How to dance without hesitation

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
डांस में शर्माना कैसे छोड़े? How to stop being shy when you dance? | Dance Knowledge | ONE CHANCE
Video: डांस में शर्माना कैसे छोड़े? How to stop being shy when you dance? | Dance Knowledge | ONE CHANCE


If you are very shy about dancing in public, you are really depriving yourself of a lot of positive emotions. It's not that hard to learn the basic movements and dance them on stage, even if it's a small bunch. Work out at home, work on improving your basic movements, and build self-confidence - this will help you dance calmly in public without embarrassing anyone.


Method 1 of 3: Dance with confidence

  1. 1 Smile and have fun. The best way to stop being shy about public speaking is to become more confident, even if confidence isn't your strong point. Straighten your back and lift your chin. This will give you a confident look. Smile all the time and enjoy your time on the dance floor. This will help you feel more confident when performing different dance moves.
    • Don't look at the floor or look back.Otherwise, you will look like you are shy and uncomfortable.
  2. 2 Don't drink too much. A couple of sips will help you relax and give you the confidence to dance well. But if you drink too much, chances are you will end up feeling embarrassed again. When a person is drunk, their honed skills begin to dull. The risk increases that you will start performing some new dance moves right on stage. In addition, when drunk, you do not control your body so well, so you can accidentally bump into other people or just fall right on the dance floor.
  3. 3 Don't worry about what others think. You may be nervous because you are worried about how others will appreciate your dancing ability. It is not necessary to always be prepared for the dance if you go somewhere to a bar or to an event. Just try to blend in with the crowd. Remember that most people worry more about how they themselves look when they dance. Even paying attention to you and your movements, they are more worried about their dance.
  4. 4 Avoid any awkward and too fast movements. If you are worried about being embarrassed about how you dance, you should stick to more basic moves. Do not try to repeat some incredible movement that you only saw once on a dance show. Entrust this to the professionals and include in your dance only those movements that will definitely look good. For example, avoid depicting elements of break, crump, or other styles that might draw undue attention.
    • Again, avoid jerky and gliding movements (such as moonwalking). Agree, you are unlikely to be able to slide as well as Michael Jackson.
  5. 5 Dance with a partner or as a team with friends. You will most likely feel much more comfortable around your friends. In this case, you will not have the feeling that the audience's gaze is directed only at you. In addition, when dancing with your partner, you focus on him and on the interaction with him, and not on how the audience will rate you.
    • If you dance as a team, respect other people's privacy. Do not spread your arms too wide or step on the feet of other dancers.

Method 2 of 3: Learn Basic Dance Movements

  1. 1 Understand the tempo and rhythm of the music. You need to move to the music, so it is very important to determine its rhythm. The tempo can be fast or slow (depending on the music track). Listen to the track and try clapping or stomping to the beat of the music. If this is your first time trying to determine the rhythm of a track, it is best to choose music with a well-defined musical rhythm. This will make it easier for you to hear it.
    • For example, try dancing to Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love" or The Bee Gee's "Night Fever".
  2. 2 Try to incorporate hand movements. Once you figure out the rhythm of the music, you can start moving to it. If you are just learning to dance, it is best to practice the different movements separately. Start by simply placing your legs straight and moving your arms to the rhythm. For a start, you can try moving your arms from side to side or from top to bottom.
    • Hands are in contact with the shoulders and shoulder girdle, so be sure to include your shoulders and chest in the dance.
    • Try experimenting with gentle, wave-like hand movements.
  3. 3 Learn basic leg movements. Having learned to move your hands to the rhythm, connect your legs to the dance. You can start with the simplest: lift one leg, then the other (movements are roughly similar to marching in place). If you're comfortable enough, you can try bending your knees a little and bouncing a little to the beat of the music. Try bouncing slightly and adding steps to the side.
    • Try to include your hips and your entire lower body in the dance.
  4. 4 Take dance lessons. Search online for a dance school near your area and see which lessons you would like to attend. Choose a dance style that you would like to learn. For example, you can try hip-hop, jazz, contemporary, ballet dancing.
    • Alternatively, if you are looking for something more casual, you can sign up for dance lessons at a community center.
    • You can watch video dance lessons on the Internet or on DVD.

Method 3 of 3: Practice your dance moves

  1. 1 Try dancing for yourself. To get rid of complexes on this topic, try dancing for yourself in a secluded atmosphere, where there is no one to judge you. Doing this will help you fully get used to the dance moves and build confidence in those moves. Be sure to practice dancing to the music!
    • Lock yourself in your room, free up some space for yourself so that you can dance freely without bumping into anything.
    • If you are worried that someone will walk into the room while you exercise, select a time for training when you are alone at home.
  2. 2 Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. You don't want to restrict your dance moves with a tight skirt or pants. Plus, you're more likely to sweat, so don't wear too warm or tight clothing. Instead, opt for comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that doesn't limit your options.
  3. 3 Exercise in front of a mirror. Exercising in front of a mirror will allow you to see yourself from the side while dancing. You may be embarrassed to dance now, but after seeing yourself reflected, you will realize that you are not dancing as badly as you thought! In addition, perhaps, observing yourself in the reflection, you will see that some of the movements do not look very nice, and you will understand what else needs to be worked on.
    • Watching yourself in the mirror can help you determine which movements are worth changing and which ones just need to be worked on - this will give you confidence on the dance floor.
    • It is best to dance in front of a large floor-length mirror in which you will be reflected from head to toe.
    • Try to practice in front of the mirror as many different movements as possible so that you have an idea of ​​which ones look beautiful and which ones don't.
  4. 4 Experiment with new moves. Once you have learned a few basic dance moves and become familiar with the movement to the rhythm of the music, you can simply turn on the music and experiment with different movements. Have fun and be yourself!


  • There is no right or wrong way to dance. This is a form of expression, so don't be too hard on yourself, just relax and have fun.