How to become a troll

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Troll Tutorial: How to become smart/Trollge Incident: “The Infinite Hivemind”
Video: Troll Tutorial: How to become smart/Trollge Incident: “The Infinite Hivemind”


Each of us, probably, at least once felt a sense of satisfaction at the moment when your prank was successful and you ran into someone's irritated reaction. At that moment, when the person who was being tricked on realized that he was the victim of someone's cunning plan. Trolling can take absolutely any form, so it is very important to prepare for each of them individually. They say that there are several elements inherent in all types of trolling, regardless of who uses them. On the Internet or online games, trolling is often used to denote actions aimed at pranking or making fun of. If you want to become a troll, this article is for you!


Method 1 of 5: Part One: On the Value of Trolling, or Shock Therapy for the Ignorant

  1. 1 Find a good audience. The most common method of trolling, let's call it NAMBLA, is that you have to get the audience to believe that you really think in a certain way, when in fact, you do not think so at all. To do this, you need to find a place where people exchange their opinions. Of course, you can shout in the middle of the grocery store that you are sure that Obama is an alien agent who steals electricity and secret technology, but, unfortunately, you will not attract attention to yourself in this way. Well, maybe the police.
    • The most common targets for trolling are political or religious forums. Or anything else related to politics or religion. As a rule, both there and there fanatics gather who simply cannot remain silent when the conversation touches on these topics. They are the easiest targets for sharpening teeth.
    • Don't troll in Youtube comments. There, and so a crowd of trolls dwells. This is not a place where you can stand out in any way, so don't waste your wits on it.
  2. 2 Don't make trolling too obvious. You don't need a lot of brains to go to a religious forum and write "God is a fagot". You don't need to be seven inches in the forehead to say that you are a troll. A good troll will take the time to prepare for a good prank. Make them believe that you are okay with what they say. And then blow their brains out.
    • For example, spend some time in this community leaving normal notes and comments before declaring a crisis of faith and saying that God would like people to have sex with members of the same gender. People will not expect this turn of events.
  3. 3 Pretend to be embarrassed. You can ask for clarification of some key points, and at the same time insist on the correctness and reasonableness of your crazy opinion. You can talk for hours about how great your opinion is and express surprise that no one agrees with him. And if someone doubts your position and calls you a troll, show that you are confused that they think so.

Method 2 of 5: Part Two: Hunting Newbies and Trolling as Advice

  1. 1 Find newbies. It will be trolling in its purest form, since it all came from the phrase "trolling for noobs". This means showing newbies their ignorance. Go to the forum and look at the comments of people who ask for help with basic things that they should google first.
  2. 2 Answer in the worst possible way. Write a response that contains helpful, but overly general guidelines that won't work on their own. Give it a link to something ghoulish and scary, and write, “If you still can't figure it out, follow the link for more details. Give the impression that this is normal. People in the know will recognize the link and know that you are joking.
  3. 3 Grow a wonderful garden out of human depravity. In order to contribute to this good cause, you will need to collect a collection of the most disgusting content on the Internet. You can elicit a reaction from people “My eyes wouldn’t see it” or something more “cute” like “This dirt will never be washed off”.
  4. 4 If you cannot handle such a simple task, this type of trolling is not for you. In fact, trolling in general is probably not yours.
    • A striking example of disgusting pictures is the image of the penis in obscene places.

Method 3 of 5: Part Three: Decoy and Breaker

  1. 1 The bait and switch method is widely used for people who admire something too much. For example, a movie that is about to be released on the screen, a video game in development. Whenever Benedict Cumberbatch gets down to business (if you troll on Tumblr), there is a great opportunity to play on human admiration. Wait for some resonant event, when people literally start to go crazy with something and let the inner troll go hunting.
    • What people expect, something that doesn't exist yet, is another great reason for a troll to attack.
  2. 2 Make people admire. Are they waiting for the first screenshots of the new Sailor Moon anime series? You received exclusive footage from your cartoon friend from Japan! Can't they wait for a new Star Trek movie? Filming has begun in your city and you accidentally captured a few moments on your mobile camera! Make people believe that you really have what they are looking for.
    • Give people an impression by leaving a review or general opinion on what you're supposedly going to post. For example: “The new Bond film is rich in special effects, but otherwise does not catch on. What just happened to the taste of the screenwriter? "
  3. 3 Touchet! Instead of linking to the thing people are interested in, post a link to Rick Astley's video “Never Gonna Give You Up” on Youtube, because it causes universal outrage. Naturally, by providing a link to something like this, you will reveal the cards and people will understand that they have been tricked. It's so cute.
    • This type of trolling is widespread among friends, and is a milder form of trolling as it often causes justly social resentment.

Method 4 of 5: Part Four: Remember Memes

  1. 1 Explore your demotivators (memes). "Trollface", "Call accepted" and others. Study your memes and when it is appropriate to apply them. They all have a specific meaning or subtext. You use one of them out of place, and they will write back to you: “WTF? And what did you mean by that? " But if you apply it appropriately, then everyone will laugh.
  2. 2 Think about using memes. Don't use them too often. Don't reply with a meme every time. You cannot show the trollface all the time. This will not add charisma and originality to you, will not make you a worthy member of the community.
  3. 3 Your memes must be relevant. They become outdated quickly. This is all because of the damn Internet, which is going by leaps and bounds. After a while, it becomes neither original nor funny. Quoting Seinfield or Friends all the time will not look funny at all. Of course, it was once funny. In the 90s.
  4. 4 Dilute pranks with original humor. The great thing about memes is that in places they can help relieve tension or make someone laugh. But, in fact, try to bring some of your original humor into the situation. And who knows, you might be the new Leeroy Jenkins.

Method 5 of 5: Part Five: Covering Your Tracks

  1. 1 Don't get caught. There are good and bad trolls. Do you want to be a good troll? You should not call on yourself a lot of "flame" and insults, otherwise you risk being banned. If you want to stay part of the community, be fun, smart trolls that people will love to watch.
    • If you position your trolling as a kind of game (not only for you, but also for others), or as a kind of edification, your jokes will be better perceived in society. You will not be considered a jerk, but more like a jester.
  2. 2 Get lots of email accounts. You will need to register many accounts in games or on sites where you plan to troll people. As a rule, sites do not allow you to register a new account with an email that has already been linked to another account, so you need an email address for each account.
  3. 3 Avoid links between accounts. Do not use similar logins, passwords, email addresses. It is very important to make sure that there is not the slightest hint that your accounts are somehow connected. This will prevent all accounts from being banned if you get caught on one of them.
  4. 4 Use a VPN. Let's think realistically, you operate over the internet, right? You will most likely be using a VPN anyway, rascal. VPN is a virtual private network that allows you to route your traffic through third parties or fourth parties, allowing you to be where you are actually not. How can this help you in trolling? Most VPNs allow you to change the IP address at will. This means that you can be banned by one IP, but other sites cannot track you.


  • Trolling spots are not limited to those outlined in this guide. Be resourceful and smart when trolling. Always consider the possible consequences of your actions. And most importantly, have fun! If trolling doesn't seem fun to you, you shouldn't do it. And if someone asks you why you are doing this, answer: "Why, you can't troll anyone, dude!"


  • On forums and online games, you can get banned for trolling if it is too harsh or aimed at the actions of average users. Therefore, you should not troll with your personal account in places that you often use for entertainment, information retrieval and other usefulness.
  • The administration of game servers or forums can give you a temporary or permanent ban, so study the rules of the game or forum and be prepared for the possible consequences of your trolling before taking active steps.
  • Don't troll your friends too hard. One day you may need their help or participation, and if they get tired of your eternal jokes, you will bite your elbows in the city alone.Be careful with trolling people you depend on, because if you cross the line of their patience, the consequences can be dire for you and all everyday problems will also have to be solved on your own.
  • It is possible that people will be angry with you because you troll them. Sometimes trolling can lead to violence towards other people. When trolling becomes violent, the "troll" is considered, to put it mildly, a complete scum, and his actions are called a euphemism for extremely rude behavior. You must be responsible for your actions and understand what is acceptable and what is not when trolling someone.