How to Become a Successful Car Salesman

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do I Become A Successful Car Salesman? | Andy Elliott
Video: How Do I Become A Successful Car Salesman? | Andy Elliott


The profession of a car salesman is not as simple as it seems at first glance - in fact, it is a whole art and science. Personal qualities, appearance, sincerity and the ability to persuade all play an important role when working in a car dealership. Many people come to the dealership with a negative attitude towards sellers in advance, and therefore your task is to change their mind. Show the client that you are an expert in your business and that you want them to get the best deal possible. To do this, it is important to know a few key tips on how to interact with customers and how, at the end of the conversation, to make each of them happy and want to buy a car from you.


Part 1 of 4: Greet the customer in a way that makes them feel welcome

  1. 1 Greet the customer with enthusiasm. When he enters the dealership, confidently walk towards him radiating warmth and goodwill. The first impression is very important and the person should feel your sincerity. Don't greet the client with a forced smile or an arrogant look - instead, demonstrate your willingness to help.
    • Direct approach. Walk up to the client, greet him with a firm handshake and smile with a smile and ask which car he is interested in.
    • A laissez-faire approach. Walk up to the prospect, shake his hand firmly, and say hello quickly. Then hand him your business card and say: “Hello, my name is Igor, here are my contact details. My desk is over there. You can look around, and when you find the option you like, or if you have any questions, come to me and I will help you. If another consultant approaches you, let him know that I am already helping you. " (The problem with this approach is that the customer will likely not feel any connection with you and may walk up to someone else or leave the dealership without receiving any information.)
  2. 2 Start small talk. Yes, this sometimes annoys some customers who just want to take a quick look around, but by striking up a conversation with the person, you can establish a good relationship with him, and it will be easier for him to trust you as a seller.
    • One of the most powerful ways to build trust with a customer is to show them that you don't just want to sell them a car, but that you are striving to connect with them.
    • Ask questions about family, work, interests, and more. Find something in common with this person and build trust from it.
    • People love to talk about themselves, and when they see themselves being listened to, they feel respect for their personality. Be nice enough to have clients recommend you to their friends and family.
  3. 3 Show positive body language. When communicating with a client, make eye contact so that he knows that you are really interested in his words. Also, use friendly and welcoming body language to make the client feel more comfortable.
    • Be sincere. It's not enough to just put a happy smile on your face to make a sale. Really care about your customers' needs and empathize with them. Most likely, the person will understand that you do not like interacting with customers or that with your tricks you are only trying to speed up the process in order to start showing them cars. Be patient and do not impose anything on the client.
  4. 4 Ask the right questions. After greeting the client, give him the opportunity to tell what he is looking for, or just look around if he is not yet sure of the choice.
    • If you do not want the client to leave you quickly, refrain from general questions or questions that can only be answered "yes" or "no". To the question: "Can I help you?" - or: "How can I help you?" ...
    • Try asking more specific questions, such as "Are you looking for a sedan or SUV?" Or "What type of car are you interested in?" The client may still not be interested in your help, but this way you will have a much better chance of holding his attention, and the fact that you follow him throughout the showroom will no longer be awkward. It will also allow the person to tell what they are looking for, and you can match their needs with one of the options presented.

    Maureen taylor

    Communication Coach Maureen Taylor is the CEO and founder of SNP Communications, a corporate communications company in the San Francisco Bay Area. For over 25 years, she has helped leaders, business founders and innovators across all industries improve communication and get feedback.

    Maureen taylor
    Communication coach

    Let the client speak more than you... Maureen Taylor, Founder and CEO of SNP Communications, says: “Prepare a series of questions for the customer, not you, to speak. Use questions to develop a relationship with the person and find out what their priorities are. Along with this, let him know that you respect his time. "

Part 2 of 4: Work with the client

  1. 1 Find out the details. Once you understand what kind of vehicle a customer is looking for, narrow down the search by asking specific questions about their budget, the size they need, and any special options they might need.
    • Chances are, part of your job is to sell additional options to the customer, such as navigation, heated and cooled seats, blind spot monitoring, extended warranty, and more. It will be much easier for you to do this if you know his needs and wishes.
  2. 2 Tell us about the trade-in system. Ask the client if he has a car that he would like to sell. It's best to do this before you start showing him new options, because this way you can figure out the motive for the purchase, as well as understand what he lacks in the old car. In addition, the customer will be able to relax while inspecting new models, because he will know that he does not have to worry about selling an old car.
    • Make it clear that the sales manager will be evaluating the vehicle. Explain to the client that the manager's job is to offer the best deal.
    • After inspecting the vehicle, note any damage and ask any questions that arise, then take the vehicle valuation form to the sales manager's office. It will only take them a few minutes to provide an initial offer, however inform the client that it will take about 10 minutes and use this time to inspect new models.
  3. 3 Discuss the client's budget and determine the price range. When you start showing new cars, ask the customer how much they are going to spend. You need to offer him the best deal, but make sure that you, too, can get the most out of the sale.
    • If a person takes a car on a loan, ask how much he expects to pay off each month, and see if you can reduce the monthly payment while increasing the loan period.
    • Not all customers buy a car on credit. Perhaps the client will be interested in the final price of the car. In this case, if you cannot reduce the final price, offer additional bonuses to make the price seem fair to the person. At the same time, bonuses should not cause a large loss to the company.For example, you can offer a discount on insurance at your car dealership or on a set of winter tires.
  4. 4 Offer the customer a test drive with a new car. A test drive is critical to a sale because the customer needs to feel comfortable in the vehicle they are buying.
    • Once in the passenger seat, ask the customer if they like certain aspects of the vehicle and if this option is different from their previous vehicle. Ask if there is anything that doesn’t suit him (in functionality or feel), and then use these notes to find a more suitable option.
    • If the customer seems to be happy with the car, ask, "Does this car suit you?" - and if the answer is yes, proceed to concluding the deal! If the customer is still unsure, try suggesting other options that might work for them.

Part 3 of 4: Close the Deal

  1. 1 Discuss the price with your sales manager. After the customer selects the vehicle and you agree on the price, bring the sales manager an even lower price offer.
    • For example, if a client says that he can pay 15 thousand rubles a month, tell the manager the amount of 10 thousand rubles a month. This will create more confidence, complete the sale, and have a satisfied customer who may refer you to friends or give you a good review.
  2. 2 Don't let the client lie to you. Clients often lie harmlessly when talking about their solvency or the fact that another dealership offers them a higher price for an old car through the trade-in system. Fight back these objections with understanding but with determination. Explain to the customer that the appraisal of their vehicle is accurate and beneficial.
    • There are many online calculators on the Internet where you can estimate the approximate cost of a car, both in general and according to the trade-in system. And many people, having calculated the price on such a calculator, are surprised when they hear a different amount in a car dealership. Explain that the dealership does not seek to cash in on the customer and that Russia does not yet have a generally recognized and reliable service that you can safely turn to for reliable information. Many of these services work solely to drive traffic to the site, besides, they use inaccurate information and violate advertising laws. You can also offer the client to conduct an independent examination on their own, but warn him that this is a long and expensive process.
  3. 3 Close the sale. Now that you have discussed the prices and received a specific amount from the manager, it is time to close the deal. Sign the documents, agree on a pick-up date and always keep in touch with the customer to prevent any problems from arising.

Part 4 of 4: Stand out from other salespeople

  1. 1 Walk around the room every morning. In order to compete with other sellers and show customers that you are really interested in the cars you sell, you must know what is on display in the showroom. Research what cars are in stock, what special offers your dealership has, what options are right for people with bad credit, and anything else that can be helpful when communicating with customers.
  2. 2 Check out competitors' offers. Examine the cars that other dealerships sell and find out why it would be more profitable for a customer to buy a car in your showroom. Explore every model and option that both your company and your competitors are offering.
    • It will take a long time, but it will be worth it because you will know exactly why your product is better, and you will not have to invent something and potentially lie to the customer.
  3. 3 Connect with potential customers. After meeting the client, enter all the information you have learned about him into the CRM system (customer information management system).Thanks to this, you will know at what time and in what way it is best to contact a specific person.
    • Keep getting in touch until the client answers or asks you to stop texting or calling. Perhaps someone will be pissed off by your persistence, but look at it from the other side: these people were unlikely to buy a car from you anyway, so you still have nothing to lose.
  4. 4 Make friends with sales managers. These people will be able to assist you in closing a deal, as well as provide you with better deals out of friendship. If you are nice to the manager and he trusts you, he may offer you to complete the transaction received from online applications or from friends.
    • Customers not only personally visit car dealerships, but also leave applications by phone or on the Internet. Then the manager distributes these applications among the sellers, so it is in your interests to be closely friends with him in order to get profitable options.
    • Sales managers play a large role in the success of a dealership. If you don’t build a good relationship with them, or they decide they don’t like you, they will not redirect applications to you, leaving you empty-handed, or they will provide such little help that you will eventually quit.


  • If sales are slow, call your customers. Use the database, find out who bought cars from you three years ago, and call these people to let them know about new deals that can be made at your branch.
  • Greet all customers and be friendly and smile. To increase your sales, it is very important to have a good reputation.
  • It is very important to keep a diary. This way you will not forget that you promised to contact the person on a certain day and at a certain time.
  • Never let a customer leave the sales area without trying to interest them in other vehicles.
  • Give urgency to the situation. This is a great way to complete a sale. If a customer believes that they will miss out on a good deal by not making a deal, they are more likely to buy a car on the spot or in the near future.


  • Don't look desperate at all. This will show that you yourself do not believe that your product can sell itself, and your customers will understand this.
  • Never insult other sellers or competitors. This is unprofessional and clients won't appreciate it. Always try to draw the customer's attention to the advantages of your vehicles, not to the disadvantages of your competitors.
  • Don't lie to customers. Always provide truthful information about deals and vehicles for sale.