How to learn all your life

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Lessons in Life People Learn TOO LATE
Video: 10 Lessons in Life People Learn TOO LATE


Abraham Lincoln said, "I do not know a person who is not smarter today than yesterday." This phrase is a premise that learning is a daily adventure that can be enjoyed throughout your life. Education does not end with graduation. People who really know how to learn cannot sit still, constantly devoting themselves to learning, they learn constantly, struggle with themselves and learn more every day. By promising yourself to learn something new every day, you will not only enjoy discoveries, but you will be able to apply your knowledge and become teachers for future generations.


  1. 1 Learn to learn. Decide what style or learning styles you prefer. Notice what teaching techniques are most effective for you and use them as often as possible, for example, watch instructional videos on sites like YouTube if you are better at remembering with visual effects.
    • Most people learn more than one method at once, but prefer one or two. Use your preferences to your advantage.
  2. 2 Find out your talents and your interests. Try to try everything so that you are not limited to the idea that you are good at only one thing. You will most likely be good at a lot, but you won't know until you try it.
    • Beware of past memories that tell you to stay away from certain things. Soon these memories can lead to the fact that you stop trying to try something new. As you grow up, you gain more experience, develop confidence and responsibility - these are things that cannot be taught, but you can gain from the past. For example, if you had a bad horse riding experience when you were younger and if you don't get on a horse when you get older and calmer, you may be missing out on the most memorable ride of your life. Or maybe you hate certain sports, certain tastes, or activities when you were younger because you lacked experience, strength, or maturity. Everything changes as you mature, develop and adapt to your new environment. Be careful not to let past unpleasant memories rob you of opportunities in the present.
  3. 3 View learning as a discovery and opportunity, not a responsibility. Do not force yourself to study because it is necessary or important. Instead, learn what you need along with what you enjoy learning. Follow your heart as well as your sense of duty. Remember how you hated history in eighth grade along with all the names and dates that seemed meaningless? The goal was to learn the details and details so that you can then connect all the bits of information together. It was a duty then, but now it makes sense.
    • Even when you are teaching what you need to learn, such as the knowledge required for a job, look for more than is required of you. Look for stories, case studies, various applications, etc. that will make your learning experience more comprehensive.
  4. 4 Learn the basics. Sometimes it is boring, but you will be able to remember, connect and understand all the difficult points, through recognizing the simple ones, if you know mathematics and have an understanding of the natural sciences. You can look at specific facts and precise wording later, but you will know the basics, which will save you time - you will not have to revise the material, you will know it by heart. Try watching the courses "OpenCourseWare", "TED Talks" or "iTunes University" where there are presentations by famous professors and experts in their field.
    • Mix learning the basics with easier studies like intellectual hobbies or games. Do not forget about them, putting study first, half a lesson or one lesson a day will be enough for you. Check out the list of colleges and institutes that offer courses at low cost or just free classes.
    • If you cannot understand higher mathematics apart from everything, you can learn where it applies. Without seeing the application, it is difficult to understand the meaning of all computational techniques.
    • Read books by those who had difficulty with the basics of math, science, or other subjects, but who still managed to find workarounds and did not give up. Their learning paths can help you improve your own.
  5. 5 Read, read, read. Make friends with your local library and sellers of new and used books. Reading is the door to other worlds and the thoughts of other human beings. Through reading, you will never stop learning and continue to be amazed at the incredible creativity, intelligence and yes, even the platitudes of human beings. Smart people read a lot, all the time - just like that. And reading will help you learn about the discoveries and mistakes of people who lived before you. Reading is actually a shortcut so you don't have to learn everything the hard way.
    • Read a variety of books. Just because you're a fan of detective stories doesn't mean you can't try to read non-fiction sometimes. Don't limit yourself.
    • Realize the educational value of what you read. Popular science literature teaches you to understand a subject, of course. Fiction that does not have such restrictions will help you learn more about good style, history, human nature in general, and will enrich your vocabulary. Undoubtedly, fiction can tell about mores, moral norms, the way of thinking and habits of the time when history was written. Also, lovers of fiction are better able to empathize than those who avoid such reading, since literature teaches us to communicate with the world around us.
    • Newspapers, magazines, textbooks and comics are all readable. Like sites, blogs, reviews and other online sources of information.
  6. 6 Expand your learning concept. Check out The Theory of Multiple Intelligences if you still don't know what it is. Think about how it might suit you and what you can improve.
    • Improve your existing qualities. Are you already good at fly fishing? Are you good at computers? Do you know how to teach? Do you play the saxophone? Hone these skills and move to the next level.
    • Try something new that is and isn't about your preferred skill category.
  7. 7 Do things that are not related to your profession. As an adult, experience may be the best teacher for you. Whether you work for pay or as a volunteer, focus on a project or grab whatever grabs your attention, try a lot and see the results. Apply these results to other areas of your life, expand the meaning of what you have learned. You don't know, but some discoveries may come from your observations or a non-standard approach.
  8. 8 Be creative. Not all training will come to you from outside sources.In fact, you can learn a lot of interesting things when you create or deduce some formulations yourself. Your creation can be artistic and scientific, physical and intellectual, social and personal. Try different tools and techniques to polish up the ones you like best.
  9. 9 Watch. Take a closer look at your world, explore the ordinary and the extraordinary. Also look at the world from different levels. Chances are that you already react differently to your friend's news than to your country's news, for example.
    • React to what you see, notice and examine your reaction.
    • Be careful. If you find that it is difficult for you to observe something for a long time, consider meditation. It will help you learn things you haven't noticed since growing up.
  10. 10 Take classes - formal and informal. No matter how well you learn on your own, some subjects are best taught with the help of a teacher. Remember that teachers can be found in the classroom, or they can be found in the office, in a nearby garage, shop, restaurant, or in a taxi. A teacher can also be a mentor or guide in your life, for example, a personal growth instructor or advisor.
    • Several of the world's best universities provide videos and materials for their free courses on the Internet, such as the Open CourseWare project. Massachusetts Institute of Technology is an outstanding participant in such a program, offering hundreds of different courses. You can also use "iTunes University" - it can be viewed through a computer or your portable electronic devices.
  11. 11 Asking the right questions is even more important than having the answers already. It can also turn anyone into a teacher. Make sure you listen carefully and understand the answer.
    • Sometimes the answer is difficult to understand. Feel free to take notes, ask more questions, and break the answer down into small components to try and grasp the general meaning. Go back to your favorite learning style - if it's easier for you to understand when there are drawings, then draw to make sense.
    • Keep a journal or notebook where you will write down what you have learned and the questions you still have. Questions can give you as much as answers, if not more. A journal or notebook can also record your progress.
  12. 12 Evaluate what you have learned. Does this make sense? Is it true? Can you confirm this? Is this an argument or is it logical, valuable, applicable advice?
    • Read the articles How to Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills or How to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills for more ideas to improve your learning skills.
  13. 13 Apply what you have learned. This is the best way to test your knowledge and in this way you will improve your skills and they will better settle in your memory. You can also find out the pros and cons of your training, because this is how we usually find out everything. Who knows what else you can discover, learn and connect together?
  14. 14 Teach others. Teaching is a great way to learn about a subject yourself and improve your understanding. If you are not a teacher or mentor, you can write about what you learned on Wikipedia, where you and others will know that they can come back and read the information. You can discuss something in the forum or just answer a question someone asks.
    • Joseph Joubert said that "To teach is to learn twice." When you teach others, you realize that you are getting to know even more of your students. After all, you need not only to be proficient in the material, you will have to answer students' questions and expand your understanding with each question asked to you.


  • Check yourself. Read college tapes, take CLEP tests, try or watch college classes, and more.
  • Do what works best for you.Life is not a dress rehearsal, try to take as much of it as possible.
  • Learn just for the sake of learning. Just because you have the opportunity. Analyze. Learn the little things, try self-discovery courses.
  • Forget your professionalism. Experiment, make mistakes, and ask stupid questions. If you wait until you know everything, it will take a long time.
  • Another good way to learn is to get to know people who are teaching the same thing as you, or have already learned it. Just be around them, interact with them and you will go much further than if you study alone.
  • Sleep, exercise, and eat well. Your health will affect the effectiveness of your learning
  • Have fun. Fun is a very important part of learning, especially for adults. This is a significant part of the motivation that will push you to new heights.
  • Be open-minded. Some of the greatest scientific, mathematical, artistic, and other achievements have come from questioned postulates or some other new approach. Do not think that if you are not an expert and this is “not your area of ​​expertise”, you will not be able to contribute. Enthusiasts and observers can often see the connection, fill in the gaps, or find a new approach where experts, experts have missed it.


  • If you are a quick learner and find that you know more than many of the people around you, be careful not to become a know-it-all.