How to dance at rave parties

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


It is possible that you will one day find yourself at some rave party that is known for their fast and rhythmic compositions, eccentric dance styles, and crazy, colorful clothes. Honestly, how you dance a rave will depend only on your personality, but in this article we will give you a couple of tips that you should read.


  1. 1 Learn a few break dance moves.
    • Many of the dance moves that are popular with ravers are borrowed from break dance. So learn a few basic dance moves in this style to dance at a rave party like you’re a longtime regular. But since rave parties are usually crowded, don't learn movements that require you to spin on the floor or do handstands.
  2. 2 Relax.
    • The most important thing when you dance rave is to keep your body relaxed. In raves, people often wave their arms overhead and use their entire body, so you need to be able to do the same. Stop worrying, be calm and relaxed like the rest of the people around you.
  3. 3 Dance with your whole body.
    • Unlike other dance styles, which require your upper body to move as little as possible, rave requires your entire body to be involved. Immerse yourself in the dance and don't be afraid to move your whole body to the beat of the music.
  4. 4 Let the music rule you.
    • Some rave songs are fast and some are quite slow. Therefore, follow the rhythm of the music and let them rule your body.
  5. 5 Follow other dancers.
    • Often dancers imitate each other, which creates a sense of unity with each other. So watch other people dancing around you. If you see that most make a certain movement with their hands, then you try to do the same. At the very least, you will look from the outside as if you know what you are doing.
  6. 6 What to wear.
    • Rave parties are usually packed with people dancing to some very energetic music, so dress appropriately. Wear comfortable shoes, no long socks to prevent people from stepping on your feet, and comfortable clothes that look great while allowing you to move freely around the dance floor.
  7. 7 Respect other dancers.
    • As we said, rave parties are usually crowded, so respect them so they respect you. You will inevitably run into other dancers, but still try to dance in a way that does not disturb the people around you.