
Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Radiohead - Daydreaming
Video: Radiohead - Daydreaming


Daydreaming is one of the best ways to come up with new ideas. When you allow your mind time to wander, you will be amazed at how creative you can be. Daydreaming about achieving your goals can also help motivate you to achieve them. The next time you have a few minutes to spare, try daydreaming instead of gaming or reading. You will then feel more relaxed, more positive and more motivated.

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Part 1 of 3: Start daydreaming

  1. Give yourself permission to dream. Daydreaming sometimes has a bad reputation because people consider it a waste of time. If you didn't have much to do for 20 minutes, wouldn't you do something more productive with that? Studies have shown that daydreaming is in fact correct well is productive. It makes you more creative and can even motivate you to achieve your goals. So go ahead and give yourself permission to make daydreaming a valued part of your life.
    • Research at the University of California, Santa Barbara has shown that daydreamers fared 41 percent better on tests that measure creative thinking than people who don't.
    • On the other hand, if you start to stray from reality and fantasize about things that are unlikely to become real after all, such as winning the lottery, daydreaming may even make you less happy. Studies indicate that focusing on the present leads to more happiness, so try not to make your dream escape from reality.
  2. Free yourself from distractions. Daydreaming is best done in an environment where it is relatively peaceful, without too many things screaming for your attention. Before starting a daydream session, try to create a calm, relaxed atmosphere, even if you only have a few minutes. You can do this anywhere, whether you are indoors or outdoors, on the go.
    • If possible, find a quiet place to daydream, such as an empty room or even the bathroom. If you want to daydream in a public place, headphones can be a solution to muffle the world, so that your mind can wander quietly.
    • Before you start daydreaming, make sure that you are not hungry / thirsty or that there is something else that can distract you from your daydream.
    • Listening to music can help block out other outside noises, and it can also make the daydream better, because music is full of emotions. Choose songs that suit your mood and your daydream.
  3. Stare out the window or close your eyes. Everyone's glassy "daydream face" is just that little bit different. Some people find it easier to let their minds roam while staring out the window or at the clouds / starry sky, while others prefer to close their eyes. Do whatever helps you to become calm and relaxed and to be able to think without distraction.
  4. Let your mind wander in a positive direction. There are different types of daydream, but not all of them have a positive effect on your mind or state of mind. If your mind is consumed by negative thoughts (such as wanting to take revenge on your ex), then you end up in a downward spiral. But the great thing about daydreaming is that you have control over your thoughts (it's a lot easier than the nocturnal corollary, lucid dreaming, to make sure that every daydreaming session leaves you feeling good.
    • Positive-constructive daydreaming is linked to being open to new experiences, happiness and creativity.
    • On the other hand, guilty-dysphoric daydreams, such as fantasizing about failure, bad things to happen, or hurting others, lead to negative emotions such as fear and guilt.
    • The third type of daydream occurs when you suffer from poor concentration; your mind wanders in all directions because you find it difficult to focus on the present. These types of daydreams have no positive effect because you cannot control them.

Part 2 of 3: Knowing what you want to dream about

  1. Dream about the future. Daydreaming with a purpose can help you achieve that goal. Imagine life as you would like to live it. Give yourself a role in that future as you watch it unfold, and let your imagination run wild. Will you be president? Are you going to live on a tropical island? Are you starting your own business? Do you fall in love and start a family? Anything is possible in your daydreams.
    • Try to imagine all those things that make you happy and turn it into a story. By consistently following the story and characters, you make it even more fun and easier to place yourself in different environments. Make sure your stories and situations are positive and build on that every time you are daydreaming.
  2. Dream about your favorite things. This may not be as productive as dreaming about your goals, but a lot of fun to do. Dream about things that make you happy, such as certain people, activities, places, and even food that will make you smile. Just keep in mind that if you use dreaming of your favorite things to avoid thinking about what is right in front of you, you may become unhappy.
    • For example: lift yourself up by dreaming about your favorite vacation address. This works even better if you actually have plans to go there at some point.
    • But by daydreaming about unattainable things, such as a relationship with someone who is already in a relationship, daydreaming can become a recipe for frustration.
  3. Role-playing in your dreams. Imagine a possible situation and play a role in it. Try to do this as vividly as possible, as if you are actually going to experience this. This makes it possible to solve problems in a better way and to see something from the perspective of the other.
    • What you can also do is give yourself a role in your favorite movie or book. What would you do? How would the other characters react to your sudden appearance? (Or were you there all along?) What does the opponent say?
    • You can also imagine that you are someone else and think about what you admire about that person. How does that person react in different situations and to certain problems that you face?
  4. Dream about something creative. Daydreaming is a great way to get new ideas for stories, music, art and innovative products. Give your mind free rein and see where your daydreams lead. Everything is possible, nothing excludes!
    • For example, you can think about a product you love and then dream about how you could improve that product.
    • When you come across ideas that you like, don't forget to write them down. Who knows you will use them.

Part 3 of 3: When you can and can't daydream

  1. Daydreaming during a break from school or work. The great thing about daydreaming is that you can actually do it anywhere, but not always. Also, give your brain a break in between classes at school or during a break at work. That is something different from immediately gaming or tinkering with your mobile. Your tired brain will thank you!
    • Daydreaming in class or at work may be a popular pastime, but it can cause you a lot of trouble. Always try to focus on what's going on around you and save daydreaming for those times when you actually have time off and you're not distracted.
  2. Daydreaming is fine in public transport. Daydreaming on the go is a great pastime, and there's something calming about watching the world glide by outside the train or bus. Try to get a seat by the window and take the opportunity to let your mind wander.
  3. Daydreaming while exercising. If you enjoy running, swimming, walking, or other activities that you do alone, you can also use the time to daydream. However, it is important to always keep an eye on your surroundings to prevent accidents.
  4. Daydream in the morning or later in the evening. Early in the morning and at night before you fall asleep are great times to daydream. You are already in bed anyway and your mind is relaxed without too many distractions. logic is often less of a block if you are too tired to worry that your daydream is complete nonsense.


  • A great time for daydreaming is when something is making you unhappy, or when you have an idea you want to develop. Daydreaming lifts the mind, and you never know what amazing things you can think of!
  • Create a whole new character for yourself, kind of like role-playing, but in your head. Place that character in different situations!
  • To help make your daydreams even better, work on your tactile memory by feeling things and then trying to remember what you felt.
  • Learn how to daydream while paying attention to what's going on around you. This sounds like nullifying the purpose of daydreaming, but makes it much easier.
  • Do not stray when you talk to someone, it is annoying for the other.
  • Don't do this if you're supposed to be doing something else, like school or work. This can lead to redundancies or lower grades.