How to remove boil scars

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
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Video: Drainage of an Abscess along the Jaw Line


If you've ever had boils, you know they leave ugly scars. Over time, these scars become less noticeable, and if some measures are taken, the process of scar resorption can be accelerated. Boils usually appear in areas of the body where it is warm and damp - armpits, nostrils and inner thighs. Many people are embarrassed about their scars, but don't worry - in less than a year, they may not be left behind!


Method 1 of 3: Medicines and Home Remedies

  1. 1 Try one of the over-the-counter scars and scars. Squeeze a small amount of anti-scar cream or cream onto your finger and rub into the scar.The cream should be completely absorbed into the scar tissue. If after rubbing in the drug remains on the surface of the skin, it is likely that you squeezed out too much. Let the drug soak into the skin for 3-5 hours, and then wash off, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for use.
    • Treatments for scars and scars can be applied to almost any part of the body. However, before you lubricate the boil scar with any cream or ointment, make sure that the boil is completely gone.
    • The most common anti-scar drugs in Russia are Kontraktubex, Solcoseryl and Fermenkol. These products help to dissolve scars and scars and reduce their pigmentation. Some scar creams contain a mild UV filter that protects the skin from sun damage and prevents scars from darkening.
  2. 2 Silicone gels for scars make them lighter. Squeeze a large portion of the gel onto your hand and apply a thick layer of the gel to the scar. Wait 4-5 minutes for the gel to soak into the scar before applying a bandage or dressing. In most cases, silicone gel is recommended to be applied twice a day. Continue applying the silicone gel until the scar is smaller and less prominent.
    • Silicone gels have no side effects and do not cause pain or itching when applied to scar tissue.
    • The silicone gel works slowly. Typically, it needs to be applied for at least six months before you see results. This is a fairly long period of time; however, silicone-based gels are effective and well-proven.
    • If after 9-10 months there is no improvement, see your doctor and ask you to choose another method of treatment for you.
    • Silicone gels for scars (for example, Dermatiks) can be bought over the counter at pharmacies.
    • In addition to gels, there are silicone patches and bandages for scars, which must be applied to the scar for 12-24 hours a day for 2-6 months. The silicone dressings are reusable and washable. It is recommended to change the dressing to a new one after 10-14 days of use.
  3. 3 Compression hosiery helps prevent the formation of scars. To combat scars, compression hosiery and bandages of the second compression class (20-30 mm Hg) are suitable. Wearing a compression garment or a bandage over the scar for 12-24 hours a day for 2-6 months can help reduce or prevent scarring after surgery.
  4. 4 Use a chemical peel to reduce raised boil scars. Homemade chemical peels can be purchased from online stores and pharmacies. Squeeze some peeling onto your fingertip and apply it to the scar. A properly applied peel should form a thin film on the scar. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day (or follow the instructions on the package) and the scar will become less voluminous.
    • Look for creams and peels that contain glycolic acid or a combination of salicylic and mandelic acids.
    • Chemical peels can irritate sensitive skin, especially around the mouth and eyes. If you feel a burning sensation after applying the peel, stop using it immediately.
  5. 5 Vitamin E cream is a natural alternative for the treatment of scars. Buy a vitamin E face or body cream from your pharmacy. Apply a small amount of the cream to the scar once a day for 2-3 weeks or until the scar is less visible. If you are already using peels or other anti-scar products, consult your doctor before using a vitamin E cream.
    • Research shows that vitamin E creams have mixed results. In some cases, the vitamin E cream will significantly discolor the scars, in others this effect is negligible or not at all.
    • Vitamin E creams have minor side effects, including mild skin irritation and burning.

Method 2 of 3: Medical Scar Removal Procedures

  1. 1 If you have not been able to get rid of the scar on your own, see a dermatologist or cosmetologist. If various drugs for scars and scars have not helped you get rid of the scar after the boil, it's time to see a doctor. Make an appointment with a dermatologist or beautician. Tell your doctor when you got the scar and describe any anti-scar treatments you have used. The doctor will examine your scar. and can also take a skin scraping for analysis.
    • In some cases, a referral to a dermatologist can only be obtained from a general practitioner.
    • Dermatologists and cosmetologists deal with, among other things, the treatment of various types of scars and scars, including traces of boils. A good doctor will not only prescribe the treatment you need, but also give you an explanatory conversation to reduce the level of anxiety caused by the appearance of scars.
  2. 2 Talk to your doctor about laser scar surgery. If the boils were especially large or deep, they could leave serious scars that cannot be treated with anti-scar drugs. In this case, your doctor may recommend laser peeling, or resurfacing, of the scars. During this procedure, the upper hardened layer of the epidermis, which makes up the scar, is removed. In some cases, laser resurfacing can completely remove scars, which is why this procedure is one of the most popular methods for removing scars.
    • Prices for laser resurfacing of scars depend on the clinic and range from 500-1500 rubles and more per square centimeter.
    • Laser resurfacing can be unpleasant, although the procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. You may feel a burning or tingling sensation. In addition, sometimes after laser peeling, the scar tissue begins to grow even more. The rehabilitation period after the procedure takes from 3 to 10 days.
    • Before performing laser resurfacing, the doctor will ask you about the presence of diseases, since there are contraindications to this procedure. You may also be prescribed anti-inflammatory, antiviral, or antibacterial drugs to avoid postoperative complications.
  3. 3 Scars and scars can be removed with surgery. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can remove an old scar with a simple surgical procedure. Most often, the surgical method is used to remove individual large traces of boils. The surgeon usually excises the scar and then tightens the skin and applies a small cosmetic suture. It sounds a little intimidating, but it is a reliable and safe method for removing large scars and scars.
    • Minor cosmetic surgeries are usually performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia and do not require hospitalization. The procedure does not cause pain, the rehabilitation period takes 2-3 days.
    • Prices for surgical excision of scar tissue depend on the clinic and the size of the scar and range from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles and more.
    • Although usually surgical excision of the scars is performed under local anesthesia, in some cases general anesthesia is required. Ask your doctor if you can eat and drink before your surgery.
  4. 4 If a large area of ​​skin is scarred, chemical peels may help. Dermatologists and cosmetologists often recommend a chemical peel procedure to remove long-standing scars. The procedure is carried out with the use of strong acids that destroy scar tissue and stimulate the regeneration of epidermal cells. As a rule, chemical peels are performed using local anesthesia. If there are a lot of boil scars and they take up a significant area, consult your doctor if a chemical peel with acids is right for you.
    • Chemical peels can damage the skin and lead to new scarring. Discuss the potential risks and side effects with your doctor before agreeing to a chemical peel.
    • The price of a chemical peel will depend on the size of the scar, the clinic and the drugs used. The cost of peeling 1 square centimeter of scar tissue starts from 600 rubles. You may need several treatments to completely remove the scar.
    • The recovery period after a chemical peel procedure usually lasts 7-14 days. Your doctor may recommend that you moisturize your skin and use sunscreen for 1–2 weeks.
  5. 5 Talk to your doctor about using corticosteroid injections for scar reduction. If your boil scar is prominently above the surface of your skin, your dermatologist may recommend a course of corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation and reduce the size of the scar. In most cases, 3 to 4 injections are prescribed with an interval of 4–6 weeks. The average cost of corticosteroid treatment for cicatricial changes in the skin is about 2,000 rubles.
    • Corticosteroid injections are no more painful than regular vaccinations. If the injection makes you feel uncomfortable, ask your doctor for local anesthesia.
    • If the scars respond well to this type of treatment, the dermatologist may recommend extending the procedure for a few more months.
    • In some cases, the body does not respond well to hormone therapy. If you have severe side effects, your doctor may stop your corticosteroid treatment.
    • If corticosteroid injections have failed, your doctor may prescribe fluorouracil in the scar tissue. However, this type of therapy in 47% of cases leads to recurrence of furunculosis.

Method 3 of 3: Masking scars and scars

  1. 1 You can use camouflage cosmetics to disguise scars and boil scars. If you do not want to resort to surgical or medical procedures, you can try to mask the scars with camouflage cosmetics. You can buy camouflage cream in cosmetic stores and online. Try 3-4 different shades to find the one that best suits your skin tone. Apply the camouflage cream to the scar in several layers using a makeup brush until the scar is no longer visible.
    • If you are using makeup, use camouflage cream along with your regular foundation.
    • Unlike conventional makeup, camouflage makeup stays on the skin for 2-3 days and completely masks the scar tissue.
    • Camouflage cosmetics are especially effective for masking one or two small scars on your face. It can also be used to hide scars on the neck, shoulders and arms.
  2. 2 Protect the scar from the sun with clothing or sunscreen. Scar tissue is highly sensitive to ultraviolet rays. If you spend a lot of time in the sun (more than 30 minutes a day), the scar will darken. Apply sunscreen to the scar at least 20 minutes before going outside. If you do not use sunscreen, wear loose clothing to protect the scar from the sun's rays.
    • For example, if boil marks are on your legs, wear loose cotton pants that will not irritate the scar tissue while protecting it from UV exposure.
    • To protect your scar from the sun, use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 50 or greater that protects against long-range ultraviolet (UVA) and mid-range (UVB) rays.
    • If you are going to be in the sun for more than 3-4 hours, reapply the sunscreen according to the directions on the label.
    • If boil scars are located on your face or neck, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect the scars from exposure to sunlight.
  3. 3 Keep the scar tissue hydrated with petroleum jelly. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the scar daily. It softens the scar, prevents it from drying out and cracking.This is especially important in the first month after the boil has healed and makes it easier for the skin cells to regenerate.
    • Vaseline is inexpensive and can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.


  • Popular folk remedies for scars and scars are aloe vera, olive oil and honey. However, the effectiveness of these funds has not been proven by clinical trials; most likely they don't work.
  • Anti-scar silicone gels are often also available in the form of patches that can be applied directly to the scar for several hours.
  • Medical research has shown that onion extract is especially effective in reducing and discoloring scars. There are practically no ready-made preparations with onion extract in Russian pharmacy chains, however, onion extract is part of the Kontraktubex ointment.