How to remove blackheads on the nose

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Do THIS to Remove Blackheads From Your Nose
Video: Do THIS to Remove Blackheads From Your Nose


1 Steam your face before using the scrub. Steaming will reduce the appearance of pores on the surface, softening them and making it easier to remove blackheads with a scrub.
  • You will need a large bowl, water, and a clean towel.
  • Boil water. Cool slightly and pour into a bowl.
  • Lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel so that all the steam goes to your face.
  • Steam your face for 5-10 minutes. Be careful not to lean too close to the steam to avoid scalding your skin.
  • Rinse with warm water and pat lightly on your face to dry.
  • Repeat the steam treatment several times a week before using the facial scrub.
  • 2 Exfoliate with baking soda. Exfoliation is important in that it removes dead skin cells without allowing them to clog pores and form blackheads. This treatment improves blood circulation, which gives the skin a healthy glow.
    • Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mineral water in a bowl to make a paste. Apply this paste to your nose and massage gently, being careful not to damage the skin of your nose.
    • Leave the paste on for a couple of minutes until it dries and then rinse off with lukewarm water. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week.
    • Baking soda will help dry out blackheads and make your skin look brighter and cleaner.
    • You can also add apple cider vinegar to the baking soda paste. It has natural astringent and antibacterial properties.
  • 3 Make an oatmeal scrub. The combination of oatmeal, lemon juice and yogurt will prevent blackheads from forming.
    • Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt and juice from half a lemon.
    • Apply the mixture to your nose, leave it on for a couple of minutes, and then wash off with warm water.
    • You can also make an oatmeal scrub with honey and tomatoes. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 4 tomato juice and a few teaspoons of oatmeal.
    • Apply the paste to your nose and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
    • Repeat this procedure regularly, at least once a week.
  • 4 Apply a sugar scrub. Use jojoba oil for it whenever possible, as it closely mimics sebum. Sebum (or sebum) is an oily substance that the body produces to prevent the skin from drying out. If you don't have jojoba oil, you can substitute grape seed oil, olive oil, or sweet almond oil.
    • Mix 4 tablespoons of butter with 1 cup of brown or white sugar in an airtight glass jar.
    • Wet your face and scoop up some of the product with your fingers. Massage on nose and face in circular motion.
    • Do this for 1-2 minutes and then wash with warm water.
    • Do not wear the product more than 2-3 times a week to avoid dryness or irritation of the skin.
    • The scrub can be stored in an airtight jar in a dark, cool place for up to 2 months.
  • 5 Try a clay mask. For a good mask, use bentonite clay. It can be ordered online or purchased from many health food stores. Bentonite clay is rich in minerals and has been used for centuries as a remedy for many diseases, most of them related to skin problems. When you apply a clay mask, your skin is saturated with minerals, while the clay sucks out blackheads.
    • Mix 1 teaspoon of bentonite clay with water or apple cider vinegar. A paste should form that is thick but easy to apply.
    • Using your fingers, cover your nose with a thin layer of paste. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes, depending on how long it takes to dry. As the mask begins to dry, you will feel the skin tightening on your face. Some people get dry and irritated if left on for too long. This is especially true for those whose skin is dry initially. Choose the drying time of the mask based on your skin type.
    • Rinse off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer to your nose.
    • To see results, regularly apply a clay mask to your nose, at least once a week.
  • 6 Apply egg whites to your nose. While the smell of a raw egg on your face or nose can be unpleasant, egg whites are nutrient-dense and less dry than other home remedies for blackheads.
    • You will need 1 egg, a paper face towel or toilet paper, a small bowl, and a clean towel.
    • Separate the yolk and white in a bowl.
    • Cleanse your face with your preferred product.
    • Pat your face lightly to dry it and use your fingers to apply a thin layer of egg white to your nose.
    • Wait for the first layer to cool. Then spread the second layer of protein over your nose. Let dry. Apply a third coat. Make sure the previous coat is dry before each application.
    • Leave the final layer on for 15 minutes. Your face will tighten and swell a little. This is a good sign. This means that the protein sticks to the nose and blackheads.
    • Soak a towel in warm water and gently wipe off the protein from your nose. Pat your nose to dry.
  • 7 Make your own pore cleansing strips. Stripes like these are made from a kind of astringent and something that allows this substance to stick to the nose.When you peel off the strip, you rip sebum and dead cells from the pores, thus removing blackheads. Remember that pore cleansing strips do not prevent blackheads from appearing, they simply remove those that have already appeared.
    • Use milk and honey to make pore cleansing strips without the harmful chemicals or fragrances found in grocery strips.
    • You will need 1 tablespoon of organic honey, 1 teaspoon of milk, and a clean cotton strip (from a shirt or towel).
    • Mix natural honey and milk in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 5-10 seconds. Stir; make sure everything is thoroughly dissolved.
    • Check the temperature of the mixture. Make sure it's not too hot and apply a thin layer on your nose.
    • Gently pat the cotton strip on your nose, pressing it down.
    • Leave to dry for at least 20 minutes. Then carefully tear off the strip.
    • Rinse your nose with cold water and pat dry with light pats.
    • Use the pore cleansing strips regularly to get rid of blackheads.
  • 8 Make a natural face toner. The toner is great for removing any dead cells on the face, and for relieving redness or inflammation, especially around the nose. Use cooling herbs such as peppermint to soothe skin irritations.
    • In a small bottle, combine 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh mint leaves. Leave to steep for 1 week in a cool, dark place.
    • Strain the mixture and add a glass of water. The toner can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 days.
    • Apply the toner every night with a cotton pad, after washing your face with water.
    • Leave the toner on overnight or for a few hours if you have sensitive skin.
    • Remember to apply moisturizer to your nose after toning.
  • Method 2 of 3: How to Prevent Blackheads

    1. 1 Remember, there are various myths about blackheads. Part of the reason blackheads can't just be washed off is because they aren't caused by dirt build-up. They are caused by particles of dead skin and sebum that enter the pores and react with oxygen, resulting in a black color.
      • It is also impossible to narrow, close or open pores, as these are not muscles. They are simply holes that house the hair follicles and sebaceous glands in your body.
      • While certain substances, such as lemon or peppermint, can make the pores look smaller, they don't actually shrink.
      • Other factors such as genetics, age and sun exposure also affect the size of the pores, but there is no magic way to shrink them.
    2. 2 Protect your face from excess fat. To do this, wash your face no more than twice a day with a mild, oil-free cleanser. If you apply makeup daily, remember to rinse it off, as makeup affects the formation of oil on your face.
      • Be sure to exfoliate your skin naturally or professionally, and use a natural or store-bought toner daily.
    3. 3 Change your pillowcases at least once a week. Washing your pillowcases will help remove any dead skin cells and oils from your face that remain on the fabric every night.
    4. 4 Take your hair away from your face and try not to touch it with your hands. Your hair can contain germs and bacteria that will settle on your face and / or nose.
      • Try not to touch your face or nose with your hands. Dirt, germs and bacteria from your hands can get on your face and cause the production of fats that lead to blackheads.
    5. 5 Never crush blackheads. This can lead to inflammation, infection, and even scarring.
      • Likewise, when using scrubs, try not to rub the blackheads too hard, otherwise it will cause irritation and inflammation.

    Method 3 of 3: How to use professional products

    1. 1 Use a cleanser containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid. The best way to clear clogged pores from oil is with beta-hydroxy or salicylic acid products. Continuous use of this cleanser can help prevent blackheads and clear oil from pores.
      • Salicylic acid, along with glycolic acid, helps cleanse the skin's surface of dead cells and other impurities.
      • These ingredients are found in the following acne products: Proactiv, Benzac, and PanOxyl.
    2. 2 Buy pore cleansing strips. Over-the-counter Pore Cleansing Strips can help remove oil from your nose and help you get rid of blackheads as a result.
    3. 3 Talk to your dermatologist about the use of retinoids. They contain vitamin A and help unclog clogged pores and prevent blackheads from forming.
      • The most effective are strong prescription retinoids in pill form. Many pharmacies also sell retinol products without a prescription.
      • When you take retinoids for the first time, you may experience slight flaking of the skin. However, with regular use 3-7 times a week for 4-6 weeks, the side effect will diminish and your skin will become clearer and shinier.
    4. 4 Ask a dermatologist about microdermabrasion. This is a professional treatment that uses tiny crystals to remove the inner layer of the skin, including blackheads. A special device exfoliates and refreshes the skin of the nose, making the skin look light and smooth.
      • This technique is less aggressive than dermabrasion, however, it must be performed by a professional beautician.