How to become smarter than you are now

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Exercises That’ll Make You Smarter In a Week
Video: 10 Exercises That’ll Make You Smarter In a Week


It takes daily work to get smarter, but it doesn't have to be tedious or boring. Learning new things can be exciting and fun. Whether you enjoy studying online, reading books, playing sports, or challenging your brain with puzzles and games, there are many ways to get smarter, and you don't have to choose just one!


Method 1 of 4: Getting Smarter with the Internet

  1. 1 Use your time on the Internet to learn new things. The Internet is a great tool that can be used for more than just posting on social media and watching cat videos. Whenever you take a break from the Internet, instead of checking notifications, read an article about an unfamiliar subject or a story about a topic you haven't heard of before.
    • Websites like Wikipedia and Google allow you to randomly select other sites or articles.
  2. 2 Take free online courses to expand your horizons. There are many free online courses that can help you learn more about a specific topic. Websites such as Stepik and Coursera offer many free courses with curriculum, materials, and even videos from existing teachers. Go online to find options on a topic that interests you or to explore a completely new one.
    • Some online courses even issue certificates of study, which are equivalent to earning a degree from an accredited university.

    Advice: you can get a certificate of completion and take tests to show that you have completed the course and learned the material.

  3. 3 Watch TED talks online to learn about different topics from experts. TED (short for technology, entertainment and design) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and ideas. She holds conferences where experts on established topics give a presentation to an audience. These performances are recorded and can be watched for free at any time. Go to (most of the videos here are in English, but there are also videos with Russian subtitles) and (if you want to watch speeches in Russian) and watch the lecture on the one you are interested in or even a completely unfamiliar topic.
    • Each TED talk is about 10-15 minutes long.
    • In addition, there are lectures on poetry, literature, history and science.
  4. 4 Download the Word of the Day app. Start your day by learning a new word or learn more about a familiar word, including its etymology, synonyms, and other interesting facts. Switch to the app daily to expand your vocabulary. If you would like to improve your English language skills, you can subscribe to the daily email newsletter from Merriam-Webster or and receive a new word every morning.
    • More examples of applications: "Business word of the day", "Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" or "Literary".
    • There are other applications-dictionaries of Russian or foreign languages ​​in the style of "Word of the Day", which can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet.

Method 2 of 4: Play Games and Solve Puzzles

  1. 1 Solve crosswords to train and improve your memory. Crosswords develop verbal skills and build vocabulary. Plus, it's a really fun process, and completing one crossword puzzle will help reduce stress and lift your mood. Daily newspapers usually have a crossword section where you can try your hand. Or you can find free options online.
    • Download the application with crosswords on your smartphone to solve them on the road or whenever you want.
    • Another great option is the Scrabble game. You will have the opportunity to play with another person to test your vocabulary and bring in a little competitive spirit. Download the Scrabble app on your smartphone to play against friends or strangers at any time.
  2. 2 Download the brain training app. Popular apps include Lumosity, Peak, and IQ Pro, which have many games and challenges to improve memory, problem-solving skills and cognitive function. As with the body, the brain needs to be trained and kept active in order to keep it in good shape.
    • Brain training apps also help increase the brain's processing speed and prevent the formation of brain masses associated with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
    • Some brain training apps are free, while others charge a download or require a monthly subscription.
  3. 3 Collect Rubik's cube to increase concentration and cognitive ability of the brain. Rubik's Cube is a classic puzzle game that requires intense concentration to solve. The benefits of playing with the Rubik's Cube include improved hand-eye coordination, increased short-term memory, and elation (if you can manage it). Rubik's cube can be purchased in large retail stores, for example, Fix Price and Auchan for 100–350 rubles.
    • Rubik's Cube can also be ordered online at retail stores or on Aliexpress.

    Advice: To make it harder for yourself, try different versions of the Rubik's Cube, such as the one with more squares or other shapes such as triangular and hexagonal.

  4. 4 Challenge your strategic and critical thinking by playing chess. Chess was invented in the sixth century and continues to be a popular game that uses strategic thinking, memory and spatial skills. Playing chess stimulates the growth of dendrites - branched outgrowths of neurons in the brain that transmit information between cells, which increases the speed of their interaction, allowing a person to think faster and clearer.
    • A basic set of chess can be purchased in large chain stores, for example, Auchan, Lenta and Fix Price, for about 150-300 rubles.
    • You can also play chess on the Internet or in an app on your smartphone.

Method 3 of 4: Exercise to Improve Brain Function

  1. 1 Set the mode doing sportsto develop and form new neurons. Exercise raises levels of the brain's neurotrophic factor, which is a protein that stimulates the growth of new neurons (special cells in the brain that transmit nerve impulses).Regular exercise improves blood circulation and brain function, as well as increases oxygen levels in the brain.
    • The more neurons you have (and the healthier they are), the faster you can think and the better your memory will be.
    • Develop a regular exercise program to make it a habit. For example, you might set a goal to exercise on certain days of the week, or set aside a certain amount of time after work or school.
  2. 2 Engage aerobicsso that the body makes more of a protein called irisin. It is believed that irisin activates genes that are involved in memory training in the brain. Aerobic exercise targets large muscle groups located in the back, legs, and arms, which increases the heart rate and breathing rate, and the body produces more of the protein irisin, which is associated with the development of new neurons.
    • Consider going to a gym that has aerobics classes.
    • You can also purchase DVDs or follow online aerobic workouts at home.

    A warning: Do not overload yourself with sports, as this leads to a deterioration in cognitive function of the brain, inability to concentrate and memory loss. If you are new to sports, start slowly and gradually build up your pace for more challenging workouts.

  3. 3 Challenge your brain by changing your workouts. It can be easy to get bogged down in a routine of exercise, which can cause boredom or discouragement if you feel like there is no improvement or progress. When we try new types of exercise, we sharpen our focus and stimulate our cognitive abilities as we use different parts of the brain to cope with a new physical challenge or skill.
    • If you regularly attend certain classes at the gym, try signing up for others.
    • If you do weights a lot, shift your focus to sprint races.
  4. 4 Try to practice yogato improve your problem solving skills. Regular yoga practice will increase your ability to use logic, identify patterns, and solve new problems. The meditation involved in yoga slows down the brain, allowing it to reorganize and rest. When we give our brain the opportunity to rest during a period of activity, it perceives new information and approaches problems from a different perspective.
    • Sign up for a yoga class to work with a specialist.
    • Yoga also engages the muscles, which improves blood circulation and cognitive function.
    • Headspace is a popular guided meditation app (in English). In Russian you can try the application "Meditopia: Sleep and Meditation".

    Advice: no need to meditate for hours. Research shows that 20 minutes a day is enough to benefit from meditation.

Method 4 of 4: Read to Get Smarter

  1. 1 Read a small amount of time each day to improve cognitive performance. Mental stimulation from reading develops thinking and memory skills. Reading increases the flexibility of the brain (an important part of memorization) by stimulating the entire brain and keeping each of its areas active.
    • You don't have to read an entire book in a day. Just 15-20 minutes of continuous reading will give your brain the benefits it needs to get smarter.
    • Listening to audiobooks can be a convenient option.
  2. 2 Read more fiction to develop emotionally. Reading fiction will help you better understand other people and see the world from their perspective, because novels and stories encourage us to understand the motives and views of multiple characters. The ability to understand other people requires a high degree of emotional intelligence, and fiction is an easy way to improve it.
    • Fiction also improves cognitive flexibility by mentally placing us in different situations and circumstances, allowing us to imagine how we would react.
  3. 3 Read the news every day to know what's going on in the world. As you read the news, you will always be in the know, and a constant dose of national, local and international news will make you smarter and more educated, as well as sharpen your mind. Whether it's a regular newspaper or a news app on your smartphone / tablet, strive to read at least the latest events of the day.
    • Don't neglect local news. Being aware of what's going on in your community is just as important as being aware of what's new in the world as a whole.
    • Chatting on radio is a convenient way to keep up with the news of the day.

    Advice: subscribe to the Meduza newsletter to quickly receive information on important events.


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