How to build a relationship with a married man

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


In life, not everything is as simple as black and white. People often go astray. Sometimes we are not even to blame for what is happening to us. We all need love, whether we are married or not. It's hard to judge people without being in their shoes. If you suddenly catch yourself thinking that you have fallen in love with a married man, be careful, as you will be the first to be hurt by this relationship (especially if the man has children). A real man will first of all think about his children, and he is unlikely to leave them for you.


  1. 1 Do not even tune in to the fact that for your sake a man will leave the family (especially if he has children in his marriage).
  2. 2 Don't dedicate your life to a married man. Even if you decide that you want to be with him, do not exclude the possibility of meeting and having an affair with another man. Share your thoughts with your man.
  3. 3 Accept that you will never come first.
  4. 4 Be his friend. Convince him to return to his family, and free yourself to finally meet your destiny.
  5. 5 Do not ask too much of him, it is already hard for him to be torn between work, family and you.
  6. 6 Fall in love with yourself and think again why you are together. Are you avoiding commitment? Are you afraid to be alone? Or maybe you have very low self-esteem?
  7. 7 Find someone with whom you can discuss this. This should be a person who will not judge you, and who will be able to give good advice.


  • Love yourself.
  • Be yourself, grow as a person.
  • Be honest with yourself and with your man. Think about the reasons why you are together. Nothing in our life happens by chance, the main thing is to be able to draw the necessary lesson from each situation.
  • For him, his children will always come first.If he wants to break up with you for the sake of the children, let him go.
  • People often judge other people, so be prepared for contemptuous looks.
  • Keep in mind that you can inflict great pain on his wife and his children with your romance.
  • He is not the only man in the world. Remember this.
  • Try to avoid romance with married men, if you are exposed - the pleasant will not be enough for you and him.


  • As a result of this relationship, someone is bound to suffer. Get ready for this.
  • For every person, children should come first. If your man does not put children first, is he worthy of respect?
  • Be careful: it may happen that a man just wants to take advantage of you.
  • The likelihood of a "happy ending" for you will always be against you.
  • If he stopped loving his wife, then where is the guarantee that one day he will not stop loving you?