How to become a confident woman

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Confident Women | 10 Things They Do and Don’t Do - Take the Assessment!
Video: Confident Women | 10 Things They Do and Don’t Do - Take the Assessment!


Self-confidence greatly affects how we enjoy life. Confident people are subconsciously happy and have a positive effect on the people around them. Have you ever noticed how everyone, without exception, pays attention to a girl who enters a room? People themselves are attracted to her, and she easily starts a conversation with everyone. She is confident! And when a confident person enters the room, everyone notices it. He stands out and exudes self-confidence and happiness. It will not be difficult for such a person to meet and start a conversation with anyone. He is confident and proud. Follow these steps and you will become a woman with "absolute confidence":


  1. 1 Give yourself positive affirmations. Make some positive sentences and repeat them over and over. This is a very powerful way to program the subconscious mind and act.
  2. 2 Use positive words to describe what you would like to happen and speak them with feeling and confidence.
  3. 3 Memorize people's names. When you first meet a person, ask them to repeat the name so that you can associate the name with the person. Say his name as often as possible and repeat it to yourself five times. If the name is unusual, ask to spell it and ask about the origin of the name.
  4. 4 Take risks and take action! Get out of your comfort zone! If you want to take an important step in life, you must change those limiting beliefs that prevented you from getting what you wanted in the past.
  5. 5 Try something new! Master a new skill or new hobby. Don't worry if you don't succeed or don't like it. Failure is an opportunity to learn something. If something doesn't work, find out why, make a few changes, and try again.
  6. 6 Ask yourself, “So what?"When you feel like something is holding you back, or someone says something that affects your self-confidence, ask yourself" So what? " For example:
    • "I want to stand up for myself and say something, but they won't agree with me." So what?
    • "I want to go to this event, but I'm afraid I hardly know anyone there." So what?
    • "I can forget what to say next at the presentation." So what?
  7. 7 Understand what you are actually telling yourself: "Who cares? And why should I worry? " Many people place too much emphasis on the thoughts and opinions of others. In general, no one wants to see you fail at something. When you watch someone's presentation, you don't expect them to make a mistake, do you? People also want to see you do well.
  8. 8 Enter every room with confidence. The first impression is always important. Pay attention to your body language before entering. After all, gestures can say a lot! Take a few deep breaths, straighten up, look up. Always smile and think that everything will turn out well for you and that you will meet wonderful people. Check your self-confidence before entering.
  9. 9 Avoid limiting beliefs, fear, and bad habits. They prevent us from achieving success and living the life we ​​dreamed of. Overconfidence changes everything! Your relationships and interactions with others, your ability to get what you want out of life, a more successful work environment.