changing the dressing.
  4. 4 Use banana peels. Banana peels contain a wide variety of substances, including various enzymes that can destroy cell membranes. Place the inside of the banana peel over the wart. Apply a bandage or TPL duct tape on top and leave the peel on overnight. Repeat as necessary.
    • Among other things, banana peels contain carotenoids - substances from which vitamin A can be synthesized. Vitamin A has antiviral effects.
    • Use a nail file to clean the wart when changing the dressing.
  5. 5 Try fresh basil. Basil contains many anti-viral agents. It is believed to help kill the virus that causes warts. Cut off a fresh basil leaf, roll it into a ball and attach it to the wart. Cover the basil with a bandage or duct tape and leave it on the wart for 24 hours. Repeat as necessary.
    • Use a nail file to clean the wart when changing the dressing.

Method 3 of 5: Using over-the-counter drugs

  1. 1 Prepare your skin. Regardless of which product you use, you should always wash and dry your hands before and after touching the wart. Also, try to keep the wart remedy as little as possible on healthy skin. These methods usually give results within a few days. If the wart has not decreased or changed after 6-7 days, consult your doctor. You may need a stronger remedy.
  2. 2 Use salicylic acid. Salicylic acid destroys and kills cells infected with human papillomavirus. However, it does not damage healthy cells. Purchase a salicylic acid product (as an ointment, lotion, or patch) at your local pharmacy. Wash the problem area thoroughly and dry it. Apply according to the directions for use provided. Repeat every day until the wart is removed. This may take 2-3 months.
    • Be careful not to get the wart remedy on healthy skin.
    • To make the acid work more effectively, apply the remedy to the wart and rub it with a nail file, which will allow the medicine to penetrate deeper into the skin.
    • Higher concentrations of salicylic acid are available with a prescription.
  3. 3 Try freezing the wart. Over-the-counter products with dimethyl ether and propane to freeze the skin of the warts are available at the pharmacy. These remedies will severely freeze the wart and kill skin cells, causing the wart to fall off. These can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. Follow the enclosed directions for use. The course of treatment can take up to two months. These products are highly flammable, so keep them away from open flames.
    • A recent study shows that freezing warts can get rid of them within 2 months.
  4. 4 Try sanitary tape (TPL tape). This technique, also known as duct tape occlusion, is a proven home remedy that many people claim has worked for them. It is not known exactly how this tape works. Some people believe that the glue destroys skin cells, which then adhere to the tape and stretch with it. Purchase sanitary tape (TPL tape) and glue a small piece to the wart. Leave the tape on the wart for 6-7 days. Then remove the tape and soak the wart in water. Take a disposable nail file and scrape the wart.
    • Leave the wart open overnight or 24 hours. Then re-seal it with plumbing tape for 6-7 days. Repeat the procedure as often as necessary for 2 months.
    • You can apply onion or garlic juice to the wart before you tape it off.
    • One study showed that sanitary tape (TPT) was more effective than freezing warts.

Method 4 of 5: What are warts

  1. 1 Recognize the wart. It is a skin growth caused by the human papillomavirus. Warts can appear anywhere on the body, but only the top layer of the skin becomes infected. Most often, warts form on the palms and soles of the feet.
  2. 2 Find out how human papillomavirus is transmitted. This virus can easily spread from one person to another. You can also infect yourself by touching the wart and then touching another part of the body. Warts can also be spread through shared towels, razors, or other objects that have touched them.
    • It seems that some people are more prone to developing warts than others. The risk of warts is increased with a weakened or suppressed immune system.
  3. 3 Identify the symptoms. Usually, warts look like a bump with a rough surface on the skin, although sometimes they are even and relatively smooth. Warts come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. They usually do not cause pain, although plantar warts can make walking difficult.Warts on the fingers can also cause discomfort and irritation.
    • Typically, doctors diagnose warts without taking a skin sample based on their location and appearance.
  4. 4 There are several types of warts. Although common warts can spread to the genitals and anus, they are usually caused by a different type of human papillomavirus than genital warts. Unlike many genital warts, common warts not increase the risk of developing cancer.
    • Be sure to visit your doctor to make sure you have a common wart.
    • If you develop warts in your genital area or anus, you need to see your doctor to determine which form of the virus is causing them.

Method 5 of 5: When to Seek Medical Help

  1. 1 Consult a dermatologist if you are unsure if a bump on your skin is a wart. In this case, using wart remedies can worsen the situation and cause health problems. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can determine that it is a wart and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
    • Be aware that some forms of skin cancer can resemble warts, so make sure you have a wart and not something else.
  2. 2 See your doctor if the wart is causing pain or bleeding, changes its appearance, or bothers you. In most cases, warts are not accompanied by any symptoms, so you should consult your doctor if the wart causes pain or itching, or adversely affects your daily life. The doctor will determine if it is really a wart. After that, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment to help get rid of the wart quickly.
    • For example, a wart on your finger can prevent you from holding a pencil or pen. In this case, it will be difficult for you to write.
    • Changes in the appearance of a lesion on the skin include its growth, changes in surface structure or color. If you notice these changes, you may not have a wart, but skin cancer, so it's best to see your doctor.
  3. 3 If the warts persist (or new ones appear), get treatment. Sometimes home remedies won't get rid of the warts. If you are having trouble getting the wart out, you may need medication. In addition, your doctor will help you if you have new warts (in the same place or elsewhere on the body).
    • In rare cases, several warts appear on the skin at the same time. If you are an adult, see your doctor to determine the cause. This may indicate problems with immunity.
  4. 4 See your doctor if you have diabetes or weakened immune systems. This is especially important if your nerves are damaged due to diabetes. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and monitor the wart.
    • With weakened immunity, it is very difficult to get rid of the wart, since the body is not able to properly fight the virus. In this case, medications can help.
    • Sometimes diabetes leads to a deterioration in the tactile sensations in the hands and feet. In this case, you may not feel pain and damage during treatment, and because of this, you may not use the wart remedy correctly.
  5. 5 Ask your doctor about your treatment options. The doctor can carry out the necessary procedure in his office or prescribe medication that should be used at home. Treatment depends on your preference, the type of wart and where it is located, and the treatments you have used. The following common methods are used to remove warts:
    • Prescription Potent Salicylic Acid allow you to remove the wart layer by layer. The doctor may prescribe such a remedy on its own or in parallel with cryotherapy.
    • At cryotherapy the wart is frozen with liquid nitrogen. As a result, a blister forms under and around the wart and it falls off.However, this method can be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, discoloration of the skin and the formation of a blister.
    • A doctor can treat a wart trichloroacetic acid after removing the top layer of skin from it. This method can cause discomfort and require several sessions. Usually it is used if other methods do not help.
    • Operation allows you to remove a very annoying wart, for example on the face. The doctor will cut out the wart and leave a small scar in its place.
    • Laser therapy allows you to stop blood flow to the wart, causing it to die off. However, this method can cause discomfort and scarring.


  • Any of the above methods can also be used to remove plantar warts. Soak the foot in an aqueous vinegar solution (1 part white vinegar to 4 parts hot water) to loosen the wart and then remove it.
  • Try one of the above methods for at least 3-4 weeks to see if it works for you.
  • Before using any wart remedy, check with your doctor to see if you really have a common wart.
  • Warts can cause problems with diabetes or peripheral arterial disease.


  • If home remedies for warts don't work, see your doctor. Also, see your doctor if you are over 55 and have never had a warts before to make sure it is not skin cancer. See your doctor if the warts grow, a plantar wart is preventing you from walking, or if you have any other discomfort, or if there are signs of a bacterial infection such as pain, redness, red streaks, pus, or a high fever.
  • Do not use home remedies to remove genital warts and anus.
  • Don't use home remedies to get warts on your face.