How to convince parents to have a pet

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Convince Your Parents to Get You A Pet
Video: How To Convince Your Parents to Get You A Pet


Many people dream of their own pet to play with. These tips will help you convince your parents that you are responsible enough to care for the animal.


  1. 1 Do your research. Review the information available to you regarding the desired animal. If any of your friends or acquaintances had the same pet, ask them for advice on grooming. (If possible, take care of their animal while they are away.) Find out carefully everything you need to know about the pet you dream about. If you don't like something about his behavior (for example, eating live food, longevity, or the need for open space), then it is better to look for another pet that suits you perfectly. If the opportunity arises, tell your parents about any pleasant fact related to the pet. If your family has limited options (for example, you cannot take the animal for a walk), try to find a way out and reach a compromise.
    • If you are looking to purchase an exotic animal, make sure it is legal in your area. For example, in Tennessee it is illegal to keep skunks. Even if you manage to buy a banned pet, or you know someone who keeps it at home, it's still a bad idea.
  2. 2 Get ready for change. Remember that by having a pet, you will inevitably change your lifestyle. It may take your parents some time to think about it (from a week to several months, depending on the animal). Regardless, be patient. Remember that you will have to take care of your pet for at least several years. If you lose your enthusiasm in a few months, then you are probably better off not having a pet.
  3. 3 Act like an adult. Do housework, do your homework, and speak respectfully. In this case, the parents will accurately consider your request. This behavior will not only endear your parents to you, but also show them that you are responsible enough to have a pet.
    • If you get pocket money, start saving it to buy an animal. This will prove your willingness to contribute to the purchase of the pet. If you are not given your own money, find a part-time job. If you're already a teenager, there are many job options.
  4. 4 Talk to your parents. In a calm tone, tell about the animal, describe a few important points about it.When done, the parents are likely to ask additional questions. Answer honestly, offer solutions for all possible problems that they think may arise. Ask your family to think about the proposal. Give them information they can study or give them the number of the person who is holding the same animal. Don't whine or bother. Respect their right to think.
  5. 5 Make a presentation. Emphasize what exactly you are willing to do to care for the selected animal. Think about the financial side of the issue, such as who will pay for the veterinarian's services.
  6. 6 Keep looking for information and sharing it with your parents. If you learn anything new or interesting, be sure to tell your family. This will unobtrusively remind you of the need to resolve the issue. If your parents remain unresponsive to your requests, do not talk about this topic for several days.
  7. 7 Make a table. Divide the information about the animal into categories: "Daily Needs", "Monthly Needs", "Annual Needs". Include necessary food, vaccinations, veterinary examinations, etc. Show your work to your parents. Prove to them that you are not afraid of responsibility and that you don't just give up. If the parents are still in doubt, ask them what exactly is stopping them. Let me know that you are ready to consider all sides of the issue, even if in fact they are not.


  • Usually, parents do not want to have pets, because they end up taking care of them themselves. Make sure not to leave all cleaning and feeding tasks to your loved ones.
  • Make sure you don't lose interest in the animal.
  • Get excellent grades, do housework, and behave yourself to impress your parents.
  • Collect all information about the animal in a folder: price, games, everyday needs, etc.
  • There are always birthdays and holidays, and you never know what gift you can get. Remind you that your favorite holiday is coming.
  • If you're serious, write a compelling essay in which you can provide an argument. This is impressive to some parents.
  • Let your parents hear you ask someone about caring for the animal you are interested in.
  • Look after your friend's animal (it doesn't matter which one). If your parents see your responsibility, the chances will increase.


  • If you do have an animal, do not offend it, otherwise the parents may take it away.
  • Talk to your parents when they are in a good mood and calm.
  • Don't cry or shout if your family turns you down. This will diminish your chances and prove your immaturity.
  • Don't run away from home or lock yourself in your room. It will not add maturity to you.
  • Offer your help in caring for younger siblings, and then remind the parents of the experience.