How to find the right boyfriend for a high school student

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guy Has FOUR Girlfriends At The SAME Time In SCHOOL, Instantly REGRETS It | LOVE XO
Video: Guy Has FOUR Girlfriends At The SAME Time In SCHOOL, Instantly REGRETS It | LOVE XO


High school is an exciting time to explore yourself and your interests. Romantic relationships will be a fun way to explore new emotions and experiences. There are several ways to build a romantic relationship.Start meeting new people through mutual friends and in extracurricular activities. Also, go on dates regularly until you find the right partner. After that, strive to maintain a healthy relationship based on mutual respect.


Part 1 of 3: How to Meet People

  1. 1 Ask friends to introduce you. One of the easiest ways to find a romantic partner is to ask friends for help. If you have a particularly sociable acquaintance, then let them know about your desire. Ask if your friends know single guys that match your personality and appearance.
    • The main advantage of this method is that your friends know your interests and wishes, which means they will be able to introduce you to the right person.
    • Also, acquaintance through friends will save you from dubious guys. It is unlikely that you want to build a relationship with a villain. Friends can help you avoid this situation and introduce you to someone who deserves your time and attention.
  2. 2 Participate in extracurricular activities. If you want to find yourself a boyfriend, then you need to meet people. Start attending extracurricular activities to get to know a potential partner there.
    • Choose activities based on your interests. The chances of finding the right partner will increase if you spend time with like-minded people. Get involved with the school newspaper if you are interested in journalism.
    • Try going to class without friends. Walking into an unfamiliar group alone can be scary, but without a noisy company, you will seem more open to acquaintances. If you come alone, the potential partner is more likely to decide to get to know you.
    • If you know that a lot of guys attend meetings of a certain club, then consider the possibility of becoming a member of such a team. The more choices you have, the easier it will be for you to find a single guy that interests you.
  3. 3 Let go of high expectations. In high school, it's easy to fall prey to romantic fantasies. If you imagine that you will meet a handsome prince at the very first rehearsal of the theater club, you better moderate your expectations. If expectations are too high, you can reject a perfectly suitable young man. Don't limit yourself to multiple criteria. There is no need to make a detailed list of the qualities that a potential partner should have. It's better to look for just a nice, nice guy who shares your interests.
  4. 4 Communicate. Get out of the house and socialize to meet new people. Even if you are a shy girl, socializing is essential to meet potential partners.
    • Try talking to a stranger. Sit at a different table during lunch. Start a conversation with the young man who caught your attention in physical education.
    • It is not always easy to communicate with unfamiliar people. At school, conversations can be built around the educational process. For example, say, "This test was just creepy as hard, right?"
  5. 5 Attend school activities. With parental permission, start regularly attending the various activities that take place at the school. Dances, sports, games, theatrical performances and quizzes will be an excellent opportunity to meet and communicate with new kids.
    • Sports competitions are often attended by students from other schools. If you are not interested in the guys from your school, then attend these events.
    • For safety reasons, it is better to attend such events with friends. Unlike extracurricular activities, school-wide activities often take place late at night and are not always on the premises of the school. It is better to go in company so as not to expose yourself to unnecessary risks.

Part 2 of 3: How to date

  1. 1 Invite a guy. It’s not easy, but initiative and courageous behavior are integral parts of finding a partner. Ask a guy you are interested in on a date, even if the act is outside your comfort zone.
    • It's okay if it takes you a few days to gather your courage. This is completely normal, especially when you have little experience yet. Discuss the situation with your friends. If your girlfriend has a boyfriend, ask her for advice.
    • Use common interests to invite the person to meet. For example, you and your boyfriend found out earlier that you like horror movies. Offer to go to the cinema together for the premiere of an upcoming horror movie.
    • Try inviting the person in a casual manner. For example, ask: "Can we go to the cafeteria together after school sometime?" If you want to emphasize that this is a date, then add: "Just the two of us." Also, if you have the courage, you can say bluntly, “Maybe we’ll go on a date this weekend?” The guy will appreciate this approach.
  2. 2 Go on dates with a positive attitude. After meeting the right guys, start dating. Demonstrate a positive attitude in meetings.
    • Remain calm during your date. Don't think that something might go wrong. Come to the meeting with the intention of having fun. If you feel comfortable doing this, you can make a mental list of conversation topics. A date will work better if you don't worry about having nothing to discuss.
    • When you're worried, there is a risk of taking actions that might alienate the guy. If you worry, there is a good chance that you will behave awkwardly or say something inappropriate. Try to think positively to show your best and have a good time.
  3. 3 Go on dates regularly. It can take a while to find the right partner. Hence, never give up on dates. Try to meet with guys regularly. You may have to go to a lot of unfortunate and mediocre dates before you meet the right person.
    • Be ready to meet in any place and situation. Try to look attractive when you leave the house. Meet guys who seem interesting to you. In doing so, do not forget about safety. Be careful outside of school and try to move around with friends.
    • Don't be afraid to take risks when you're out on dates. Even if you don't like the person much, things can change on a date. Also, do not be afraid to act boldly, if you like a guy - take the initiative and invite him to meet. There is always a risk of being rejected, but trying is not torture.
  4. 4 Be yourself. Many high school students crave romantic relationships, but it’s important to be yourself. Don't give up your views and values ​​just to please a guy. For example, if you're worried that a guy might not like a nerd girl, you shouldn't intentionally get bad grades. Good academic performance and solid knowledge are essential to your long-term goals. Plus, there's no point in dating a guy who doesn't appreciate your personality.
  5. 5 Choose clothes for dates that make you feel attractive. Confidence is pretty much the key to attractiveness. It's important for a date to choose clothes that make you feel attractive. If a girl feels confident and seems attractive to herself, then she will also appear more attractive to her date partner and this will be the key to a great date.
    • Pick your favorite outfit, even if it's not too date-appropriate. Calmness and confidence will help you have a good time.
    • Of course, first of all, you need to think about your own comfort, but if you know some of the preferences of your date partner and they suit you, then you can choose an outfit in accordance with such preferences. If a guy likes a sporty style, then you can come on a date in jeans and sneakers in which you are comfortable.

Part 3 of 3: How to Maintain a Relationship

  1. 1 Start building relationships. After a few dates, you can move on to a relationship. If you've been dating your boyfriend regularly for a few weeks now, it's appropriate to discuss the status of your relationship.
    • The conversation should be face-to-face, as messages can distort the meaning of your words. Asking a question like this is not always easy, but if you regularly date a guy, he is unlikely to be surprised at such a conversation. Try to explain the point right away. It is better to avoid phrases like “we need to talk”, which might imply that something went wrong. Just ask a question.
    • Remind me of how your relationship is shaping up. For example, say, “We spend almost every weekend together and see each other every day. I am very pleased to spend time with you. " And then ask, "Tell me, can I call you my boyfriend?"
    • It may turn out that at the moment the guy is not ready for a serious relationship. If it's important to you to be in a relationship, and he is not interested, it is probably best to break up and move on. Rejection can hurt, but you don't need to settle for a relationship that doesn't live up to your basic expectations.
  2. 2 Use social media wisely. In high school, it’s almost impossible to move away from social media. Surely you communicate with your friends on services like VKontakte, Instagram or Facebook. Be judicious when you decide to post about your relationship with your partner.
    • Maybe the guy doesn't want to be mentioned online. Perhaps he is annoyed or embarrassed by your constant posts with joint photos. It's always best to make sure the guy doesn't mind before posting.
    • In case of an argument, do not post rude or aggressive statuses that mention a guy. Doing so will only make the problem worse.
    • Remember that published content remains on the Internet forever. Be smart and don't share every nuance of your relationship. Refrain from publications that you are not ready to show to the admissions committee at the university or future employer.
  3. 3 Find compromises. Compromises are the cornerstone of a relationship. Compromises are not always easy for young people, which is why many relationships in high school do not last very long. Try to take turns choosing movies to watch on Friday and entertainment options for the weekend. If the guy does not want to spend a certain evening with your girlfriends, then it is better not to insist. A compromise solution will help you avoid an argument.
  4. 4 Don't forget about other responsibilities. High school romance may be your focus, but there are more important responsibilities to keep in mind. Don't neglect your studies, extracurricular activities, and relationships with friends.
    • You might not want to admit it right now, but most high school relationships are doomed to fail. Today, a guy may seem to you the most important person in the world, but after a couple of years you will find that you do not even remember about him. Homework and grades should be prioritized over the guy, as they will be much more important in the long run.
  5. 5 Don't stay in a relationship with a guy who doesn't respect you. In a relationship, it's important to remember to respect yourself. You should not stay with someone who violates your personal physical and emotional boundaries.
    • Many high school students begin to show their first interest in intimate relationships. If you are not ready, then you do not need to agree to the guy's persuasion. Always use condoms to avoid pregnancy and to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If your boyfriend over-insists on physical intimacy, then you should seriously think about your relationship. You deserve to be with someone who respects your boundaries.
    • Also notice overly jealous guys and owners.If a guy forces you to refuse to meet with friends, then it is better to refuse such a relationship. It is important that he is interested in your success. Avoid dating a guy who prevents you from completing your homework and other responsibilities on time.


  • Don't worry if you didn't manage to find the right person in high school. Many people start their first romantic relationships after school. You are still very young and you have everything ahead of you.