How to train your brain

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Train a Brain: Crash Course Psychology #11
Video: How to Train a Brain: Crash Course Psychology #11


If you want to restore your sharp mind and insight, or just keep your brain in good shape, then for this you need to perform certain actions. Use a variety of strategies to develop thinking, speech and vocabulary skills, play games, interact with people, never stop learning, and strive to take care of yourself. The result will not be instantaneous, but within a few months you will notice a significant improvement in memory and thinking ability.


Part 1 of 5: Develop thinking, speaking and vocabulary skills

  1. 1 Read as much as you can. Reading is great brain exercise. Read newspapers, magazines and books, but keep in mind that the more difficult the text, the more intense the workout will be. As with anything, start small and gradually build up the intensity.
    • Read books that teach you new things, like history books and other subjects that interest you.
  2. 2 Expand your vocabulary. Start memorizing new words with apps and regular dictionaries. Train the part of your brain that deals with language and speech.
    • Write down new words in prominent places, such as a whiteboard in the kitchen or a reminder on your desk. Pick a difficult word and start using it in a wide variety of situations.
  3. 3 Write. This action also activates the thought process! Write your own stories, record the events of the day, or write articles for sites like wikiHow on topics that are interesting and understandable to you!
  4. 4 Learn a new language. Learning languages ​​in the brain activates existing connections and creates new ones. This exercise trains the part of the brain that stores linguistic information, and even helps you better know your own language.
    • Languages ​​are a great way to memorize new information and train your brain. It is even useful to just memorize a few new words and phrases in a foreign language.
  5. 5 Analyze your decisions. Consider the different possibilities for the development of events that would have occurred if you had made different decisions, and also analyze the consequences of such events. This exercise is useful for creative thinking and developing problem-solving skills.
  6. 6 Unplug your TV. In programs, television shows and so on, we are constantly told what and how to do.Watching TV actually puts our brain on autopilot, which is why it relaxes! But if you want to keep your brain in good shape, then first of all you need to turn off the TV. In the case of viewing, you can also use your brain. Watch educational TV shows, and also choose TV shows with an intricate plot and a large number of characters. Think while watching, try to analyze the actions of the characters and anticipate the development of events.
    • You can even opt out of cable or satellite TV services and watch only educational materials on the Internet. There are many services available online with monthly subscription videos.
  7. 7 Use your non-dominant hand. Use your left hand if you are right-handed, or vice versa. Stimulate the parts of the brain that are responsible for muscle control.
  8. 8 Learn to play a musical instrument. Learning how to play a musical instrument or singing will be great brain training, as it engages the region of long-term memorization. Start attending classes, watch instructional videos, and become part of a choir or ensemble to develop your musical skills.
    • Learn to play the ukulele. It is an easy-to-learn tool that is quite popular.

Part 2 of 5: Play Games to Tone Your Brain

  1. 1 Solve crosswords and puzzles daily. Simple puzzles like crossword puzzles will be a good brain workout that is convenient to do every day. You can even find free crosswords on the internet.
  2. 2 Gradually move on to more difficult puzzles. Larger and more complex tasks will become more intense brain training. It may take days or even weeks to resolve them, but your efforts will not be in vain. The puzzles can be simple puzzles with a lot of elements, and various Japanese puzzles, which require significant mental effort to solve. Such a pastime will brighten up your leisure perfectly.
  3. 3 Play chess. Chess is a game that actively involves strategic and tactical thinking. This brain training will be more intense than almost any puzzle. Anyone can learn to play chess.
    • You can also become a member of a local chess club so that you always have the opportunity to play with more experienced chess players.
  4. 4 Play video games in moderation. Did you know that playing video games in moderation also makes a person smarter? Puzzle games like Mario, Zelda, Scribblenauts, and Myst will work as a cardio workout for the brain, develop creative problem-solving skills, and think faster.

Part 3 of 5: Lead an active social life

  1. 1 Talk to people. Chat on topics that are interesting and close to you. Discuss politics, religion, and other tricky issues (exchange opinions, but do not engage in a showdown) to actively use the brain.
    • You can become a member of various thematic and educational platforms.
  2. 2 Become a member of an interest group. Become a member of a hobby group or club to connect with like-minded people. Build on your hobbies, political views, or other interests. Meeting like-minded people will help you use your skills and exercise your brain regularly.
  3. 3 Do not hold your phone in your hands during conversations. Your phone can be a distraction, so get in the habit of not being distracted by your phone. Try leaving it in another room, or just turn it off and have a quiet time with your friends. This will make it easier for you to focus on the conversation and develop your face-to-face communication skills.
  4. 4 Volunteer. Volunteering is useful not only for developing social connections, but also for forming new neural pathways. Offer your help at your local homeless cafeteria, animal shelter, hospital, or nursing home.

Part 4 of 5: Keep Learning Throughout Your Life

  1. 1 Start learning again. Learning is a great way to get your brain to work again, and new knowledge has obvious benefits. At the same time, it is not necessary to receive another diploma at the university. Suggest that the employer send you to refresher courses, as well as attend classes on your own in subjects that interest you.
  2. 2 Sign up for free programs. If you do not have enough money or time, then on the Internet you can find many available lessons and programs. These can be materials from well-known world universities or training platforms like Coursera with free courses.
    • Sometimes you can even find free courses at your local college or university. Institutions may offer courses for older students.
  3. 3 Use the skills you already have often. The brain can be compared to muscles - without a constant load, skills are lost. The longer information or skill is not used, the more actively the information is forgotten or the ability is lost. Use basic skills like solving math problems regularly to keep your abilities clear and always ready to use.
    • Try to remember skills you haven't used in a long time - working with wood, knitting, embroidering, or fixing appliances.
  4. 4 Find a new hobby. Learn new skills to train your brain. In particular, creativity like music, dance or the visual arts trains different parts of the brain and is incredibly beneficial to humans.
  5. 5 Learn an applied craft. Use your brain to create new things (especially from scratch and without prompts), be it robots or wooden garden benches. Develop basic building skills and challenge your brain with practical creativity.
    • Try doing something with your own hands to learn new skills and get tangible results.

Part 5 of 5: Monitor Your Health

  1. 1 Eat and exercise properly. Nutrition and exercise are very important for the health of the brain and the entire body. If you want your brain to be in optimal shape, then eat foods high in protein and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Drink plenty of water. Exercise is also beneficial for health, as it reduces the risk of stroke and increases oxygen saturation in the body.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. Exercise and start playing sports to develop hand-eye coordination. An excellent choice would be tai chi gymnastics and pinball.
  3. 3 Maintain healthy sleep patterns. Scientists have found that sleep is vital for brain health. During sleep, toxins are removed from the brain and a general recovery of the body occurs. Protect your brain - get the right amount of sleep every night.
  4. 4 Change the usual order. Take different routes to your destination to actively engage your brain in your daily activities. You can also change the working environment (for example, replace the office chair with a gymnastic ball).


  • As you warm up, try walking with your back forward to challenge your brain.
  • Do not forget about physical education, because a healthy brain can only be in a healthy body. Get physically active on a regular basis.
  • Try to do certain tasks regularly - memorize new words every day or try to solve the Rubik's cube for 15 minutes.
  • There are many programs for training and improving memory. Examples include the Brain Age puzzle games or Big Brain Academy for the Nintendo DS. They are specially formulated to improve memory, develop quick reflexes and the thought process.
  • Like other parts of the body, the brain needs rest.He never stops working, however, concentration on one thing or meditation helps to relax the mind and slow down the brain, so that in the future it continues to successfully perform its functions. It is also very helpful to listen to calm instrumental music with your eyes closed for 10-15 minutes a day.
  • Speech influences the way you think, so always consider what you say. Develop your speech and thinking.
  • Drink plenty of water.