How to keep nail polish from drying out

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Restore & Prevent Sticky or Thick Polish!
Video: How To Restore & Prevent Sticky or Thick Polish!


Are you tired of finding dried varnish in a bottle every time before you are going to paint your nails? Stop throwing away the bottles of your favorite nail polish. There are several tricks with which it is possible to prolong his life. Even an already dried product can be salvaged if you have a little lacquer thinner on hand.


Method 1 of 2: Changing storage conditions

  1. 1 Close cap tightly when not using varnish. First of all, the varnish dries out due to the fact that it was kept open for too long. Stick to the rule of closing the bottle whenever you are not painting your nails. Do not forget to close the bottle when you have already applied one type of varnish and started applying another. Take a few seconds of your time to do this. Remember that nail polish tends to dry quickly in the open air regardless of whether you put it on your nails or not.
    • Through a loose cap, air can enter the bottle or cause dry streaks on the threads (see below).
  2. 2 Store varnish in a cool, dark place, such as a refrigerator. If you want to extend the life of your varnish, keep it as far away from the sun and heat as possible.
    • The best place to store your nail polish is in the refrigerator, so try to make space for it there. If this is not possible, then store it in a closed cabinet (not on the table).
  3. 3 Shake the nail polish once every few days. A varnish that you haven't used for a long time is likely to dry out. To avoid this, twist the jar between your palms from time to time or turn it over several times. If you use your nail polish frequently, you can simply shake it before each use. Otherwise, spend a couple of seconds of your time shaking the varnish several times a week.
    • Shake gently, as shaking too vigorously can cause air bubbles to form, which will lead to uneven application of the varnish coat.
  4. 4 Clean the cap threads from time to time. The threads of dried varnish on the threads (spiral-shaped protrusions on the neck of the bottle) can prevent the cap from tightening tightly, and air can enter. Fortunately, the threads are easy to clean of dried varnish. There are such ways:
    • Soak a cotton swab or cotton swab in varnish thinner, but not too wet.
    • Gently run a sponge or cotton swab over the threads on the cap. Dry varnish should dissolve. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Then wipe the cleaned thread with a clean, dry cloth.
    • Try to keep the varnish solvent out of the bottle. This can affect the texture of the varnish.

Method 2 of 2: Restoring dried varnish

  1. 1 Do not rush to throw away the bottle of dried varnish. There are several ways to give your varnish a “second life”. The easiest is to put some nail polish thinner into the bottle. Use an eyedropper to add just a few drops.
    • Remember to do this in a well-ventilated area, as solvent fumes are hazardous in confined spaces.Open the door and window, or turn on the fan if you cannot do this outdoors.
    • You can buy varnish thinner at any specialty store. The minimum volume of a bottle is usually around 1000 ml, so one purchase should be enough for you for a long time.
  2. 2 After adding a small amount of varnish solvent to the bottle, carefully screw the cap back on and shake the bottle to mix the contents as best as possible. As a result, you will get a varnish of a more liquid consistency, suitable for use.
    • If the varnish is still too thick, add a few more drops of solvent and continue stirring until the desired consistency is achieved.
  3. 3 As an alternative to solvent, clear varnish can be used. Just add a few drops and shake the bottle just like you did with the diluent. This method works best with varnish that is not completely dry yet.
    • Please note that this procedure can affect the consistency and color of the varnish. However, this should not happen immediately after mixing. You can use the polish again while it is still runny.
  4. 4 Do not use nail polish remover. While it will turn dried polish back into liquid, there is a risk that the nail polish remover will dilute the polish to a watery mixture that won't stick well to your nails. It is very difficult to find the right proportion, so it is better to completely abandon the idea of ​​using nail polish remover as a thinner.


  • If the nail polish lid is stuck on and won't open, soak it in hot water to loosen the grip. Grasp the lid firmly, wrap a cloth around it, and twist to open it. If necessary, you can use the nail polish remover remaining on the bottom of the lid by applying it with a cotton swab.
  • Follow all instructions listed in the instructions for the product you are using. Nail polish and (especially) nail polish thinner can be flammable and toxic.